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Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all. 

The rain has stayed off, although it is now overcast.

The engineer has been and my tumble dryer has been modified.

Well done on getting so much done, Summer.

lol Moonie, you aren't thinking of getting a cut and colour in a ladies hairdressers any time soon?

Squiggle, I never thought of listening to music while I work but I think I'll give it a try. I usually listen to music in the car.


Hi Yogi  

I am not 

I saw one lady having what looked long strips of foil held in place by a white paste like stuff 

Two very old ladies with at least 50 rollers each in their hair. I don't know how they was managing to stay upright with all that weight on their heads 


Glad you finally got your tumble dryer modified 

Music whilst Yogi works, I like it

Moonie posted:

Sweet, well done. You certainly have been a busy bee


As we are forecast rain all day, I decided to go out and shop when the rain got lighter. Mistake 

It rained heavier but didn't last that long so I am not to wet. I was on the bus most of the time anyway

As I got home the rain stopped 


When I was coming back I stood in a bus shelter watching ladies having their hair done
What a game and a half
I don't know how you ladies put up with all that 'messing about'  

Housework done I've also cut the grass, sprayed the patio with weed killer and am waiting for the washing machine to finish  

squiggle, I do indeed play music when pottering about, I have digital radio upstairs and radio through sky downstairs as ever, Jazz FM is a constant but I do like heart extra too so I cleaned my bedroom whilst bouncing around to Justin timberlake's newest song. There's not many modern ones I enjoy, but that's definitely one of them  


 Easy- give up trying and embrace the messy look, under the pretence of it being a "beach look"  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here and there may be some showers later.


Summer, I hope you have a nice time with your visitors, and Yogi, that you have a good day with PB


My neighbours are moving today and the new couple moving in - it could be chaos as the neighbours have hired a van and are doing the move themselves so will be going to and fro and the new neighbours arriving to find that the house isn't empty. There could be

El Loro

Good morning everyone, hints of blue sky this morning and a few fluffy white clouds.  My goodness EL stand by with trays of tea and biscuits might be a good idea.  Have a great time with your visitors Summer.  Yogi I just know you will have an enjoyable time with PB - some karaoke coming up I reckon.


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, it may be necessary to have sedatives for them thought hopefully not


Moonie, I've just realised that FIFA haven't yet released their new rankings which explains things - when they do get around to releasing them, it's expected that Wales will shoot up the rankings and be ahead of England. Why FIFA haven't bothered to update the rankings immediately after the conclusion of the Euros is rather odd.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Squiggle, it may be necessary to have sedatives for them thought hopefully not


Moonie, I've just realised that FIFA haven't yet released their new rankings which explains things - when they do get around to releasing them, it's expected that Wales will shoot up the rankings and be ahead of England. Why FIFA haven't bothered to update the rankings immediately after the conclusion of the Euros is rather odd.

El, I think Wales will go above England by virtue of the games they have won in the Euros, though I have to say, that is a guess 

Last edited by Moonie
Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

Squiggle, it may be necessary to have sedatives for them thought hopefully not


Moonie, I've just realised that FIFA haven't yet released their new rankings which explains things - when they do get around to releasing them, it's expected that Wales will shoot up the rankings and be ahead of England. Why FIFA haven't bothered to update the rankings immediately after the conclusion of the Euros is rather odd.

El, I think Wales will go above England by virtue of the games they have won in the Euros, though I have to say, that is a guess 

I agree with you

El Loro

Whilst the old neighbours are at present out, one of the fence panels at the rear end of the drive has fallen down (it's the side of their back garden, not on my side).. How it's fallen down is a bit of a puzzle as there are concrete posts in between panles to support the panels, and the panel doesn't appear to have been broken. It is breezy here but not gale force.

El Loro

No, it wasn't squatters.


There was quite a delay in the neighbour's conveyance going through due to the slowness of the new neighbours' bank but it went through a short time ago. So the old neighbours are now in the process of removing the rest of their things from the house. They have a hire van and it's going to take more than one trip to their new house - estimated time about 2 hours.


Meanwhile the new neighbours are stuck. They are waiting to move in but can't until the old ones are out. She's waiting with her boyfriend's mother in the mother's car outside hoping to get in to be able to do some cleaning. They too have hired a van and the boyfriend is at the mother's house with the van waiting to be able to drive over to start moving in. It's going to take several trips to get everything moved in. I introduced myself to the girl and mother and gave them a drink while they wait. Hopefully they will have moved in before morning.

El Loro

Good evening it's been a full on day but absolutely lovely and my friends even came with chocolate for me from their recent holiday in Switzerland


El, you are a good neighbour. I hope your new ones will be just as kind to you in return and that they will be very happy next door. 


I hope olÃĐ the adventures of yogi & PB have been fun today, and that everyone else has had a lovely day too 

~Sparkling Summer~

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