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Hi Summer, I shall be glad when these arctic winds stop blowing and we can get on with Springtime.  Yes thank you family all well and the weekend was good.  I am watching Home Fires, the first episode anyway and enjoying it.  And I loved the first episode of The Durrells, did you watch that?  Just like the books, they were a mad bunch.  Mind you I think my Sky box may be leading a double life! It has started choosing programmes for itself on channels I have never heard of I found yesterday it had set series link for Vic the Viking on I think Popcorn channel


Popcorn channel?! I'll have to look that one up hehe 

yes i LOVE the Durrells, hurry up and catch up so we can talk about both shows it's lovely to have a couple of real treats on on a Sunday evening have you read the books? I saw them in the supermarket the other day and wondered if they were worth reading

as you know, I love game of thrones, so I'm keen to watch the start of the new series tonight  

~Sparkling Summer~

I'm finally back from that meeting. Actually I got home a couple of hours ago but was too busy to get on here until now. The meeting went OK though I had several  complicated technical things to go through with the client while I was there.


I have been recording The Durrells but have yet to see any of the series. I have read one or two of Gerald Durrell's books years ago and liked them. I'm interested to see how it compared to  BBC's Our Zoo. That was the drama series about the starting of Chester Zoo. The BBC cancelled it after the one series due to not very good ratings. They made the fundamental mistake of showing in durung the week at the post watershed time of 9 when it was clearly family entertainment in the same way as The Durrells.


Squiggle, are you going to watch Vic the Viking


Summer, I watched the first episode on Game of Thrones, Can't remember which channel I saw it on as I have Freeview which doesn't have Sky Atlantic. I hadn't realised what it was like. The first episode carries a 15 certificate and the material was too strong for me so I haven't seen any later episodes though I know some are 18 certificate.

El Loro
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Good timing Velvet, I'm here and I'm fine. I hope you are well?

I'm on my holibobs atm and just popping in for a flying visit. 

I meant to post in here before I went but I got sidetracked by some RL happenings.

Get the Spf 15 plastered on Yogi and have a great time   


Factor 50 - I'll come back like a milk bottle!

velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:
velvet donkey posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Good timing Velvet, I'm here and I'm fine. I hope you are well?

I'm on my holibobs atm and just popping in for a flying visit. 

I meant to post in here before I went but I got sidetracked by some RL happenings.

Get the Spf 15 plastered on Yogi and have a great time   


Factor 50 - I'll come back like a milk bottle!

A lovely milk bottle though.


I hope you have a great break Yogi     

Thanks Velvet, I'll do my best.


Look after yourself till I pop in again.


Leaving hugs for everyone.


Good morning everyone


Some sunshine here, there may be some showers, it's not very warm out there but snow is not expected here over the next few days.


Yogi, I hope you have a lovely holday


A client is coming to see me later this morning. She wants me to do some work for her which is not tax related. I would desctibe is as low level forensic accounting. I cannot go into any details at all but I've made it clear to her that I'm not prepared to start writing to the likes of solicitors.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

I've seen that client and started looking through the documents and her workings. I think she's probably overpaid but made an error in working out what she thought she was due back. She emailed that value to the outfit she'd overpaid and they paid her that amount as their full and final settlement. So I've told her that even if she has made an error she has little chance of getting it back.

El Loro

Good afternoon sorry I haven't been around, I've had lots to do and have been highly productive (again) 

i now have a functional shed, know how my loft stairs work, have assembled the new bed for the spare bed and found some curtain poles that I actually like I keep forgetting to eat so I made myself sit down and have a proper meal & a smoothie today. I've also been to the tip with the packaging  

The good news is, there's very little left to do in the house now and I can start to settle back down to every blissful *touch wood* day life  


oh, did Gerry Durrell write a lot of books? I will pick one up next time I see one, the tv show has been a delight and I don't want it to end! 


El, aside from the adult themes & rather strong violence in places, the actual story of game of thrones & the characters are brilliant 

~Sparkling Summer~

Well done Summer, you have been productive


Gerald Durrell wrote over 20 autobiographical books, My Family and Other Animals is his best known and forms the basis of the series. He also wrote a number of fiction books and stories mainly for children. Rosy is my Relative and The Mockery Bird are his only fiction books for adults.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Sunny here at present but clouds over later this morning with showers possible.


Summer, Gerald Durrell's older brother Lawrence was a writer as you say but his writing was of a very diferent nature. I've never read anything of his but think it would be heavyweight complex material - apparently he had been considered as a possible winner of the Nobel prize for literature.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Squiggle, I'm glad your icy wind has dropped. I've been out delivering the May church magazines for my round and I found it quite chilly.


On my way home I pass the shop where I bought my computer a couple of years ago.  I have AVG Cloudcare which is not the same as the well known free version. The subscription is arranged through that shop and I hadn't heard anything from them about renewing the subscription which was a 2 year one. The man who normally deals with that is not well at present which is why I hadn't heard anything. The sub had expired a few days ago and so it was just as well that I popped in. The scanner would have continued to work, it's just that the updating for new risks would cease. It's sorted now.

El Loro

Good morning I've had a ridiculous lay in, a friend rang at 11.15am which woke me! I'm so glad, because it's got me up & about. 


thats an interesting list of movies, and I enjoyed the randomness of it I used to love Clueless when I was a teen, but my mum called it Brainless  

I'm glad Lawrence was a successful writer, his character in the tv show seems to be highly passionate about it 

~Sparkling Summer~

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