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Good morning everyone


Sunny here


Yogi, I'm glad you had a good PB day, and Summer, that you had a good day with your friends and those Swiss chocolates


My new neighbours and family did a good clean of the house yesterday evening and didn't get around to moving in. I don't know if they'll move in today or another day, possibly over the weekend as it depends on their work commitments. I did find out that she's an accountant though a company accountant rather than one who does tax returns etc.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone, lots of blue sky this morning, I think it's going to be sunny and I hope the sun will shine on you all today too   Sounds like a lovely day Yogi I bet BB can't wait to catch up a bit with his big sister and chocolate too sounds pretty perfect to me.  I hope your 3 seasons in one day was a very enjoyable day with your visitors Summer.  It sounds like you are going to get on with your new neighbours EL.


Enjoy your day everyone


Are any of you going to be playing Pokemon Go?


There must be a risk that players will walk into other people or things by accident. I can see the appeal of the game but I'm not inclined to play it myself.


For those of you you don't know what it is, your mobile phone shows the locations of various Pokemon creatures using GPS. These locations can be anywhere in real life. You go to the location where you see the creature on your phone and then you try to catch it. The video in my previous post shows that one of the locations is in Downing Street.

El Loro

Oh my word- is there hope for BB yet?! Please say it is so  


el, how are your new neighbours getting on with the unpacking?



my visitors are still in the area but they're independent guests so they're exploring the coast today. They leave tomorrow 


I've just had my shower fixed, it was getting hotter and hotter and hotter luckily one of my customers is a brilliant plumbing engineer and he's fixed it for me. It was only a small adjustment needed in the shower unit, nothing to do with the boiler, so it wasn't expensive  



~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, it's good to know customers like that at hand and I'm glad the shower adjustment wasn't expensive.


The new neighbours are in the process of moving in. Their family are local and there were 7 of them working on cleaning the house for 4 hours yesterday evening. I knew the old neighbours had a rabbit but I had thought it lived in a hutch in the back garden. It turns out that it was living in a hutch under the television set. there were also loads of empty pizza boxes.


I think they are still cleaning and doing some decorating. They have some of their things in the house but they moved a lot of their items into their garage for the time being. The couple didn't sleep their last night. I guess it depends on how they progress today as to if they stay their tonight or back at their parents. Both sets of parents live locally so it's not a big problem. It's nice weather here today with little chance of any rain so they can have the windows wide open to get plentry of fresh air into the house.


I've now met the boyfriend who's moving in - he was at work yesterday. I've yet to see Izzy, their beagle. I guess she's staying at one of the parents' houses out of the way whilst they do the cleaning, decorating, and moving in.

El Loro
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Oh my word- is there hope for BB yet?! Please say it is so  


el, how are your new neighbours getting on with the unpacking?



my visitors are still in the area but they're independent guests so they're exploring the coast today. They leave tomorrow 


I've just had my shower fixed, it was getting hotter and hotter and hotter luckily one of my customers is a brilliant plumbing engineer and he's fixed it for me. It was only a small adjustment needed in the shower unit, nothing to do with the boiler, so it wasn't expensive  



That's good on the inexpensive Sweet

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Moonie, it's a perfect day for getting washing dry - warm, dry, and breezy.


That was thoughful of you to choose the least scary spider

I try my best not scare the ladies in here to much El

Unlike me what with posts about throttling spiders and Pokemon creatures invading Downing Street

El Loro

Evening gang I'm just here while a deep conditioning treatment soaks into my hair, I'll have to go rinse it out in a bit. It's a relief to be able to spend more than 30 seconds in the shower lol 


Aaaaaaw a beagle neighbour! How lovely we will of course, require regular Izzy updates please El I wonder if she's a friend of Captain Phil's? They might move in the same circles


Moonie, that spider doesn't scare me but i get a nightmare about it that does scare me, I'm going to tell Baz that you've sponsered her a giraffe as her Xmas gift  

Hows your day been velvet & yogi? Yogi's sounds highly productive 


~Sparkling Summer~

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