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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Shabby now tells Caoimhe how she had a paddy in the garden and re enacts her  throwing over of the table in the garden in a strop

 this is because the others were trying to guess where  Caoimhe was and thought she may be at the Doctors and Shabby knew for a FACT she wasn't and despite a load of them just finding out they were up for Eviction her included all she cared about was Caoimhe  and nothing else her words not mine

Caoimhe says she got angry in the room as it was so boring and nearly threw the table in there over

Shabby says ooh what a shame you didn't that would have looked so good in the edit

[not sure I can stand this smugness for much longer.. ]

they talk about the convo that was played to Coimhe and how Shabby barely said a thing ti was all Ben

Shabby says and they accuse ME of being  all about Me..

[yes, you are peas in a pod you silly little reject Artful Dodger Urchin woman you.. arrrrrrghhhhhhhh  I need to go lie down..   ]

convo over for now thank gawds..

Caoimhe goes to Ben and gives him a  cuddle for saying such lovely things about her in the Ben/Shabby convo..

needs an ice pack for me blood pressure..
Mount Olympus *Olly*