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El Loro posted:

Moonie, I'm glad you were able to get out and about in the dry


Enjoy your bagpipe making programme

Thanks El 

It was brilliant. I love watching anything and everything being made 

El Loro posted:

Yogi, the choice of outfits here is very limited, the only other one is a Mr Blobby one and I prefer black to pink


Moonie, I hope it stays dry for you

 In that case, I’d stick with the black option 

Moonie posted:

Thanks Yogi and El 

It did stay dry. Shopping and banking done, so cuppa and then off for a walk around the park 


Have a great day both 

 Glad to hear it

Moonie posted:

Yogi, I am currently watching Bagpipes being made 

 Did someone play them afterwards?

velvet donkey posted:



Hope all are well. Usual bass line.


I mean it though    

All is well here, hope all is well with you too 


Good morning everyone it's a bit windy again.  Looking forward to it getting a bit warmer. Talking of watching things being made is anyone else  watching the new series of the Repair Shop? It started on Monday and it's fascinating. 


Enjoy your day everyone  


Good morning everyone


Very cloudy here, dry for the time being. More unsettled weather forecast from this evening, not good news.


Squiggle, I hadn't spotted that there was a new series of the Repair Shop as it's shown at a time when I'm not watching television. I have seen some of it before and as you say it's fascinating


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

Weather is dry and cloudy.

Squiggle, I hadn’t realised there was a new series of Repair Shop. I notice it’s now on BBC1 and earlier than before so I might have to watch it on Catch Up.

Waiting in for a delivery then grocery shopping.

Have a good day, all.

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone it's a bit windy again.  Looking forward to it getting a bit warmer. Talking of watching things being made is anyone else  watching the new series of the Repair Shop? It started on Monday and it's fascinating. 


Enjoy your day everyone  

yes have seen that and enjoyed it - but not the new ones

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone it's a cloudy and cold morning.  The train with coloured lights was very effective. They had something similar on the North York Moors railway. There was a series earlier this year. I wonder if they do meals on the Norfolk one? These outings are so popular. Someone even had their wedding on one.  Our local line runs from Minehead down the coast through Watchet and Blue Anchor. I know you are familiar with those EL.


Enjoy your day everyone


Good morning everyone


Some sunshine here at present, rain expected soon.


Yogi, I'm glad you got your delivery


The Norfolk Lights Express journey is about 1 hour 20 minutes - 30 minutes each way with a 20 minute wait inbetween. Not only is the train lit up but there are light-up festive scenes nestled along the line. So passengers need to swap sides during the wait so that they get to see all the scenes.Refreshments and drinks are available.


Squiggle, yes, I do remember Blue Anchor and Watchet In those days we went to Bridgewater and then from Bridgewater to Blue Anchor. The line from Bridgewater was removed years ago.


Off out to a client meeting later this morning. Not a routine meeting as I've a lot of queries to go through on the work I've done so far.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone  

Rain all night and early morning but it stopped and the sun came out when I was due for a GP appointment at 9-30. All went well there 

Got to the pharmacy too. The weather looks like the promise ‘all day rain’ is on its way though  


Hi squiggle 

Yogi, I hope your weather improves 

El, I trust your client’s appointment won’t  be to ‘taxing’  


Have a good day, all 

Last edited by Moonie

Moonie, I'm glad all went well at your GP and that you avoided the rain


Back from that client. They will have to investigate a couple of things and come back to me.  For reasons of client confidentiality I can't go into details.


Was dry when I went to the client but started raining while I was there and is continuing to rain. Forecast is unsettled for quite some time. Those people who live on flood risk areas in my part of the country will be concerned. I don't live in such an area but know people who do. The rain isn't expected to be as heavy as that which caused the problems but the ground is now saturated.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Moonie, I'm glad all went well at your GP and that you avoided the rain


Back from that client. They will have to investigate a couple of things and come back to me.  For reasons of client confidentiality I can't go into details.


Was dry when I went to the client but started raining while I was there and is continuing to rain. Forecast is unsettled for quite some time. Those people who live on flood risk areas in my part of the country will be concerned. I don't live in such an area but know people who do. The rain isn't expected to be as heavy as that which caused the problems but the ground is now saturated.

Thanks El 

El Loro posted:

I hope Summer is OK, no sign of her for 3 days


May be she's FROZEN 2 out today

El, I’ve been in contact with Summer today and she’s fine, she’s just busy.

Hopefully, your client will quickly get the info to you 


Moonie, I’m glad your GP appointment went well


Good morning everyone it's very cloudy this morning but we haven't so far had all the threatened downpours. Certainly for my area inaccurate weather forecasting lately. 


Enjoy your day everyone


I see that the Horror channel is showing a number of old horror films tomorrow from the Universal Pictures studios. Starts with the 1931 version of Dracula, then the 1931 version of Frankenstein, then the 1932 version of The Mummy, followed by the 1941 version of The Wolf Man. The 1954 Creature from the Black Lagoon is shown afterwards but that's not part of the classic Universal Studios horror films era.


Easily the best of those is Frankenstein. It's a very good film and is so iconic that people may think that they've seen the film but haven't. The Halliwell's Top 1000 films book rates this as the 41st best film ever made. The film would be nothing without Boris Karloff who makes the monster poignant rather than just a monster.


If I were to recommend just one horror film to watch in your lifetime it would be this one. Rated PG for mild horror and violence. It's repeated on Tuesday,

El Loro

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