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Good evening Buddies  

Nice day here. A little sunshine, a lot of cloud and a dribble of rain. Just managed to get me washing in as the rain started to dribble 


Yogi, glad you and Keira managed to get out for a walk

Sweet pleased you had some sunshine, finally 

squiggle, good see you had some sunshine too 

El, Fahrenheit 451, radio version, is currently on the BBC Radio iPlayer 


Have a super evening everyone  


Moonie, thanks re mentioning that Fahrenheit 451 is on the BBC radio iplayer though it must be a drastically reduced version of the book being 2 Â― hours in all.  Besides reading the book I've also seen the 1966 film version a couple of times (Oscar Werner and Julie Christie directed by Francois Truffaut).


It's odd that 3 of the 5 books on that BBC list are of a dystopian nature.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Fair weather here, a bit breezy.


Squiggle, you are early this morning


Another routine client meeting this morning but he's coming here. He always ties his meetings with me when he's getting his car serviced. He's a sales rep so does a substantial amount of driving and covers a large geographical area.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone.

Squiggle, the weather up here is bright and breezy.

El, it's good the sales rep can co-ordinate your meeting with his car getting serviced.

Off to get my hair cut this afternoon, I'll give you a twirl when I get back.

Moonie, is it today your tiles are being lifted?

Have a good day, everyone.

*looks forward to that twirl*


Yes, it was tile removal day today. All done. Their operative said the tiles didn't contain asbestos. That's another job done. So on Monday I shall be off down to the council to get an inspector to come and get the work started 


This Is getting to be like a *real life* soap opera  

But I can still , for now 


Thanks Yogi


Moonie, that's great news


And some more good news. Ministers have announced that the Making Tax Digital timetable has been changed. Sole traders, partnerships and landlords with turnover over ÂĢ85k would have had to start complying from next April and those with turnover over ÂĢ10k from April 2019. That's been delayed until 2020 at the earliest. People will be able to file digitally before then if they want to.

What hasn't changed is that VAT returns will have to be filed digitally from April 2019 but as people are used to doing that within a month each quarter there's less upheaval involved.

Limited companies would have had to from April 2020 so that may not change.


The important thing is that MTD will be able to be implemented in a more orderly way than the insane rush to get it done by next April.


El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

That's a relief El, thank you for sharing the good news that'll give us time to adjust to pension contributions and then plenty of time to focus on the digital transition  


good afternoon everyone a cloudy but pleasant day here, I've been busy running errands this morning but will be heading to work just as soon as I hang some bedding on the line 

~Sparkling Summer~

Nice twirl, Squiggle Now we wait for Yogi to do hers


Moonie, I hope you get your washing dry before there's any rain though I think that's more likely tomorrow morning


Summer, I thought you would think it's a relief that they've seen sense and delayed MTD. I hope that when it does come in they will set a higher threshold than ÂĢ10,000 as that is wrong. There is no doubt that there is a cost involved whether actual financial cost or lost productivity time and people on that level of gross turnover would give up as no longer worth while carrying on.

El Loro

Afternoon all  *twirls* 

My hair is "transitional ATM as I'm tweaking the style for my youngest sons' wedding.

Nice twirl, Squiggle.

lol I have never heard of a fruit juice container ship.

Moonie, that's good news about the tiles. Hopefully, the work can now be completed quickly 

El, that's good news that the MDT deadline has been delayed.

Summer, I hope your afternoon has been less hectic 


El Loro posted:

Nice twirl, Squiggle Now we wait for Yogi to do hers


Moonie, I hope you get your washing dry before there's any rain though I think that's more likely tomorrow morning


Summer, I thought you would think it's a relief that they've seen sense and delayed MTD. I hope that when it does come in they will set a higher threshold than ÂĢ10,000 as that is wrong. There is no doubt that there is a cost involved whether actual financial cost or lost productivity time and people on that level of gross turnover would give up as no longer worth while carrying on.

Funnily enough El, I wondered outside and felt the odd spot of rain, so fetched it all. It was dry anyway by then 

It only turned out to be a few spots too. It's sunnier now than it has been all day 

Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all  *twirls* 

My hair is "transitional ATM as I'm tweaking the style for my youngest sons' wedding.

Nice twirl, Squiggle.

lol I have never heard of a fruit juice container ship.

Moonie, that's good news about the tiles. Hopefully, the work can now be completed quickly 

El, that's good news that the MDT deadline has been delayed.

Summer, I hope your afternoon has been less hectic 


Hi Yogi

Nice twirl

Fankoo but knowing our council, as I do only to well, we still have a way to go yet  


I will be on their case on Monday though

Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all  *twirls* 

My hair is "transitional ATM as I'm tweaking the style for my youngest sons' wedding.

Nice twirl, Squiggle.

lol I have never heard of a fruit juice container ship.

Moonie, that's good news about the tiles. Hopefully, the work can now be completed quickly 

El, that's good news that the MDT deadline has been delayed.

Summer, I hope your afternoon has been less hectic 


Hi Yogi

Nice twirl

Fankoo but knowing our council, as I do only to well, we still have a way to go yet  


I will be on their case on Monday though

 Go get 'em, Moonie.

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Afternoon all  *twirls* 

My hair is "transitional ATM as I'm tweaking the style for my youngest sons' wedding.

Nice twirl, Squiggle.

lol I have never heard of a fruit juice container ship.

Moonie, that's good news about the tiles. Hopefully, the work can now be completed quickly 

El, that's good news that the MDT deadline has been delayed.

Summer, I hope your afternoon has been less hectic 


Hi Yogi

Nice twirl

Fankoo but knowing our council, as I do only to well, we still have a way to go yet  


I will be on their case on Monday though

 Go get 'em, Moonie.

You can bet your sweet bippy I will Yogi


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