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They look lovely dont they! 

just had sister on the phone, her lad (17) just away to the class prom, she is in tears saying he looks so handsome! The boys wearing black suits, white shirt with a red bow tie. the girls will be in evening dress. Awwww . They are off to a posh hotel. How fast they grow up. A professional photographer booked to take photos, so that will be nice to look forward to.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

They look lovely dont they! 

just had sister on the phone, her lad (17) just away to the class prom, she is in tears saying he looks so handsome! The boys wearing black suits, white shirt with a red bow tie. the girls will be in evening dress. Awwww . They are off to a posh hotel. How fast they grow up. A professional photographer booked to take photos, so that will be nice to look forward to.

That's lovely Skylark, thanks for the cake too - ooh naughty but nice


We need Summer Ros Joyron and Velvet to join in now too.


Morning everyone 

Nice pics squiggle 
Sun shining here too, and its stopped raining 
Lovely coats Summer, well done!

Just off to order some Bulgarian Levs for sons holiday. Been looking around and not much difference in the rate today so will just go up to the local travel agents and get them there, saves a trip into town. Its still chaotic up there with the never ending tramworks. 

Have a good day  


Good morning everyone. I'm pleased to say the sun is shining up here, too.

Keira has been out sunbathing already, see pic below.

She has never bothered with the birds coming into my garden and they seem to realise she won't harm them. My blackbird comes within three feet of her to get his raisins - I can't throw the raisins too close to Keira because she eats them.


Lovely pics, Squiggle.


Skylark, it's seems no time at all since your son booked his holiday, the weeks are flying past.



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Thats me back, the girl in the shop had computer problems, but got there in the end. I said that was no problem, as i know only too well  
Yes Yogi, the weeks are flying in, he is off end July.

Lovely picture of Keira x Well done El on the caption and love the lev pun, you are on the ball today 
Just going to have some lunch before i get stuck in to the housework . tata for now x


Good morning everyone. Another sunny morning up here.

Hair colouring went well, good luck with yours, Squiggle.

Summer, which hair colour are you considering?

Hope all goes well today with the boiler servicing, El. Sensible to have it done before winter arrives. Considering the weather we have had in the last month, winter might not be so far away.

Skylark, when my sons went on holiday, it was always with a large group of friends. I used to comfort myself that there was safety in numbers.

Still worried the whole time they were away though.


Good noon all Sunny here but we had a little shower earlier. Miss bramble has been utterly bonkers this morning, luckily I got up earlier to take her on a longer walk because she's at work with me for a 2nd consecutive day. She calmed down and went to sleep when I needed her to, phew! I think her teething may have something to do with it, she was whimpering as she chewed her bone- very unlike her. Poor thing El I'm glad your boiler service went nice & smoothly, it's peace of mind for sure and skylark I hope yours goes just as smoothly. I know this is odd but I like the smell of airing cupboards Yogi, I'm considering low lighting a couple of different blondes through my already very blonde hair. I used to streak a very dark brown through it, faded after a couple of months, so whatever I do, I know won't last forever. I've got flexibility to have a bit of fun with it, it's just going through the testing process and finding colours that won't kick out too red..
~Sparkling Summer~

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