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I've had just about enough of this - it's not my fault that the budget here only stretches to Poundland dusters - any more critising of my work and I go to the papers.

Miss S, I am not for one minute pointing the finger (apart from along my drinks cabinet) at you or your staff... and I certainly will (grovel) apologise if any offence was taken...I must have left the window open, and some pigeon dropped a sh*t load of feather dust on my furniture  
some pigeon dropped a sh*t load of feather dust on my furniture
Yes, that must have been what happened......Whistling Smiley

Hmmm, well I will hold off from phoning the News of the World for now.

I am sure they will be interested in a tale of mistreatment of staff at number 10, however.

Now, I seem to remember there was a matter of a payrise?
Yes, that must have been what happened...... Hmmm, well I will hold off from phoning the News of the World for now. I am sure they will be interested in a tale of mistreatment of staff at number 10, however. Now, I seem to remember there was a matter of a payrise?

Hmmmm now this needs to be handled delicately, I will endeavour to lead the cabinet (towards stonks's bar) towards a fair and just discussion Miss S, will that (pacify) promise of a fair and democratic approach lead you not to make rash decisions involving (MurCock) Robert Murdock  

Ps I aint half having to use spell check 
Seems the threat of a newspaper story means that you hierarchy will bow to my demands. I shall now go and make a list of requests that I expect to be met within, say, 48 hours. After I've washed these windows - bloody pigeons

That seems (un) reasonable Miss S, now I just have to think of ways to get the other members on side... (starts crying) this could be a tad difficult  Can we not extend the negotiations for about five years  
According to one of the young constables the following footage was caught on CCTV - me and my girls had just filled the fridge with past sell by date  bargains from ASDA so who is this nicking stuff?

Must be tiddly, how underhand is that, she's been missing.. food poisoning must be the culprit..probably had pubes in it too  

Took me ages to find the right smilies 
Must be tiddly, how underhand is that, she's been missing.. food poisoning must be the culprit..probably had pubes in it too

Well the footage is a bit grainy but it sure looks like her - although i am a humble cleaner IN CHIEF,  may I suggest that her role in this government is reviewed.

Pubes in soap could be forgiven to an extent, but nicking food - NEVER.
Well the footage is a bit grainy but it sure looks like her - although i am a humble cleaner IN CHIEF,  may I suggest that her role in this government is reviewed. Pubes in soap could be forgiven to an extent, but nicking food - NEVER.
  PMS @ Chief 

I understand where you're coming from Miss S  I think I must digest this information in the (morning) afternoon when I'm not do (p*ssed) tired   I do think we should review Tiddly's role subject to (how much) condition's!

Nite nite Miss S, sweet dreams  

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