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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

hahaha there was a funny moment with the Sofa crew when Ben was serious and asking if BB would drive him home after he leaves.. and how do they get to the places they are committed to appearing like BBLB

He is trying to find out for serious reasons but the others are giggling

he tells them to stop. .look, he says I am just wondering how we get home . .they picked me up will they take me back

Jj and Sunshine are creased up and say they are hardly likely to stick you on a  bus mate after you have just been in the BB house..


Int he bathroom Shabby and Caoimhe discuss the convo Caoimhe had played to her,, over and over

(this is an advantage to them against Ben in a way . .if he stays )

Shabby instructs her to repeat what happened and what she heard..
Mount Olympus *Olly*