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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

Yogi19 posted:
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, very grey and cold here, I'm cosily snuggled up and I hope you all will be at some time today.  Stay warm when you venture out.  I'm glad you slept so well to make up for your sleepless night Yogi but that's quite a compliment from your little ones, I bet they slept so soundly with Granny near to keep them feeling cherished and safe.


Enjoy your day everyone

What a lovely thing to say, Squiggle 


When it was time to leave, PB hugged me and said, “I don’t want to leave you” and BB hugged me and said, “I’ll miss you”

They melt my heart ❤️❤️

Awwwww, they are little darlings  
