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Afternoon all.

Moonie and El, I'm happy to report that Keira and I managed to go for a walk.

Summer, considering her age, Keira is doing fine. We still go for a walk most days although, the walks are much shorter than they used to be. 

El, that oak lobby is a beautiful piece of workmanship but I'm not sure there are many places where it would "fit in".

Squiggle, I hope the rain hasn't appeared. It has gone a bit cloudy up here now.

Last edited by Yogi19

Yogi, although I have little interest in ballet I did watch that Woolf Works yesterday evening. The first and third segments have Alessandra Ferri in, the second doesn't. Although it was a theatre production and had been shown live in some cinemas, there was an advantage in watching it on television. Alessandra Ferris is extraordinary and you can tell what she's thinking by just watching her face which added to it. The first and third segments were considerably better than the second which, to me, was just wierd. It was based on Orlando which is almsot science fiction and starts off in Elizabethan times. Some of the costumes in that second segment are as odd as anything you'll ever see - I guess the designer was trying to come up with what a spacesuit might have looked like in Elizabethan times. There is a warning for some strobing in the second segment which occurs near the end though it's nowhere near as bad as at some music venues.. Some of the music in that second segment is discordant but some of it is quite pleasant.


I'd rate the first segment 10/10, the second 2/10, and the third 9/10 as although very good is sad.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, although I have little interest in ballet I did watch that Woolf Works yesterday evening. The first and third segments have Alessandra Ferri in, the second doesn't. Although it was a theatre production and had been shown live in some cinemas, there was an advantage in watching it on television. Alessandra Ferris is extraordinary and you can tell what she's thinking by just watching her face which added to it. The first and third segments were considerably better than the second which, to me, was just wierd. It was based on Orlando which is almsot science fiction and starts off in Elizabethan times. Some of the costumes in that second segment are as odd as anything you'll ever see - I guess the designer was trying to come up with what a spacesuit might have looked like in Elizabethan times. There is a warning for some strobing in the second segment which occurs near the end though it's nowhere near as bad as at some music venues.. Some of the music in that second segment is discordant but some of it is quite pleasant.


I'd rate the first segment 10/10, the second 2/10, and the third 9/10 as although very good is sad.

You did well to last till the end, El.

While I loved Alessandra's dancing (I'm in awe of her flexibility at her age), I found the dark stage very gloomy. I gave up half way through, I'm afraid.


*night owls*  


sweet dreams yogi & velvet and for Ros if you pop in


after all my guests coming & going lately, I needed a couple of quiet hours to myself tonight to get the house back in to order and to quieten my mind. It's been very restorative 

I feel like a b&b lately lol and there's plenty more to come over the summer too, starting with my best friend & godaughter in 3 weeks time  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning a pleasant, sunny start here but now raining. It's dampening my spirits now, I'd like some blue sky. 


Thank you squiggle I've got a nice early night planned for tonight, I've got my fav m&s dinner in the freezer (chicken arrabiata) and plan to read my book in the bath  


guess what! One of my customers just gave me a huge bunch of Rhubarb  


i hope all is going well in yogi land with the tiddlers  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning Buddies  

We have rain...yeeeey 

I am not usually this happy to see rain but we needed it. It's been steady though not heavy. It gives it a chance to sink in and not run off 

It has stopped now but the weather forecast is for more and heavier later 


Yogi, I hope you have a lovely day with the little ones 

Sweet, I hope you enjoy your rhubarb 

El, I hope your client meeting goes well 

Hi squiggle, I hope all is well with you 


Shopping done, parcels posted, so that's me sorted for the day 

Have a great Tuesday everyone  

Last edited by Moonie

Re that Woolf Works ballet, the third segment called Tuesday and based on The Waves does have a strong music score by Max Richter.

I will post a link to a Youtube clip which is audio only as it may appeal to some. The opening words are spoken by Maggie Smith. A strong word of caution, do not listen if you are feeling down as the words are of someone who is dying and decides to end it all. The music is beautiful though in much the same way as Barber's Adagio for Strings.

El Loro

Evening all 

Squiggle, you were right, I had a good day with the tiddlers and PB was over the moon when youngest son popped in for a visit. She " helped" him to wash his car, wearing her wellies and apron in the sunshine. BB went for a nap while the other two were outside, so I had an hour to myself to organise tea and do some other things.

Summer, I love rhubarb - in a nice pie or crumble.

El, I'm glad the meeting went well and I loved the whale and dolphin clip.

Moonie, you finally got some rain.



Good morning everyone, a much brighter morning.  We did get enough rain yesterday to do the garden good and I was lucky that I didn't have to go out so could enjoy watching it.  I love PB's attire to 'help' wash the car A very sensible young lady, no wet feet and an apron to keep her clothes clean.


Enjoy your day everyone


I used to have a husband and wife partnership, he did chauffering for things such as weddings and she did the books. Done them for some years then one year she asked me about claiming a wage for their two children. The tax rules are simple, they are allowed for tax purposes as an expense a) if the number of hours claimed can be justified and actually done and b) if the rate per hour is realistic. Paying pocket money to the children for helping wash the cars is never allowable (unless conditions a and b are met). She accepted this and signed her tax return. He was out so I left his return with her to send on to me.


Then a couple of days later he rang me to sack me on the spot and that he was consulting the solicitors to bring a claim for negligence against me. I notified my insurance compamy and waited.


Nothing ever happened.


I did get a letter from another firm asking for professional clearance but no mention of any claim. I won't call them accountants as there was nothing on their letter heading to indicate that they belonged to any professional body. (Anyone can provide accounting and tax services, there's no requirement to be professionally qualified),


Normally the firm taking over informs the Inland Revenie (as they were then, it's a long time ago) that they have become the clients agents. This did not happen as the Inland Revenue sent me their tax calculations for the husband and wife. And when I looked at them I found that the taxed profit for each of them had been reduced by an amount equal to the personal allowance. I realised then that the firm who took over had claimed a wage for each child equal to the personal allowance, The Inland Revenue would take a dim view of that it they ever found out.


Apologies for a long post and if it's something I've mentioned before.

El Loro
squiggle posted:

Good morning everyone, a much brighter morning.  We did get enough rain yesterday to do the garden good and I was lucky that I didn't have to go out so could enjoy watching it.  I love PB's attire to 'help' wash the car A very sensible young lady, no wet feet and an apron to keep her clothes clean.


Enjoy your day everyone

Yes, she does like to "dress for the activity"

El Loro posted:

I used to have a husband and wife partnership, he did chauffering for things such as weddings and she did the books. Done them for some years then one year she asked me about claiming a wage for their two children. The tax rules are simple, they are allowed for tax purposes as an expense a) if the number of hours claimed can be justified and actually done and b) if the rate per hour is realistic. Paying pocket money to the children for helping wash the cars is never allowable (unless conditions a and b are met). She accepted this and signed her tax return. He was out so I left his return with her to send on to me.


Then a couple of days later he rang me to sack me on the spot and that he was consulting the solicitors to bring a claim for negligence against me. I notified my insurance compamy and waited.


Nothing ever happened.


I did get a letter from another firm asking for professional clearance but no mention of any claim. I won't call them accountants as there was nothing on their letter heading to indicate that they belonged to any professional body. (Anyone can provide accounting and tax services, there's no requirement to be professionally qualified),


Normally the firm taking over informs the Inland Revenie (as they were then, it's a long time ago) that they have become the clients agents. This did not happen as the Inland Revenue sent me their tax calculations for the husband and wife. And when I looked at them I found that the taxed profit for each of them had been reduced by an amount equal to the personal allowance. I realised then that the firm who took over had claimed a wage for each child equal to the personal allowance, The Inland Revenue would take a dim view of that it they ever found out.


Apologies for a long post and if it's something I've mentioned before.

Naughty man! He obviously stopped using your services because you do things properly.

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Gold afternoon I hope you're all enjoying the day? Shock about Murray, that'll upset a few 


it's a lovely day here so I've been out walking, have laundry hanging outside and am baking Rhubarb & Apple crumbles as I type  

~Sweet Summer~ posted:

He has good taste  


ive just delivered 2 to my friends and then eaten half of mine, I enjoyed it with some custard  


I'm defrosting the freezer and it's making some very clunky noises as the ice drops lol 

Yummy, I love rhubarb crumble! Your friends are very lucky.


Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here.


It's many years since that client sacked me. I'm aware that the frim who took over from me got the business set up as a company. The accounts which were filed at Companies House show that dividends taken each year were always in excess of the profits made which meant that the company was insolvent throughout its history. Any competent accountant would know that dividends are not legal if they exceed available profits and HMRC would take a dim view of that. Also directors get into trouble if the company continues to trade when they know it's insolvent. The company was eventually struck off.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

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