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Squiggle, the high tides are at their highest today, tomorrow and Monday. Yesterday was the new moon. Tides are at their highest during the 3 following days after the new moon and after the full moon so every 2 weeks.


By the way when they talk about spring tides they mean spring as in suddenly jumping up or gushing rather than the season.


El Loro

According to the Met Office website the wettest ever months for their weather stations which are closest to Gloucester are:


Ross September 1976 162.4mm

Oxford November 1940 175.5mm

Oxford October 1875 192.9mm

The January figures are not yet available.


There is another weather station at Nailsworth which isn't one of the Met Office ones but is closer to Gloucester than Ross or Oxford.

Nailsworth January 2014 169.4mm


So although not the wettest month on record, last month is certainly one of the wettest.


January 2014

El Loro
I hope you're all having a lovely weekend

I've had a hectic couple of days at work, and last night we went to see Strictly Come Dancing Live

I've had a bath, am in my pj's and have poured myself a little glass of wine

El- that episode of the Tudors stayed with me for a long time, I actually felt sorry for Anne Boleyn at the end. The actress who portrayed her was good, and she's now in Games of Thrones.
~Sparkling Summer~
Hi yogi
How was your day?

Aaaah, that's tough; definitely Natalie, she wasn't competing but she was dancing with the pros and was amazing. She's absolutely stunning too.
Mark & Iveta were very funny, I loved them but I have to say (and I never thought I would) that Natalie & Artem were superb, she really is very very good.
The winners on the night were Susanna & Kevin! They were excellent, and very funny too
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Hi yogi
How was your day?

Aaaah, that's tough; definitely Natalie, she wasn't competing but she was dancing with the pros and was amazing. She's absolutely stunning too.
Mark & Iveta were very funny, I loved them but I have to say (and I never thought I would) that Natalie & Artem were superb, she really is very very good.
The winners on the night were Susanna & Kevin! They were excellent, and very funny too

My day has been good. Middle son and DiL have been visiting and we are watching The Voice - well, DiL and I are watching The Voice, son said "wake me up when it's finished".

Sounds like you had a great evening.

Haha sounds about right! Is Emma Willis good on the voice?

The show was fantastic but a complete brat sitting behind me did spoil my evening by constantly kicking the back of my seat and squealing that she was bored, I eventually had enough and told the mother just that! She did apologise & tell her off but it had no effect- they left in a hurray at the end
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Haha sounds about right! Is Emma Willis good on the voice?

The show was fantastic but a complete brat sitting behind me did spoil my evening by constantly kicking the back of my seat and squealing that she was bored, I eventually had enough and told the mother just that! She did apologise & tell her off but it had no effect- they left in a hurray at the end

Oh no, nothing worse than a brat kicking your chair. Quite right to tell the mum.

Emma is good on The Voice but I do think she needs to watch she isn't over-exposed and people might get fed up seeing her on everything.

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Aaaah some shows are just best enjoyed in your own company

What's your plans for tomorrow?
I'm going to wait on the weather before deciding

Sorry Summer, I got sidetracked.

I'm going to see my dad in the morning as it is his birthday and we have DiL and PB coming for dinner at night. Eldest son is working so he can't come.

Originally Posted by El Loro:

I'm back from church - the service on the first Sunday each month tends to be quite a lot shorter than on the other Sundays. Today, the elderly couple that I've known for years are celebrating their 68th wedding anniversary


Wow how lucky are they   We had 4 baptisms this morning, one couple with young children and one elderly couple who have known the Lord for years.  Their testimonies, as always, were uplifting.


Squiggle, at our church service this morning the vicar drew attention to firstly the elderly couple and then the family with their 8 month old baby who will be baptised shortly so similarities between the service at my church and at your church.

Although you would know this, the others might not know that today is the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple also known as Candlemas which takes place 40 days after Christmas Day. It was the custom in those days to take a new born baby to the Temple in Jerusalem 40 days after birth. In St Luke's gospel, Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus go into the temple and firstly meet Simeon who had been promised that he would not die until seen the Messiah. On seeing Jesus he says the words:

"Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace; according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people: to be a light to lighten the gentiles and to be the glory of Thy people Israel" That is the Nunc Dimittiis prayer which has been used in Evensong in the book of common prayer for centuries.

Then the family meet Anna who had been a widow for many many years and was eldetly and said prayers for Jesus when she saw them.


Hence the similarities between your church service and mine.



El Loro

I didn't know that this was the day of Presentation of Jesus at The Temple EL.  As you will know the non-conformist church does not often follow the church calendar of the Church of England, with the exception of course of the major holidays.  I love that Bible passage, Simeon and Anna, both devoted servants of The Lord.


Squiggle, the Presentation of Jesus is celebrated in the Roman Catholic church and is one of the 12 Great Feasts of the Eastern Orthodox church as well as the C of E.

There are some Christians who leave their Christmas decorations up until today and it's quite normal for churches (including ours) to leave the nativity crib in place until today.


I think 40 days must have some particular significance in Judaism and Christianity:

The flood lasted for 40 days and nights

Jesus fasted in the desert for 40 days and nights

40 days from Christmas Day to Candlemas

40 days of Lent

40 days from Easter Sunday to Ascension Day

It's also significant in Islam.



El Loro

Evening all. Thank you for my dad's birthday wishes. I'm afraid I didn't get to visit him after all as I had stomach spasms and vomiting during the night and was still poorly this morning.  I am going to see him tomorrow and I did speak to him on the phone.

Hubby cooked dinner, so DiL and PB were still able to visit tonight. A PB visit is always guaranteed to cheer me up.

Well done on your 7 mile walk, Summer.

Squiggle and El, 40 does seem to be a very significant biblical number.



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