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ahah the costumes are like the ones they had to wear for the Shock to the Bum task a few BB's ago. . except they are Red not Gold ..  full on Lycra suit with hood too..

Mario helps Ben get dressed cos Ben needs help with everything

Mario then tells him come on they are all dressing out there lets go. .

Mario treats Ben like he's a  little kid..

Ben stressing he's going cos of the Shabby thing..

gawd days of droning on and on  from both of them (B&S) I suspect.. 

Jj comes in to help Ben get dressed as well..  [seriously rolling my eyes here now ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
@Olly That's what I tend to do too, I'm only just remembering to hit refresh first  

Task hm’s are changing into shiny red all-in-one suits complete with hoods

In Bedrm Mario helping Ben to get into his. Mario saying he doesn’t like all this replacing one hm etc  He wonders what the point in nomming is in that case. 

JJ has come in to help & is putting the shiny long red gloves (I want a pair!) on Ben & the padding on elbows and knees

Mario “ you look like a super-hero, Ben”

Ben asks for tipsâ€Ķ JJ “don’t go slow..” Mario - “you mean don’t go fast”

Sunshine has come in to bedrm to join in the fussing over Ben. She wonders where Ben will put his mike pack. He asks Sunshine for tips. She advises him not to go too fast. They leave the bedrm

Ben asking lots of questions..

HM’s wondering again where Caoimhe is. Shabby saying that this is so unfair. She starts a monologue but SD

Someone off camera (either Dave or Steve) says “she’ll prob turn up in a couple of days..”



Mario can’t shake the premonition that he’ll be the replacement HM up for eviction..

Shabby in Kitchen with Gova.n Disjointed convo can’t make out what they are talking about, too many sd’s

They hug and then Josie comes in, she’s fluffing he hair in mirror.. more sd

Govan worrying that he might have been betrayed by some-one. Josie says she thinks she know who it is


Dave and Ben sitting waiting. Sunshine next to Ben plucking her leg hairs.


 Shabby has joined Ife and Corin who is putting on lippy. Shabby brushing her teeth. Corin thinks Shabs has go this one.. ie task

Shabs doesn’t think Dave or Ben will be good at this so it’ll be between her and Govan.

Ife “wouldn’t it be great if you could save someone instead, then you could save Govan”

Shabby “yeah”  shabby wants to know what’s happening with Caoimhe before she starts the task. If Caoimhe ahs left the show then she won’t care whethr she wins task or not. Ife tells her to do her best anyway & try and win anyway


Ben asks if they can do jerry springer again. Agreement all round that it’s a good idea. Someone saying that Ife was good last night..

Suggestion has been made that they should do Trisha. Ben thinks he can drag up and be Trisha. Mario suggests that Ife should do it

Damn! phne ringing – back in a mo..

*leaves shopping list mid 'butter' choices*

Garden is open..

the course is a platform with a slope at one end then a long corridor flank by huge foam blokes with a narrow path cown the centre

i think the HM's have to start at the top of the slope . .roll down and pass thru the narrow bit without knocking a column off to a circular bit at the end

the non nomm'd HM's sit in the unnominated bench while the others get ready

methinks Shabby will take this more seriously this week instead of hamming it up now that she knows what the reward is .

Ben is going first..

he lines himself up at the top of the slope

Dave tells him to get up on the ramp

Ben is such a  blithering idiot sometimes. .

the course lies diagonally across the garden..

Corin asks if he has to give a push at the start or the scooter may not get to the end

Ben asks the others.. who say it's up to you. .still not started yet

**moves lappy closer to me so I can see property and checks typo's on Desktop puter screen before posting and know will have to edit again anyway when spots more typo's  *
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Just got an overhead shot. .it is a straight line  and I was seeing it reflected back on itself

Ben si still waiting for BB to give him the go ahead..

tis very hot out there

here we go

Ben falls off the scooter before he even gets down the ramp.. 

he wonders if he has to go back

the others say they think it's one after the other then around again..

BB announces something I don't hear cos my bluddy feed is freezing but now Dave is up there so maybe they all go once then again etc..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave stares down the course from the top of the ramp and says this isn't easy. .as we are treated to the camera panning up and down the back of a Lycra cladded DAve 

He says one of them (the smaller ones will get this)

and the feed freezes again

Klaxon sounds. .

Dave  gets a bit further than Ben and crashes into the first lot of columns and goes down with a huge thump..

Govan in place now..  and we get a back view pan of his outfit too

Shabby shouts come on Govan!! COME ON!!

Ben quite   likes the outfit..  you would says a voice in the distance

Josie says it's a  bit aard innit in a very strong Bristolian accent

Govan is off. .goes a bit slower and gets past two or three columns before hitting the sides..

Shabby goes YES YES YES  Govan...

gotta refresh my Live feed to see if that will help with the freezing

nope not really

Shabby up next says it's a bit scary form up there and sorry she wasn't as sympathetic as she shoudl have been now she's at the top bit..

The cameraman is fixated on rear views as we get on of Shabby too..

and my feed has frozen completely now

Hope someone else got Shabby's attempt.. I missed it as Ben is back there now ..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby sayas I wonder if they do it on the amount you knock over cos I knocked over quite a few

Klaxon sounds and yet again Ben doesn;t even make it down the slope before he comes off the scooter..   oh dear

Dave up now..

off he goes

Dave gets almost to the end before he hits any columns..

they all go ooooh and so do I

I think Dave has done the best so far. .  again!!

(must be pee'ing certain HM's off that Dave is good in the task. .they can't say his weight helped him on this one.. there is barely any room for his body to get thru the columns cos he is of the wider bodied persuasion

Govan 2nd  attempt  he doesn;'t even reach the column but gets further down the slope than Ben has

(it's only about 5 foot, or less, long   )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*


HM’s in Garden.  Narrow runway has been created by high padded blocks

Ben up first. He positions himself at top of short slope leading to the runway..

Waiting for Klaxon.. and Ben is off!

He falls off before he’s reached the end of the slope. He doesn’t get to the blocks. Confusion reigns as to whethr he can go again straight away. Govan suggests they re-read instr

BB announces it’s Daves turn

Dave fares better and gets to about a third of the way in before crashing into the blocks

Govan’s turn – he takes his time and sets off. He crashes after 2nd or 3rd block

Shabby’ turn..  She admits her heart is beating quite fast & that it looks quite scary from her position at top of ramp

And she’s off!  Shabs coasts effortlessly thru the blocks and gets to the end knocking ove the last couple at the end.

Lots of whoops and cheers as she does it.

Ife “so it CAN be done”

Ben’s 2nd turn.. Shabby advises him not to put his foot on until the klaxon sounds.

Again, Ben can’t quite take off and clear the ramp. He falls off before reaching the blocks. He apologises and moves to the side looking despondent. Shabby goes up to him and pat s him on shoulder murmuring a few words of comfort.

Dave 2nd turn – He reaches about half-way. He is pleased with his effort

Govan next – Govan loses balance and swerves off just befor reaching the bricks..

Shabby up next, she thinks she was really lucky last time..

Klaxon and once again shabby reaches the end, only knocking over the last couple of blocks at the end


Shabby's second attempt she is almost all the way thru as well, before she hits a few of the end column with her bum

am not sure who out of her and Dave has gone furthest before hitting something..

Dave advises her one good runt hat's all you need (wonder who she would put up?  )

Bens final attempt. .wonder if he'll get down the slope this time

Govan says OMG you can't put your foot down once you are off and running..

Shabby doesn't think she did. ..  

Ben gets a bit further and actually reaches a column before falling off..

Dave up for his final attempt
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby final attempt..

the other HM's put the column back in palce

Shabby waits for the Klaxon

here we go... she makes it all the way to the end and altho she hits a column she doesn't knock it off

Shabby wins!!

everybody weeeeyheeys and claps. .

Wonder who she will pick. .

not a good week for winning the task when 4 are up already

Shabby wants to keep the scooter to play with in the house..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*

Govan takes deep breath and clears about a third of the way. Cut to Ben looking downcast

Shabby’s turn and very carefully she takes her run.. she sways from side to side thru the run as everyone holds their breath “go on shabby, go on shabby”

And she reaches the end with only a brief wobble fro the block on the end.

Whoops and cheers from the hm’s. shabby thinks BB will find a reason to fail her attempt

They wait for BB’s verdict. Long cut to Ben looking very thoughtful, he’s got his hand covering one eye for some reason..

BB announces task is over

heya Aimee..

maybe the other place has moved as it often has to when it gets found. .

see on DS someone may have a link and can PM you 

Nathan is shocked anyone managed that it, that  is amazing he says

Shabby but I did touch a column

the others say but you didn;t knock it over

Ben looks concerned..

(I need to go back over my past few posts to check for typo's but hope it makes sense as is for now.    .)

the camera is panning the pics of the nominated people

BB announces the results.. Ben got nowhere

Dave complete no successful runs

Govan got nowhere

Shabby completed one successful run so wins the task..

she says that means I am not up I forgot about that (so did I!!   )

she says you nominated me but I have one more week

(LF freezes yet again arrrrghhhh)

I have no idea if she has picked anybody yet 

ahaha she has picked Mario

makes sense really.. with the others that are up

bye bye Govan or Dave   presume ?

right am off to check my typo's and finish my shopping..

Ben and Mario no doubt will ruminate on  this over the days to come until it can be ruminated on no more..

Mario is upset and goes to the BR. .   tells somebody to leave him alone but I only have sound atm as am trying to type and lsiten..

off for a bit now

laters guys

oooeeer  Mario is sounding off. .

says I worked my butt of the get HM status and had top betray you in the process and now I ma nominated but all the bitching and backstabbing people aren't

Sunshine thought it was going to be her but Shabby said she was giving her a week off..

and off >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Mount Olympus *Olly*

Shabby has been announced the winner. She jumps up and down with excitement. “you lot nominated me and I have got one more week”

Shabby being instructed to replace her pic with one of other hm’s

She picks Mario (what a bitch!) saying “sorry, Mario”  (so Mario’s prediction came true)

Sunshine and JJ comforting Mario

Shabby “so harsh, why did there have to be 4, why couldn’t there have just been 3”

She’s saying that she wanted to give Sunshine a week off..

Mario has gone to bed telling ben who has come in after him to leave him alone. He’s covered his face with the duvet. (ahh, bless, I do feel sorry for him..)

JJ comes in with Dave who starts removing his costume. JJ hugs Dave. Sunshine also in Bedrm wanting to know if Mario want her to leave him alone. Mario sits up in bed saying that he’s had to work that much harder to get his HM staus. He is sounding v angry as he punches the bed.
Sunshine says she would rather have been up & not been "given the week off" 

He goes to kitchen for glass of water. Steve is there and tells him he is going nowhere, he should keep up with the entertaining. Nathan comes in and agrees that he is so funny.” He ain’t going nowhere”

Mario heads for DR buzzer. Pacing in front of the door

“please don’t make me wait Big Brother”


Ife speculating with shabby govan and JJ where Caiomhe might be all this time. Shabby trying to keep her cover by telling them she might be closeted with new HM's. Ife has has a idea that BB could be really nasty and bring Caiomhe bf into the house to cause drama
Shabby says if that happened she wouldn't cause drama.
Josie and Corin sunbathing on the padded columns
backgr sounds of Ben in kitchen making tea & toast
Talking of which, I need to get some lunch before it's dinner-time!
Waves to Zapheeeee 

Aimee if you search for a LF thread you may find someone.

sossy may know as she plays over there sometimes. .but she's been on her hols so may not have been back there yet

right I really must finish me shopping. .

*puts new fast puter on list and then crosses it off cos is broke *

Just read back the bits Emplula did before the task started.. great work getting all that and Sossy too... I had my headphones in but wasn't really listening.. 
Mount Olympus *Olly*
quicxk update. .missed oaods as am onyl half lsitening

Shabby seems to be very pleased with ehrself and acting rather overly confident adn know it all 

Caoimhe is back but when she was still missing Sahbby was banging on about the other hosue and HM's coming in again. .she is such a know it all but knows nuffin..

Ben is annoyed JJ is not up but Ben is cos he got into trouble for basically sticking up for his mate.. .but JJ wasn't punshed for his bad day..

he really reminds me of a male version of the petulant  bratt who shcreams and shcreams until she is sick if she doesn't get her own way.

Mario is still convinced he is going..

they want to do more Jerry Springer tonight. .

(gawd I turned off when that started last night.. was a task I think but I couldn't bear the little  bit I did see..  it was cringey )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
hahaha there was a funny moment with the Sofa crew when Ben was serious and asking if BB would drive him home after he leaves.. and how do they get to the places they are committed to appearing like BBLB

He is trying to find out for serious reasons but the others are giggling

he tells them to stop. .look, he says I am just wondering how we get home . .they picked me up will they take me back

Jj and Sunshine are creased up and say they are hardly likely to stick you on a  bus mate after you have just been in the BB house..


Int he bathroom Shabby and Caoimhe discuss the convo Caoimhe had played to her,, over and over

(this is an advantage to them against Ben in a way . .if he stays )

Shabby instructs her to repeat what happened and what she heard..
Mount Olympus *Olly*


Caoimhe is back. She’s in kitchen eating cereal with Shabby.

Shabby says she glad to have her back, and Caoimhe agrees she’s happy to be back.


JJ Josie Mario Sunshine

Dave Govan eating . General chit-chat about hm’s from previous series walking out. JJ says 4 walked out last year. (I thought JJ hadn’t seen UK BB?)

Dave says not all at the same time. Speculation about what happens when they come out – do they go straight home, what about bblb, Ben wants to know whethr they get driven home? Everyone laughs at this.. JJ says you worry about the strangest things – “you’re in the BB house and all you are worried about is whether you’ll get a taxi home – it’s the biggest show in the whole world..”  general joking around that ben will be left at the train station, he’ll be given a buss pass etc..

Ben trying to justify his query, he says the others have encyclopaedic knowledge of the show and he’s never watched it before so he was just asking.


Caiomhe and Shabby catching up on Caiomhe’s punishment..

Caiomhe wonders whether to thank Ben for compliments that Ben paid her during convo.

Shabby wants a blow by blow acct which Caiomhe proceeds to do.

She’s been called to DR, got sent to task room. Was left hanging for ages. It was getting freezing. Cut to bedroom Govan saying something I missed

Back to bathroom lots of sd’s

Caiomhe was asked at the end of punishment whether she thought Shabby had learnt her lesson.

Shabby said she knocked over the table when she found out. Shabby relating how miserable she’d been when caiomhe wasn’t there

Caoimhe found the convo between ben and shabby very boring

Shabby saying there’s not much they are allowed to talk about apart from themselves

Caiomhe decides to go and thank Ben for the nice things he said about her. She gives him a big hug.

She goes to Mario and gives him a big hug too. She says in his ear that she knows he won’t go.


Shabby now tells Caoimhe how she had a paddy in the garden and re enacts her  throwing over of the table in the garden in a strop

 this is because the others were trying to guess where  Caoimhe was and thought she may be at the Doctors and Shabby knew for a FACT she wasn't and despite a load of them just finding out they were up for Eviction her included all she cared about was Caoimhe  and nothing else her words not mine

Caoimhe says she got angry in the room as it was so boring and nearly threw the table in there over

Shabby says ooh what a shame you didn't that would have looked so good in the edit

[not sure I can stand this smugness for much longer.. ]

they talk about the convo that was played to Coimhe and how Shabby barely said a thing ti was all Ben

Shabby says and they accuse ME of being  all about Me..

[yes, you are peas in a pod you silly little reject Artful Dodger Urchin woman you.. arrrrrrghhhhhhhh  I need to go lie down..   ]

convo over for now thank gawds..

Caoimhe goes to Ben and gives him a  cuddle for saying such lovely things about her in the Ben/Shabby convo..

needs an ice pack for me blood pressure..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
he really reminds me of a male version of the petulant bratt who shcreams and shcreams until she is sick if she doesn't get her own way.
Hi Olly

I agree totally His why me It's not fair almost rivaled Ben's sulks for top spot 

I'm not watching a lot of the LS I'm trying to be picky about when I watch it my broadband speed is slow enough now without BT deciding to get antsy and switch me to frequent user and slow it down even more

Thanks to those who are LUTing it here I'm able to work out the best times to watch it

Sunshine and Mario are in the closet swapping people's drawers around. Steve is look-out, not very good apparently as shabby has caught them red-handed. They try to get her to keep quiet about it. She instructs them to swap hers back, then she'll say no more.

EDIT: Hiya Sossy! Sorry to hear you're having technical problems  
Hope you get it sorted 
Last edited by emplula

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