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El Loro posted:

Yogi, I'm glad you had more of a sleep last night


Moonie, great pictures of your swans and a robin


Summer and Squiggle, I hope you can stay warm


Discovered today that M&S are ditching black plastic containers for their ready meals for environmental reasons. Instead they are using clear plastic containers for the majority of lines with a small number in metal foil containers. At present it seems to be the "balanced for you" range but no doubt that will be extended to their other ranges.


The clear plastic container meals are microwave only. So if, like me, you don't have a microwave, your choices are severely restricted.

Thanks El 

squiggle posted:

Especially for Moonie


Image may contain: outdoor and water

Awww thanks squiggle. That’s just so beautiful 

The cygnets are a little large for a piggyback though 


Two years ago when we had a particularly big family, I saw just what is in your picture up our park. Mum swimming and much smaller cygnets trying to get on her back 🙂

There was always one maybe two who never actually made it 

squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, very grey and cold here, I'm cosily snuggled up and I hope you all will be at some time today.  Stay warm when you venture out.  I'm glad you slept so well to make up for your sleepless night Yogi but that's quite a compliment from your little ones, I bet they slept so soundly with Granny near to keep them feeling cherished and safe.


Enjoy your day everyone

What a lovely thing to say, Squiggle 


When it was time to leave, PB hugged me and said, “I don’t want to leave you” and BB hugged me and said, “I’ll miss you”

They melt my heart âĪïļâĪïļ

Yogi19 posted:
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, very grey and cold here, I'm cosily snuggled up and I hope you all will be at some time today.  Stay warm when you venture out.  I'm glad you slept so well to make up for your sleepless night Yogi but that's quite a compliment from your little ones, I bet they slept so soundly with Granny near to keep them feeling cherished and safe.


Enjoy your day everyone

What a lovely thing to say, Squiggle 


When it was time to leave, PB hugged me and said, “I don’t want to leave you” and BB hugged me and said, “I’ll miss you”

They melt my heart âĪïļâĪïļ

Awwwww, they are little darlings  


Good morning everyone


Cloudy here though warmer than recently.


Well done Mrs taxi driver


Yogi, Nancy Carroll (Lady Felicia) does a lot of stage work so that may be the reason why she is no longer a regular on Father Brown.


The camels and their owners arrived early this morning, and after a few hours sleep, set off for home but rather than return southwards have gone eastwards.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning 👋 overcast here, but I’m still going to make the best of it! A nice walk with a bouncy Bramble & our friends will be great fun. 

Yesterday one of my friends asked if she could take Bramble out while I was at work, which is fine because I trust her. They had a great time but I felt very odd not having to walk her after work myself  


what are all doing today? 

Those camels sound interesting

~Sparkling Summer~

Re the camels etc, I'm referring to today being the 6th so Epiphany Sunday, where the protestant and Roman Catholic churches mark the visit of the magi/wise men to the baby Jesus.
Matthew 2

So they would have travelled from the east to Jerusalem. Then. after taling with Herod, go to Bethlehem. Bethlehem is about 100 miles to the north of Jerusalem. Camels can walk 100 miles in a day. Then after some sleep, they go back home in an easterly direction rather than going back to Jerusalem.


Although the well known carol refers to 3 kings, there's no direct biblical reference to them as to the number (though there were the 3 gifts) or being kings.

El Loro

2 nuns joining Call the Midwife cast in the series starting on Sunday.
Sister Hilda who was in the Christmas special (Fenella Woolgar who in real life had a great aunt who was a nun - Sister Mary Hilda)
and Sister Frances who was also in the Christmas special (Ella Bruccoleri).
They have been sent there by the new Mother Superior (Mother Mildred) (Miriam Margolyes)

El Loro

*night owls* whirlwind summer coming through!!!!! I hope you’ve all had s good day  


wow Ice pancake I’ve never heard of them before but I think that’s amazing. Thanks for the link, El. I love nature & geographical things 

Twickers, you make me want a snickers! Happy new year and I hope 2019 is more gentle on you  

the walk yesterday was lovely, I’ve tired Bramble out completely lol and I had curry with friends afterwards. 

Today was busy at work, I finished so late that I didn’t bother putting the decorations in the loft tonight. They’ll keep for another night ðŸĪ·â€â™€ïļ 


the shrug ðŸĪ·â€â™€ïļ <—- is my new favourite emoji, btw. 


Sweet dreams lovely friends


~Sparkling Summer~

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