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Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy and breezy here. May be showers later.


I do remember there was a star system on the old Channel 4 system. I didn't post enough there to get anything other than a basic symbol. I think there were different types of gold stars and might have been some platimun ones.


I think there may be a bit of sport on television today


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

Quite humid here, very breezy and we had rain around 7-30 this morning 


El, I remember those stars too. Gold is my memory of the colour 


squiggle, my sister been saying that about schedules ever since the footie started 


Yogi, I hope the rain does stop but having just seen the weather forecast  for Yogiland I fear you may need full wet weather gear when you take Kiera for walkies 


Sweet, I hope you and Bramble enjoy a well deserved rest day doing the thinks that make you and she happy 


The sun has just burst out, briefly  


Have a super Sunday everyone 

Last edited by Moonie

Good morning everyone we've had the sweetest lay in, I love it when bramble is cuddly and restful  

moonie, oh how well you know us we are indeed going walking and most likely will get rained on, but so what  

Yogi I hope you get the chores done swiftly and can relax after. Any visitors today?


the star system on C4 did change as we posted more, I remember posting in the games forum to boost my count because I wanted the big sparkly star hehe!!!!! 


I I hope you all have a lovely day, and enjoy the sport where concerned  


~Sparkling Summer~

Squiggle, I do sypathise for those millions of television viewers who feel left out when sport events take over and although today is the last big sporting day for the time being the BBC will all but close down during the Olympics (Friday August 5 to Sunday 21).


Yogi, and besides Hamilton and Murray there's also Heather Watson in the mixed doubles final after Murray's match.


Moonie, I can't remember what the symbol was on the Channel 4 forums for those with a low level of activity but I would have been in that category.


Summer, I can't remember if it was in the games forum but I did have a thread on the forum where I posted various hard logic puzzles. There were a few other members who were regular on that thread. I also posted quite a lot on the film section but very little elsewhere.

El Loro

I wish that the BBC would remember that I, like many thousands of others, are also forced to pay our licence fee, and our wishes are hardly ever taken into account.  A pretty poor show in my opinion.  Thanks for the advance warning, I don't keep up with sports schedules and now I know to go looking for another box set to fill in the gap. I wonder what are my chances of getting a rebate on my TV tax

Last edited by squiggle
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good morning everyone we've had the sweetest lay in, I love it when bramble is cuddly and restful  

moonie, oh how well you know us we are indeed going walking and most likely will get rained on, but so what  

Yogi I hope you get the chores done swiftly and can relax after. Any visitors today?


the star system on C4 did change as we posted more, I remember posting in the games forum to boost my count because I wanted the big sparkly star hehe!!!!! 


I I hope you all have a lovely day, and enjoy the sport where concerned  


Pleased Bramble let you have a lay in Sweet 

I hope your walk was a dry one 


Squiggle, in terms of the BBC coverage of the Olympics they say that BBC1 and BBC4 will show 550 hours of television though over 3000 hours with that and their online video streams. They don't mention BBC2 so that presumably will become their main channel for non-Olympics.


I think you know what your chances are of getting a licence rebate - the same as for when it was the London Olympics.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Squiggle, in terms of the BBC coverage of the Olympics they say that BBC1 and BBC4 will show 550 hours of television though over 3000 hours with that and their online video streams. They don't mention BBC2 so that presumably will become their main channel for non-Olympics.


I think you know what your chances are of getting a licence rebate - the same as for when it was the London Olympics.

*books a holibob for the Olympics*  

velvet donkey posted:
Moonie posted:

Right Velvet and El, I see Hammy and Mr M have won. Well done to them 

But pray tell, who is the third part of the British treble?

Heather Watson and Henri Kontinen have just won the mixed doubles      

Ahh right, thanks Velvet 


velvet donkey posted:

If you want an accumulator I'm playing poker later   

Pass on that thanks Velvet  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good luck yogi  


evening all I did have a dry walk thank you, and I then took advantage of the dry & windy weather by painting my garden fence. It's not finished but it's a start. 

I saw some of the tennis, I'm especially delighted for heather and I was quite emotional watching her win


i hope you've all had a good day 

Hi Summer.

The tennis was good today.

Well done on getting the fence started. Next time ours needs painting, hubby says he is inviting the boys for a bbq, and not telling them it's a painting party.

Last edited by Yogi19

Good morning everyone


Fair weather here.


Yes, well done to Lewis, Andy and Heather for yesterday's triple of British winners  Summer, Heather Watson was a very happy person yesterday and she and Henri were enjoying their matches. She had been knocked out in the first round of the singles and felt very low and this result is just what she needed. It's the first time the two had played doubles together and they are likely to try the same combo in other grand slams. (Henri is Finnish, so you won't get them playing together in the Olympics).


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

It's dull here and quite breezy but the sun is trying to break through 

We have been promised rain later though. I see by next weekend the whole country could be up in the high 20's . That's according to the Countryfile five day weather forecast 

Well done the Brits 


Have a great day everyone 


Good morning everyone, drizzly here but it may brighten up.  Moonie I wonder what the chances are of the temperatures rising but without bringing that awful humidity with it?


I think I'm probably the only one on here who watches The Great British Sewing Bee but this year was ruined for me by a change of judge.  Instead of the lovely May we got sourpuss EsmÃĐ, so I have treated myself to an earlier series from the BBC shop - I wish they did Series 2 though which was my favourite, they only have Series 3 and Series 4.


What colour are you painting your fence Summer? I bet it's going to look a treat when finished with all your new planting as well.


Enjoy your day everyone


The increasing temperature in the summer in the South East was one of the factors involved in us moving to the South West EL.  One year was too hot to think, we were driving to Scotland, taking a break in the Lake District and it was too hot to think what to pack.  I remember there was a gigantic storm when we reached the Lake District and the temperature finally began to cool.  I feel really ill when the temperature is high as well as the humidity.


Good morning everyone.

Weather is overcast but the sun is trying to break through.

Squiggle, I've seen a few episodes of the Great British Sewing Bee (although I can't sew) and I know what you mean about Esme.

I have to go buy a Frozen Microphone for a certain little lady because she needs one.  I will look for a toy for her baby brother too.

Have a good day everyone.

Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

Weather is overcast but the sun is trying to break through.

Squiggle, I've seen a few episodes of the Great British Sewing Bee (although I can't sew) and I know what you mean about Esme.

I have to go buy a Frozen Microphone for a certain little lady because she needs one.  I will look for a toy for her baby brother too.

Have a good day everyone.

PB knows what she wants and who to ask for it  

I'm sure you will find something for BB  


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