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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

Squiggle, at our church service this morning the vicar drew attention to firstly the elderly couple and then the family with their 8 month old baby who will be baptised shortly so similarities between the service at my church and at your church.

Although you would know this, the others might not know that today is the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple also known as Candlemas which takes place 40 days after Christmas Day. It was the custom in those days to take a new born baby to the Temple in Jerusalem 40 days after birth. In St Luke's gospel, Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus go into the temple and firstly meet Simeon who had been promised that he would not die until seen the Messiah. On seeing Jesus he says the words:

"Lord, now lettest Thou Thy servant depart in peace; according to Thy word: for mine eyes have seen Thy salvation, which Thou hast prepared before the face of all people: to be a light to lighten the gentiles and to be the glory of Thy people Israel" That is the Nunc Dimittiis prayer which has been used in Evensong in the book of common prayer for centuries.

Then the family meet Anna who had been a widow for many many years and was eldetly and said prayers for Jesus when she saw them.


Hence the similarities between your church service and mine.



El Loro