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A pig who had escaped and had been seen in various locations in the Gloucester city centre has been recaptured safely. Gloucestershire County Council are carrying out an investigation.
BBE article includes a clip:
The pig can be seen wandering down Westgate Street towards the Cross (where the four gate streets meet and marks the historic cente). A very long time ago there were gates at the end of each of the 4 streets named after the main cardinal directions.

 The pig must have passed Shire Hall as that's just before where you see the pig coming from. The Shire Hall is the HQ of Gloucestershire County Council

El Loro
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Plug it in moonie  

im glad you've had a better day today and I hope you have a great weekend 

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

iPad is dying battery wise 

i hope your weekend will be a good one 

Nite nite, sleep well, sweet dreams lovely people  

Thanks Moonie. I hope you have a good weekend too

Plug that iPad in!!

Goodnight and sweet dreams 


Hi Yogi and Sweet 

Looks lik great minds think alike  

it was down to 9% and flashing red at me 

Its never been down that low since I have had it  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good morning happy weekend! I hope you all slept well  

It's raining here but we'll not let it spoil our weekend, I'm going to see Little Mix tonight! 

I had to Google Little Mix 

Have a lovely time Sweet 


Yogi19 posted:

Good morning everyone 

Summer, It's also raining up here.

Middle son is going to visit today, DiL may join us after she finishes work.

Eldest son said he may pop in tomorrow - not sure if DiL and the tiddlers will be with him.

Have a good weekend, everyone.

HI Yogi 

It looks like you're in for an enjoyable but busy weekend

Have fun  


Summer, I hope you enjoy Little Mix tonight. They were performing at the rugby stadium here in Gloucester a couple of weekends ago and I could hear the screams of their fans from where I live. One of my clients told me that she refused to let her 10 year daughter go as she doesn't approve of their very suggestive routine. Not having seen them I can't comment. The day after Little Mix, it was Tom Jones, the second time he's performed there.


Squiggle and Moonie. the weather here isn't much better than yours. On the way back from Cheltenham this morning when I got to the Gloucester end of the bypass there were 2 cars which cut across from the outer lane to the inner lane (slowly and the other vehicles weren't moving) and stopped at the exit towards the Elmbridge Court buildings. It was obvious that one had collided with the other as a cable from one car was dangling from the underneath at the rear and I could see oil on the road. I didn't witness the accident and I don't think anyone was injured. I could see the two drivers getting out to have a discussion.

El Loro
squiggle posted:

I thought Moonie might like this

 That is lovely squiggle 

The black swans are gorgeous

I love the way the man on the voiceover said, "they seem to be getting on well together" and then the swan started nibbling the fish 


I have amended this post with apologies to squiggle  

Last edited by Moonie

By the way, Talking Pictures is showing a unique film next Thursday evening. It's a 1954 film called Salt of the Earth. It's unlikely that you've ever heard of it let alone seen it. The reason why it is unique is that it the only American film ever blacklisted there during the McCarthy era during which anyone who had any communist links or suspected of such was blacklisted. Some of those who had been blacklisted made the film in New Mexico in protest. The film itself is supposed to be good and is in the list of 1001 films to see before you die. Story is of Mexican miners who call a general strike and it is out and out pro-communist. It did eventually get released in the States, and was in fact added to their National Film Registtry in 1992. That's their Library of Congress and the registry is there to preserve films which are considered important. The majority of actors in the film were non-professional and the only one I had heard of was Will Geer (Grandfather in the Waltons).

El Loro
El Loro posted:

By the way, Talking Pictures is showing a unique film next Thursday evening. It's a 1954 film called Salt of the Earth. It's unlikely that you've ever heard of it let alone seen it. The reason why it is unique is that it the only American film ever blacklisted there during the McCarthy era during which anyone who had any communist links or suspected of such was blacklisted. Some of those who had been blacklisted made the film in New Mexico in protest. The film itself is supposed to be good and is in the list of 1001 films to see before you die. Story is of Mexican miners who call a general strike and it is out and out pro-communist. It did eventually get released in the States, and was in fact added to their National Film Registtry in 1992. That's their Library of Congress and the registry is there to preserve films which are considered important. The majority of actors in the film were non-professional and the only one I had heard of was Will Geer (Grandfather in the Waltons).

I loved Will Geer as Grampa Walton,

El Loro posted:

Apparently hundreds of Finns decided yesterday to break the world record for skinny dipping.
There's a very brief clip in the article and there is a warning on that clip that it contains some nudity (rear view only).
But why were they all wearing green swim caps?

 How can they say it's skinny dipping if they are wearing swim caps? 

Just an attempt at a joke 

Yeah, I know a very poor attempt too 


Good evening everyone  

Its gone cool here now. I can put up with that 


Hi Yogi 

I see you have had a busy but enjoyable day. That's good 


My day has been fine fankoo. Not done a lot but manage to get up th park to see the family. All looking beautiful 

The babies are starting to get white chests and white feathers on their wings too 


*night owls*  


good evening all you all sound very busy but like you've enjoyed your weekend  


welcome home ros, I hope you've had a fab time  


little mix were very good, I like most of their songs but there's a couple that aren't my cuppa tea. They are fab singers and good performers though, (even if they're costumes are a bit racy) and we had a great evening.

this morning I was up very early, I've been to the Lake District for a walk. Bramble loved it but is now pooped bless her. 


Wishing you all very sweet dreams

~Sparkling Summer~

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