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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening Moonie, glad your day has been okay. Have you called Virgin yet about your internet problems?

Nope, not yet Yogi but I don't think its my connection because it only affects this forum but I will do tomorrow 

Okay Moonie, I hope you get it sorted.

Thanks Yogi 

When is PB coming again?

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening Moonie, glad your day has been okay. Have you called Virgin yet about your internet problems?

Nope, not yet Yogi but I don't think its my connection because it only affects this forum but I will do tomorrow 

Okay Moonie, I hope you get it sorted.

Thanks Yogi 

When is PB coming again?

Not until Saturday. Goodnight again.

Pardon me, my hair didn't dry quick enough on it's own so I went to help it along Sweet dreams yogi I'm glad you're loving life with PB, she sounds like a real sweetheart <3 Well, decorating is progressing that's for sure but I had roller issues which led to my throwing one across the room in a tantrum and having to go borrow a roller handle from BIL! Then, we ran out of paint I bought a huge tin but our walls are very thirsty indeed! We need to finish the 2nd coat on 2 walls and then gloss, but so far it looks fab! Moonie, could you possibly try a different web browser for the forum? I hope it resolves itself soon for you, it's very frustrating not be able to get on the forum
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Evening Moonie, glad your day has been okay. Have you called Virgin yet about your internet problems?

Nope, not yet Yogi but I don't think its my connection because it only affects this forum but I will do tomorrow 

Okay Moonie, I hope you get it sorted.

Thanks Yogi 

When is PB coming again?

Not until Saturday. Goodnight again.

It's a good job you have a spare stash of cuddles then Yogi 


Nite nite. Sleep well and have a happy tomorrow. Sweet dreams   

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Pardon me, my hair didn't dry quick enough on it's own so I went to help it along Sweet dreams yogi I'm glad you're loving life with PB, she sounds like a real sweetheart <3 Well, decorating is progressing that's for sure but I had roller issues which led to my throwing one across the room in a tantrum and having to go borrow a roller handle from BIL! Then, we ran out of paint I bought a huge tin but our walls are very thirsty indeed! We need to finish the 2nd coat on 2 walls and then gloss, but so far it looks fab! Moonie, could you possibly try a different web browser for the forum? I hope it resolves itself soon for you, it's very frustrating not be able to get on the forum

Chrome, which am using, seems to be the best one Sweet


Tis not good to have a thirsty wall  

Tantrums are acceptable under the circumstances Sweet 

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Also, Bramble LOVES her visits to SIL's, so much so that she gets in a mood when we leave. It would be funny if it weren't so sad, she's such a cutie. SIL is definitely the pack leader and Bramble literally follows her from the minute we arrive until the minute we leave bless her

Awwww that's so sweet, Sweet  


Good morning everyone, glad to hear the decorating is going well Summer.  It's so annoying when manufacturers do that sort of thing they just want to get more money out of you.  What colours did you go for?  Can't remember whether you said.  I wonder why Bramble is so in love with SIL?


It's lovely blue skies and fluffy white clouds with occasional showers and a gorgeous breeze here, perfect because it's putting lovely rainwater in the pond and greening up my grass.  Hope it is good wherever you are too.


Moonie just a thought, try a couple of different browsers, I am on FF, and see which one works best for you.


Good morning everyone. It's rather cloudy up here.

summer, you made me laugh at the thought of you throwing the roller in frustration. Mr Yogi has done that (and worse!) when he's decorating. You know how much he loves decorating.

Hubby is on holiday this week, so my forumming time may be more erratic than normal. Have a good day everyone and see you later.

Good morning First, apologies to moonie, I did indeed Churchill last night! I don't know how it happens, I literally climb into bed feeling plenty awake, load the forum and within a few minutes I'm fast asleep! That's one very cute night owl pic Squiggle, just out of curiosity, because of been thinking about it- what shape is your pond? When I was a child my parents used to do some general help kind of work (window cleaning, gardening etc) for a gentleman who had a pond. It was long and narrow, like a mini river. I was fascinated by it for 2 reasons; there was an actual pond in his garden! And it had a very pretty little footbridge over it and I was allowed to cross it whenever I wanted Yogi, it's very rare for me to throw a tantrum lol which I think is why it's funnier now I look back at it clearly, I must have been hungry & tired I hope you enjoy your week with hubby do you have any plans yet?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here and may be showers but possibly not.


Moonie, if you have Internet Explorer as your browser, check Compatability Mode settings to make sure this forum is not included in the list of websites where compatability mode has been set on. If it is shown, delete it.


Hi El 

I am running Chrome on the Linux operating system because it is faster everywhere else except on GaGa

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Good morning everyone, glad to hear the decorating is going well Summer.  It's so annoying when manufacturers do that sort of thing they just want to get more money out of you.  What colours did you go for?  Can't remember whether you said.  I wonder why Bramble is so in love with SIL?


It's lovely blue skies and fluffy white clouds with occasional showers and a gorgeous breeze here, perfect because it's putting lovely rainwater in the pond and greening up my grass.  Hope it is good wherever you are too.


Moonie just a thought, try a couple of different browsers, I am on FF, and see which one works best for you.

Hi Squiggle 

I have tried all browsers on both my operating systems and still get the same results. Its especially bad 9pm onwards until around midnight.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone. It's rather cloudy up here.

summer, you made me laugh at the thought of you throwing the roller in frustration. Mr Yogi has done that (and worse!) when he's decorating. You know how much he loves decorating.

Hubby is on holiday this week, so my forumming time may be more erratic than normal. Have a good day everyone and see you later.

I hope you have a great week with Mr Yogi 

See you later 


at Summer throwing the roller. at the roller supplier messing you about.


There have been some hefty showers here already this morning and at present there are black clouds across the sky so I think there will be more showers. According to the Met Office site there have been sunny intervals since ten and will be a sunny day by one - that seems somewhat optimistic.


Yogi, I hope you and your hubby have a nice time this week




El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning First, apologies to moonie, I did indeed Churchill last night! I don't know how it happens, I literally climb into bed feeling plenty awake, load the forum and within a few minutes I'm fast asleep! That's one very cute night owl pic Squiggle, just out of curiosity, because of been thinking about it- what shape is your pond? When I was a child my parents used to do some general help kind of work (window cleaning, gardening etc) for a gentleman who had a pond. It was long and narrow, like a mini river. I was fascinated by it for 2 reasons; there was an actual pond in his garden! And it had a very pretty little footbridge over it and I was allowed to cross it whenever I wanted Yogi, it's very rare for me to throw a tantrum lol which I think is why it's funnier now I look back at it clearly, I must have been hungry & tired I hope you enjoy your week with hubby do you have any plans yet?

No problem at all Sweet. As long as you are okay. Glad you liked the owl too 

Originally Posted by El Loro:

at Summer throwing the roller. at the roller supplier messing you about.


There have been some hefty showers here already this morning and at present there are black clouds across the sky so I think there will be more showers. According to the Met Office site there have been sunny intervals since ten and will be a sunny day by one - that seems somewhat optimistic.


Yogi, I hope you and your hubby have a nice time this week




It looks like the wet stuff is about to descend here to now El 


That gentleman's pond sounds lovely Summer, lovely to have a little bridge to cross it.  Mine's sort of egg shaped, roughly oval.  You know my poor fish get taken by the heron before, well my mind's been working overtime on how to protect them without making the pond ugly.  I have just ordered a large T section of drainage pipe from eBay I read about this sort of thing on an American forum, it has a large opening and 2 smaller openings and makes a perfect place for fish to hide in. I will drill holes in it so it sinks.  Also I've been cleaning my kitchen cupboards and came across my old pasta storage jar.  It's made of glass and I thought that would also make a great hiding place for the fish too so that's going in my pond as well.  I will order some new goldfish when I've got it all ready.

It sounds beautiful squiggle, and how clever are those ideas! I hope they both work and keep your fish safe Moonie, I'm fine thank you, I could do with an early night one of these days though How are you feeling now? Sorry you're having computer trouble, are you able to install 2 browsers at once? Perhaps you could use one just for forumming..?
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
It sounds beautiful squiggle, and how clever are those ideas! I hope they both work and keep your fish safe Moonie, I'm fine thank you, I could do with an early night one of these days though How are you feeling now? Sorry you're having computer trouble, are you able to install 2 browsers at once? Perhaps you could use one just for forumming..?

I have Chrome and Firefox. Chrome is much faster. I just know that I only have a problem on here Sweet  FB is okay 


 Thunder Hide2


Summer, I think Moonie's computer problems seem to be more to do with internet speed issues rather than browsers as they seem to arise at specific times and regardless of which browser is being used. That is suggested as 9pm to 1am would be busy (at least the first part) and also the forum servers are based in the States, not in the UK. Ping test latency with the States seems higher than to servers in the UK.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Moonie it might be worth downloading this free software and finding out just what is happening to your router signal when it tries to access Gaga and has a problem.  Completely free and safe, I tend to rely on it when I have a problem with the internet, it helps me to see what's going on.  Good luck.

Fanks Squiggle 


If I use the Windows XP internal ping test on this forum during the day time I get a result of around 135 to 150. If I do the test on a UK site such as the BBC I get 22 to 30. That shows there is more ping latency on the forum site compared to a UK site. It wouldn't surprise me if the results on this forum in the evening after 9 are higher than 135 to 150.


El Loro
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, I was out this morning and a minute after I got back to my car it started pelting down (no thunder) but I would have got soaked if I hadn't got back to the car.

We have had 2 more thunderstorms since I got back El. Glad you stayed dry 

Moonie, that's 4 thunderstorms so far I'm glad I'm not where you are - no thunderstorms here though there was some rumbling in the distance, Clearly thunderstorms must be attracted to you


El Loro

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