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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Shabby sayas I wonder if they do it on the amount you knock over cos I knocked over quite a few

Klaxon sounds and yet again Ben doesn;t even make it down the slope before he comes off the scooter..   oh dear

Dave up now..

off he goes

Dave gets almost to the end before he hits any columns..

they all go ooooh and so do I

I think Dave has done the best so far. .  again!!

(must be pee'ing certain HM's off that Dave is good in the task. .they can't say his weight helped him on this one.. there is barely any room for his body to get thru the columns cos he is of the wider bodied persuasion

Govan 2nd  attempt  he doesn;'t even reach the column but gets further down the slope than Ben has

(it's only about 5 foot, or less, long   )
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Last edited by Mount Olympus *Olly*