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Josie and Rachael in bedr. Rach saying she feels embarrased about situation with JJ especially after she went in DR & said how she fancied him
Josie can't understand why JJ going on & on about her
Rach says she feels she can't join in convo's as JJ disagrees with everything she says
Josie " don't let anyone ruin your exp here" she reckons it's sexual tension..
Rach " that's weird psycology but I get where you're coming from"
Shabby says it's like school yard mentality. Neither josie nor shabby thinks JJ is a bad bloke but they don't agree with the way he's going about things

Rach disagrees that it's becos JJ secretly fancies her. She feels she keeps double checking herself when she speaks now
.Josie "he's got weird little ways hasn't he?"Shabby is shocked at the way he flipped - it came out of nowhere

Big Brother randomly announced "This Is big Brother"

Shabby admits that she REALLY fancies Caiomhe. She doesn't want her to think she was only hanging out with her becos of that, though.. SD's
Rach reckons they(shabs and Caiomhe) would be good friends on outside
nathan comes in to ask if they like marmite..
caiomhe & Ife comes in and ask if they want to go in the pool
talk about how hot it is
talk turns to cappuchino's

Corinne & Rach at sink more washing up –

JJ Mario D Sun in a huddle in front of Bob Righter booth

Sun wonders if there is more to Bob or is he justa mannequin

Sun jokes she & BobR are going out – he is a good listener apparently

Dave & Ben join her on sofa

Dave “do you ever wonder what’s going on in the outside world?”

Ben “No”

Dave asks Ben if there would be women coming out with stories.

Dave reckons it could be the case with him(dave)


Shabby talking about a mozzarella based dish she once had to Caiomhe

Caiomhe “and how was it for you?”

Caiomhe & shabby pretending to be in a restaurant eating a meal. Caiomhe jokingly tells Rach there was a hair in her food

Shabs & caio now running around and out the kitchen

BB makes announcement for HM’s to gather

(could be time for final task)


Six final HM’s completing task have their instructions

They go into bedr to read

Can’t keep up- Govan reading too fast.

Sounds like same set-up as before ie knock out rounds.  Quiz element involved. Mario thinks it will be about re-cycling. (I think the general theme is Rubbish). They will be wearing costumes.

Mario “This will be fun, I’ve been looking forward to this all day” he rubs his hands at prospect of winning luxury spending allowance. He wants to get two ice-creams

They can win up to ÂĢ200 & special prize for winner

Ife “ right are we ready for this John?”

JJ replies he is ready

Living Room

Dave Ben Josie Nathan Sunshine Steve & Shabby  on sofas idly tossing sock-ball to one another

Shabby wishes she had a task to do today- in fact she wishes she had done this task instead. “even if it is a bit smelly”

BB announcement costumes ready for collection

Dave says he will eat sushi with the mole when he gets out

More food talk, more SD’s
Josie telling Sunshine she has been a real little soldier not once complaining about being nominated
Govan come out dressed in black sorts black leggings blue t shirt and bright yellow vest and wellies
Much laughter
JJ wearing red vest and Mario blue vest
Sunshine says she didn't realise how hot JJ was until now..

Govan takes off his blue tshirt (i'm guessing not part of costume)
he says he feels embarrased


Everyone now in LR waiting.  Ball still doing the rounds

Mario practising his walk to cheers from the others

Mario has drawn a comedy tash on his upper lip

Rach has decided she will deffo have to wash her hair after this (thank god!)

Mario passes his boots to Josie to sniff. Boots have custom splashes of paint on them. Sunshine thinks she has paint on her hands.

SD’s while  ball being tossed around

Shabby comments to Rachael that Rach looks concerned

Rachael doesn’t want to have to wait as long as the other team did yesterday.  Camera keeps switching to JJ’s face everytime Rachael says anything. JJ still got his frown on whenever Rachael speaks. She’s obviously concerned about her hair as she hasn’t been able to wash it since she got in, due to lack of straighteners
Rach goes into bedr to pick up the task instructions which she reads
Sits back down with much fluffing of rag-tailed hair..


Shabby saying she doesn’t spend much time at her squat. She doesn’t know where her stuff is as she wasn’t around when they got kicked out of the last squat she lived in. Possessions mean nothing to her, she says.

Game show begins

Sounds like George Lamb, (can’t see screen)

 Game is called Binata (as in Pinata, the Spanish paper mache stuffed full of sweet etc hitting game) brief explanation then silence.

More waiting and SD’s

Ife “the one time I get a blocked-up noseâ€Ķbrilliant timing”

Dave “the best time in the world..”

Mario telling Josie he’s going to give her and Sunshine the biggest hug when he comes out of the Rubbish task..

Banging going on outside

BB announces hm’s should take their places in front of bins.  The blinds come up revealing garden

Lots of omg’s

3 large skips yellow blue red. Ladder in each skip. Nasty muck fills skip to about a third. Govan leaning against his skip psyching himself up. He has yellow goggles on his head & his put tissue up his nose. Rach wondes if that’s allowed

Rest of hm’s settling down in garden to watch

Contestants told to line up in front of their respective bins

Caiomhe having final sip of water


Govan and Rach trying to figure out where stuff might be buried in their skip. Lots of muttereing between them then Rach says “keep it on the downlow”

Caiomhe saying ”..there’s used condoms, etc..”
Mario thinks there's a used sanitary towel in his
Teams being intr to applause from hm

You're welcome, Spider, and Hi!  

Contestants have to decide which one going in bin. Govan tells Rachael that if she does it people will say “who would’ve thought she would do something like that?”

Looks like Rachael is falling for it and going in. Ife going in for the red team (with JJ) and Mario for the blue (with Caiomhe)

Rachael making a meal out of lowering herself in. lots of sd’s

Rach “is this the worst task ever?”

Rach now asking for some support please.

Round 1 is general scrummage. Answers to questions are somewhere in the bin

Rach & Govan get their answer out first ( a tyre)

Long wait.

Rachael retching while she rummages around in the bin. Govan tells her to stop poking around

Caiomhe shouting to BB “C’MON!!”


Next questionâ€Ķ answer is shoes.

Blue team are thru to the next round. Cheers and high fives

Next question SD  it looks like it’s a close call – not sure who got that one

JJ shouts “NEXT – I’m getting angry now”

Next questions – answer is knickers. Govan gets them and waves them around before question has ended.
We are waiting to see who joins Mario & Caiomhe thru to next round

JJ reckons they will “make a come-back, don’t you worry”  he insists that Ife wanted to go in the bin.


Mario saying after smelling this stuff he is no longer hungry.

Hm’s getting restless and wandering about.  BB announcement to hm’s to get back to their original positions

The yellow team are eliminated.

BB “Govan & Rachael you are totally rubbish, go and sit down” Rach clambers out and they go sit down.

Remaining teams instructed to get out of their bins & hand over their mikes

JJ & Caiomhe to take their positions in the bin.

Team member in bin to put on their bin-blinkers.  No clues to be given as to bin contents.

Teams are readyâ€Ķ some sort of race.. they have to work their way along row of bins. Red against Blue working in opp directions and first to get to bin in centre. Bin contents have to pour contents over other team mate

Klaxon sounds

Mario making good start- they pick up buckets of gross crap and run back to chuck it over team mate in bin, then run back for next bucket.

Only got to see Ife & JJ run – it sounds like a bit of an accident with caiomhe – Mario apologising. Caiomhe asking if she can eat one of the marshmallows. She is running around the seated HM’s covered in crap & making them nervous.

They get called to stand by their bins. Blue told to sit down & Red remain by their bins – They are the winners

Caiomhe showering off yellow custardy muck off herself (Mario did a good job with the chucking)

Reds are thru to the finale. They get to swing at the Pinata. SD Each correct answer gets a swing – each swing counts towards shopping budget

They are working out who should swing. Ife answering question

Shabby “Ife are you good at this?”


Ife gets 1st question right. SD can’t catch 2nd question. She is struggling with the 3rd, what does your boss give you if you’re not very good at your job..( duh..the sack!!! C’mon!!) She asks if they can repeat the question

“ife you have failed to answer correctly, next question” which she gets

True or false question about bins/pins?

SD  Question about sesame st that she thinks Elmo is the answer to

Ife being given encouragement as she’s struggling again

What c is a waste disposal function that helps environmental growth.. she thinks it’s compost but is not sure

She gets Skippy the bush Kangaroo answer

Something about Shirley manson.. (Garbage, I love them!) Ife is faffing and getting frustrated.. (Come ON girl!!)

JJ gets the bat and is ready to swing. Waiting to find out how many swings she has earned.

Ife has earned five swings at the piÃąata.

Dave “you only need one”

Everyone chipping in with advice on how & where to swing the bat


JJ finally gets the instruction to swing. his first two swings make no impression. He takes another and bag tears. The next two opens the bag even more and a tiny bit falls out. The HM's tell him he has another swing but he doesn't think so. He takes a swing anyway and bag finally tears open and stuff falls out. HM's clapping.
After a bit of a wait BB tells JJ that he got nothing so they have earned a total of ÂĢ200 for shopping.HM's return to living room & are seated on sofas re-hashing the task. 
Ife is disappointed she didn't do better. Ben reassures her that he wouldn't have done any better. Someone reminds her that the answers were all rubbish-related. She is agonising over missing the 'sack' answer 

Right guys I'm taking a tea & fag break, catch you later!

Oh Gawd.. JJ & Rach are at it againâ€Ķ

Bedr  Rachael putting on make-up, talking to JJ.  She has washed her hair – Yay!

She is explaining to JJ how she feels she can’t talk anymore whenever he’s around. This is not her nature and it’s making her feel uncomfortable. She wishes they can resolve this as she does not want to keep having to avoid him

JJ is having none of it & claims that she has been making little digs at him with Govan.

JJ still going on about her motives for coming in the house. “The fact is that you said you loved yourself on national tv & you have come in and backed up everything that you said” He adds that she kicked off in the rubbish bin and was practically in tears (she wasn’t)

Rachael says her Mum brought her up to love herself & JJ has no idea why she feels that way & what might have happened in her life & she does not feel she has to explain herself to him all the time. The VT footage was over a week ago & why is he so judgemental

JJ is in a right lather & it seems he can’t let it lie..

Josie & Govan come in the bedroom & try to diffuse the situation. JJ is in full stride now and govan trying to calm him down, telling him that if he carries on this will start to affect his time in the house.

JJ says he doesn’t care & Govan replies that he doesn’t want to lose him

Rachel leaves the bedroom & goes to bathroom. She can’t hold back the tears and has requested DR. She wants to ask BB to arrange things so she can leave

Back in Bedroom Caiomhe has come in and is asking JJ point blank what is his problem?

Cut to bathroom and Ben trying to justify JJ’s actions to Ife who is in the bath. Ben reckons JJ is pissed that the pretty & cool girls are shutting Sunshine out

Welcome back emplula... you're doing a fantastic job today! 

Olly (Mount Olympus) often does a bit of day-shift, but she's not feeling too great today I think... so well done for stepping in and I look forward to reading you.  

I sometimes do a bit of night-shift, but spidermonkey and brisket are brilliant overnight LUTers...  

comment  I can't believe how JJ is behaving towards Rachel right now! He's gonna get in trouble real soon!
*waves to Xochi* Hiya! Ta for the welcome, I look forward to LUtting with all the regulars   
I'm disappointed with JJ, I have to say.
He's been called to the DR
Corinne Nathan & Govan are at the carousel comforting Rachael. Corinne compliments Rach on her newly washed hair. Rachael jokes she came in as Beyonce & is going out as Tina Turner.
Nathan tells her he has got her straightners in the shopping
Govan reckons her Mum will be proud
 Edit: *waves to Free thinking* Hiya  
Scotty!! Hey!  Long time..   Thanks, lal!  and I'm loving your avi, Free Thinking

So far Corinne has told Rachael that she's never used a washing machine (i think) and just now in garden told Sunshine that she has colonic irrigation once a week. Sunshine looked very surprised so she amended it to once a month. Sunshine launches into detailed account of her own colonic irrigation experience in US.
Now she's in bathroom with Dave something - he's washing clothes, damn, I missed what fib she told him.
Now she's in Living room SD as she's talking to rachael & ife & shabby, no doubt another fib - something about her face I think..
The girls have moved on to discussing outfits and make-up for eviction night


Sunshine is at dining table eating crisp sandwiches and being fussed over by Ben Mario and Dave. She is clearly enjoying the attention.

Earlier on, in the bedroom she had confided to the rest of hm’s about her eating disorder. She  was upset no provision had been made for her with regard to her vegan diet and again, just as she was looking forward to having some pizza she gets catered for with salad. It looked like she had been crying about it all, and hadn’t eaten; Nathan was offering to make her something to eat but she refused at the time.

BB announces Shopping has arrived..

Ben and JJ in living room discussing someone who Ben doesn’t trust, Ben seems to be warning JJ about someone but I missed who they were talking about. I’m taking a guess it’s Govan. Ben has a bee in his bonnet & reckons this person is a bit of a shit-stirrer, weighs up percentages & is ready to jump camp at first opportunity.. (I’m thinking it’s Govan )

Ben invites JJ to join him in the nest (which probably should be re-named the bitching corner)

Corinne in bathroom, yep, brushing her teeth..

Tree congratulates her on her work. Tree wants to know how she convinced people she was pregnant by a female.

It looks like Corinne has been successful in winning suitcase for someone (don’t know who but it’s a girl)

Ben asking why would anyone want to run between 2 friends with negative statements.

Nathan has joined The Nest with Ben, Dave, Corin and JJ.

Praising and congratulating Nathan on his culinary skills.

Nathan says he enjoys doing it. Says he likes cooking par'ying (partying) and women.
This of course was punctured by a number of F words.

All the smokers are ‘avin’ a faaaag

Lots of jocularity..

Cut to Nest- Ben holding court with Mario Dave Sunshine & JJ

So by process of elimination he has got to be talking about Govan..

JJ wants to know why it’s ok  to discuss stuff with Ben but not with Govan.

Ben starts to explain, it seems that sunshine has been her usual interrupty self and Ben asks if she will be quiet while he speaks.

Sunshine says in that case she will just go & when they are ready for her she will come back. Ben wants to know why she can’t just listen for a change.

Sunshine says she wants to enjoy what could potentially be her last night here & doesn’t really want to spend it listening to people being mean about each other.

This stumps Ben for a reply (lol)

Mario tactfully suggests to Sunshine that they go and find something fun to do & they leave..

Bitching recommences..

Cut to Smoking area Govan & Ife & Josie having a laugh.. Ife wondering where everyone is

Corinne & Nathan also in the Nest, Nathan has managed to bring convo round to food & drink

Smokers - Govan, Corin, Rachael
Talking about urine on toilet bowl/seat and pubic hairs.
Govan:"I only eat when I see others eating". (This is the guy who raided the larder the other night, and persuaded others to eat with him.)

Kitchen. Mario says he left The Nest because he felt Ben wished to complete a conversation with JJ.
Sunshine says she keeps her feelings to herself because they usually change so quickly.

The 3 smokers join Sunshine and Mario in the kitchen. Sunshine and Mario are sitting on the chairs (hooray!)

Rachael wants to speak to 'him' before going to bed. I guess ther 'him' is JJ.

Caoimhe and Shabby are in living area.

Steve has joined the guys in the Nest. He reckons whoever goes tomorrow will change the dynamics.

JJ doesn’t agree; he thinks deffo with Shabby & Sunshine, in his opinion.

Dave thinks people will be looking further down the road to see what will happen off the back of this.

JJ tells Steve that he catches his eye sometimes when stuff is going down & he knows what steve is thinking. Steve laughs and kind of agrees..

JJ saying that you’ve got to put up the person you get along with the least.

Dave feels he’s (dave) been justified the past couple of days.


The Nest.
Ben speaks of someone (male) who is happy when spending flitting from bed to bed.
It is Govan of whom they speak. Ben has noticed how he shifts from person to person and doesn't trust him. Ben says his behavious is duplicitous.
Ben advises JJ to watch his back and to question the motives of someone who makes friends "so quickly".
He thinks Govan is a cunning fox.
JJ says he doesn't want alliances.

Smoking area

Corinne saying 24hrs is a long time in this house

They are complaining about the state of the toilet – bad toilet habits by some hm’s.

Rachael has discovered pubes underneath toilet seat.

Govan “we need to get some sort of routine”

Rach wonders why if Ben is such a clean freak why doesn’t he do it himself

Govan bitching about Ben and the cheese

Corinne chipping in but I didn’t catch it

Govan can’t bear someone else using his towel.

Corinne says no wonder she’s got spots what with people drying their balls on her towel


Cut to Kitchen

Sunshine explaining to Mario that she didn’t like Ben being mean about Govan

Cut to LR but SD

Smokers move back into house, into Kitchen

Corinne asking about cereal, she’s rather eat cereal to cooked breakfast. Rach agrees. Mario says it’s quick to prepare

Racheal might have bowl of cereal for supper

Mario “you do whatever you want tonight”

Rachael debating whether to talk to JJ one last time. She doesn’t want tension in the air. She asks Mario’s opinion.

Mario offers to give JJ the heads up. Rach says no & Govan agrees that might not be good idea – he tried that earlier and it didn’t really work

Racheal says she doesn’t want to make a big deal about it – she’ll wait till she sees him then she’ll have a word privately (good luck with that one, Rachael!)


Cut to Nest and Ben saying “He’s always lying in the bed with the right kind of people”

JJ “I’m not here to make alliances”

Ben tells JJ to watch his back and question the motives of someone who wants to make friends very quickly

JJ asks Steve what he thinks. Steve agree that Ben has got a point

JJ re-hashing his latest argument with rachel. he doesn't know what he's meant to do since Rachael has told him she doesn't owe him explanation re why she said she loves herself
He wants to try and make peace but she is making it impossible

Caoimhe & Shabby are back from DR & all hyper, they've had a blast in the DR.
Shabby "It was a wicked DR" She has also brought with her a lighter. Smokers are happy about this

More ranting from JJ in the Nest 

Shabby saying she was asked what she could have done better to not get nommed but she doesn't think she's done anything regrettable. She and Caoimhe in kitchen, buzzing

@brisket The Irish do have confusing spelling to their names don't they? I bet super knowlegable Ben would know all about why that is!!

The Nest has turned into a proper Lad's Den, there is talk about 'lurpaking'? and "keeping it dusty"
Dave teasing Mario about his Moley days. Mario reckons it will be written on his tombstone - 'It was tough being a mole'
Ben saying they should have a bit of a regular Boy's Club in here every night
Dave "No girls allowed"
Ben "No duplicitous people allowed"
Ben reiterating his displeasure at Govan scurrying from camp to camp today

The Nest - Steve, Dave, JJ, Ben and now Mario has joined them.
Nathan arrives - as do the  F words.
Ben tells them how he spotted Govan tonight running around conveying bad news from one to another.
I think got Govan's number as they say.

JJ and Rachael are talking together.
JJ attempting to tone things down. He doesn't want Rachael to feel uncomfortable.


JJ and Rach in bedroom trying to patch things up.

JJ saying he does feel bad and doesn’t want her to feel uncomfortable. He wants the group to work as a unit

Rachael doesn’t like the fact that people have been getting involved

She apologises for getting upset earlier & walking away. She understands he has got his opinion of her and that’s it

JJ says that things could change., More re-hashing of what’s been said before

Rach telling him she doesn’t hate him and she just want to get on cos she feels awkward.

JJ feels bad that she feels that way – he doesn’t want her to be out of the group.

Rach assures him that it’s not his faul-t it’s just that she chooses not to be in whichever group he happens to be with at that time.

She asks him if they can draw a line under it all now and no more drama

JJ says Ok, Rach asks for a hug and promises that she isn’t going to go talking to anyone about it anymore. They hug briefly and go their separate ways


JJ looking troubled; Dave comes up to him and reassures him that he hasn’t done anything wrong, he just needs to watch his temper & not make it look like he could have been verbally aggressive

JJ thinks if the public knew the full story they would probably be behind him

Ben joins them and JJ asks who else has been bad-mouthing him.

Ben refers to the Addams Family (Shabby Ife Caoimhe) apparently Ife doesn’t approve of JJ’s behaviour

Ben explaining how he backed JJ up and stood up for him

He then goes on to say that Caoimhe had commented on JJ’s behaviour the day before & Ben had once again stood up for him. Ben doesn’t like the “3 witches stirring the pot”

Their chat seems to have ended on a better tone than of late.


Dave with JJ.  Dave tells JJ the public will like his straight-talking.

JJ asks Ben who tried to portray him as a bad guy.
Ben relates an incident with Govan and Ife. JJ listens intently.
JJ has bright red fingernails.
JJ says if he had to face the same task of transferring a nominee for another housemate (as Dave did this week) he would refuse to do it.
And JJ again goes off to give us his views on Rachael.
Dave and Steve throwing the sock-ball  in living area. Steve says he enjoyed going into The Nest. He only needed a little bit of help to get in and out.
Bedroom lights still on. Plentry of noise.
Some of the women tease Mario to drop his pants.
Mario obliges with a smile.
As he passes through living area Dave says "No ones making you get nude Mario; you enjoy getting nude."

Bathroom Shabby (wearing hat) and Ife in bath. Caoimhe, Ben and Mario standing.
Chatting about a film.

Cut to Rachael unpacking. Every item no bigger than a large handkerchief.
Nathan, Josie (wearing a trilby hat), Govan lying in bed.  JJ lays across bottom of Josie and Govan's bed.

Ben and Mario get into their beds. Ben blows a kiss.
Mario talking to bed.
Mario says he does the nudity not to shock but for fun.
The lights are turned off and some of them make extremely loud farmyard noises.
The bedroom blind / curtain is closed.
Lots of shouting.

Throwing pillows. JJ, Govan, Sunshine, Nathan screaming and fighting with pillows.

Govan did a particularly forceful throw towards Mario and Ben (who were still trying to talk.)

Very loud. Screaming.  Lights on.

In a few minutes gone from lightout and quiet, to light on and bedlam. Much din.

Bathroom - Shabby and hat, Ife in bath. Rachael and Caoimhe.
Everybody wide awake.
Lights on. Lots of noise and loud talking.
(Both Dave and JJ have painted red fingernails.)
Nathan, Rachael and Govan are smoking.

JJ pumping and fishing yet again (this time Mario) about Govan.
Mario confirms his mistrust of Govan, as Ben had earlier done.
(But what is JJ going to do with this information - thought)

They are confiding in JJ.  (Is that wise?)
Ben leaves his bed to speak to JJ

JJ now joins Josie in her bed

Cut to bathroom  govan Rachael & Shabby SD

 Govan washing his face

Cut to bedroom, JJ props open door

BB announces HM’s are forbidden to prop door open

JJ shouts out that he’s being doing that since day 1

He goes to close door

Josie removing her leggings. Unfortunate glimpse of her cellulite-covered backside

Govan & Josie giggling together. Josie saying she’s sleeping with JJ

JJ jumps into bed next to Mario

Josie “come on JJ”  and laughs

Josie now in bed, face cleansing

Govan now props door open

BB makes another announcement. Door gets closed. Lights go on. Groans all round

Govan is looking for something

Lights out

Miscellaneous chit-chat..


Lights are off.
A few "goodnights" are said.
Dave suddenly appears at the bottom of JJ and Mario's bed.

Ben went to say "goodnight" to a couple of people.
Mario says to Ben (with a smile) "Get into bed dude, before you get yourself into trouble."

JJ sits nest to Josie's bed. Josie is very loud (despite 'goodnights' having been said.

JJ props a door open to get more light, but BB tells him to close it.

There has been some changes in the sleeping arrangements.
Josie is alone tonight. Govan has defiantly propped a door open. BB tells him to close it.He is being camply dramatic about something he has lost.
Steve's voice tells him firmly to put the light on and find what he has lost - quickly.

Govan tones down the dramatics and does so.

Lights off but still very loud.

Steve’s voice out of shot telling Mario that they’ll have their little chat tomorrow

Camera on JJ slowly massaging cream into his face

Govan doing the same

JJ and Govan exchanging banter, Nathan joins in and SD

Talk about jim Davidson & sexist jokes

Cut to Bathroom

Shabby saying “I don’t hate her. I don’t know her”

Back to Bedr  JJ in full flow banter “who the fack are ya”

Govan “I’ll drop kick ya, I’ll take you daaaown”

All in seemingly good humor..  (hmm..)

Everyone telling Govan to stop flip-flopping around and get into bed..


Ife has eventually emerged from the bath. Must look like a shrivelled prune by now.
BB calls somebody to the DRoom.
Shabby, Ife and Caoimhe dash to DRoom.
They have been asked to return certain task items (at 3.a.m.?)
But Shabby pushes the laminate under the bedroom door and shouts a message leaving the others to do it, while they go to the kitchen.
Bedroom JJ and Govan wrestling.
Reading the list of missing items - but nobody is doing anything about it.
Shabby called to the DRoom.
bedroom - Lights are out and all is quiet
Josie sucking her thumb
JJ lying on the floor in front of mirror next to Josies bed apparently checking out the cameras.
He reckons it's like the Truman Show
JJ wonders why the camera crew wear black
Mario "becos it makes them look slimmer"
Rachel bends over in bed in her french knickers. No sign of cellulite..
JJ gets back into bed
Cut to Kitchen
Caoimhe at table, Ife at sink talk of tea and teabags
Cut to bedroom - a bit of laughing and joking going on 
Rachel gets into bed.
Josie tells Rachel she'll sleep with her tomorrow
JJ talking about the camera runs & cameras
he's interested to know how they are summing stuff up on the outside

Josie doesn't want to know

Nathan suggests JJ & Josie get into bed together & whisper

Bedroom is silent once more
Bedroom. Lights out.
Still talking across bedroom. Little effort to be quieter.
JJ , Rachael and Josie clearly heard.

Kitchen.  Shabby, Caoimhe and Ife.
SDip, but Caoimhe is obviously singing.

Bedroom. Govan is surprisingly quiet.
Nathan (not for the first time) is the one who makes it clear the talking is too loud.
Bedroom. Goodnight are said. Quiet - for no more than 30seconds.
Talking strikes up again - Josie, Rachael, JJ. - briefly then quiet.
Last edited by brisket

Ife and Caoimhe at carousel

Ife saying she likes Rachael for her but she can see why people might have a problem with her

Caoimhe “all that changing twice a day”

Ife not impressed at rachael’s attitude to bin task. She can see how she could be perceived on the outside asâ€Ķ as.. she struggles for a word.. Caoimhe supplies it without hesitation “â€Ķshallow”

Ife “yeah, but in the nicest possible way”

They are going over the task, how they were both covered in crap, they just got on with it.

They are now doing dance stretch moves across the garden .

Ife says she can see caoimhe has a love for dancing.

Ife “I’ve lost the spark”

Ife now doing travelling spot turns  and caoimhe follows suit.


Ife and Caoimhe smoking (I assume Shabby is still in the DRoom.)
They discuss today (yesterday's) task.
They do dance steps across the grass. Ife "can't be bothered to jump".
But she does 3 fouettes!

Bathroom. Shabby and Josie.  (I rather thought Josie was not going to sleep.)
Shabby cannot imagine which housemates would be popular with the public.
They hope the editing has been fair.
Shabby also says the producers can manipulate it to favour particular housemates.
Living area. Ife and Caoimhe doing floor exercices. Shabby arrives, flops on top of the seating and watches.
Caoimhe's groin is giving her terrible trouble!!

Cut to Bathroom with Shabby and Josie

Shabby can’t believe how much she is crapping it with regards tomorrow. She says she didn’t think it would feel like this.

Josie saying she has changed since she’s been In house. Shabby aske how and Josie replies she is more gobbier.

Shabby laughs and says Josie has always been a gobby cow but can see how she has gotten gobbier

Shabby reckons Rachael situation with JJ could actually help or hinder her chances. It depends how incident has been edited

Shabby leaves the bathroom and joins the other caoimhe and Ife in living room where they are busy stretching on floor

Shabby again saying she is bricking it

Caoimhe doesn’t think Shabby will go

Shabby telling the other 2 that Josie had told her that one of the reasons for her noms could be becos of their exclusive friendship and how this is causing a divide. The other two are shocked at this

Shabby says she doesn’t believe it

They are trying to work out which friends each of them have got “outside the trio”

Shabby says she is "bricking about tomorrow". Is now reflecting about what she may or may not have done and how she may have been shown on tv.
They refer to themselves as a trio.

A little session of "what if", "I wonder if", "it depends on".   All guesswork.
(I don't know what happened about the unreturned props from the task.)

Shabby to bathroom. Restless Josie appears again. Shabby cleans her teeth.

The trio in living area.

The other two reassuring Shabby that she is "down to earth" "completely entertaining" and Ife doesn't know what she'd do if Shabby left the house.

Josie has final word of encouragement to Shabby who is brushing her teeth.

Josie leaves bathroom and says goodnight & promises they will “have a proper good day tomorrow”

Ife Caoimhe and a pensive Shabby are left in living room. More reassurances from the two & oh, surprise, surprise, Ife suggests they move to the bathroom..

Ife put on her brown huggies while shabby wonders what the hell one has to do around here on order to not get nommed – “you have to pretend to be buddy buddy with everybody”

She says the term ‘working the room’ is apt
Talk turns to sunshine. Shabby thinks all the drama with the pizza at dinnertime was an act. She wasn't impressed with the guys fussing over her making her stuff to eat.. SD
Now they are slating Dave
Caoimhe thinks his Ministry must be disappointed in him cos he's not as out there as he could be. ife was surprised at how normal his family looked in photos
shabby saying she's changed her mind about Dave, he quite pleasant and he makes her laugh sometimes
Sahbby prefers dave to Sunshine; she doesn't know what it is about her that she doesn't like.
caoimhe can't stand the singing thing
Shabby points out that is what they've been doing most of the night.
More bitching..

The trio now in bathroom again. Reflecting and guessing and regretting and remembering and analysing the past few days.
Shabby being somewhat over-dramatic (now there's a surprise.)
This is really last minute fears about being evicted.
Sunshine is criticised - she 'grates' on Shabby.  Now Dave is on the slab.

Sunshine is not impersonated / mocked.
Shabby thinks Sunshine and Rachael have whipped out sob stories just before eviction.
(So if Shabby is so 'comfortable' and 'sorted out' why is she agonizing tonight?)

Ife: "I dont like bitching - but that's what people say  before they start bitching isn't it?"
Shabby thinks Govan will be fancied because he is a "cheeky little monkey" and is "damned endearing" and he says things "how it is".
"Does Govan fancy Josie?" asks Ife.
I repeat "Does Govan fancy Josie?" asks Ife.
This seems to be going nowhere.
A maeandering conversation in an attempt to postpone the evil eviction day.

Shabby says Govan is "adorable" and very good looking and a cheeky chappie.
The trio believe that Nathan and Josie are beginning to get closer.

Chat is a bit giddy and aimless.
Not recording all this detail. I will observe and if it moves into an area which seems interesting or important I will LUT it.
Last edited by brisket
all caught up again

Great work Brisket and Emplula. .

it's lovely to see both of you together. . as you say what one may not get the other does.. the more the merrier when LUTTing  especially  if things are going 19 to the dozen. 

Hope to be around later..  will be lovely  to have company  like old times. .plus I never ever do the describe what the HM's are wearing thing, I always forget 

am more a concentrate on the words than the actions style LUTter.. 

Wish Angel of The North was also here for the last ever Channel 4 or Ex C4 Forum LUT she started it all on the old forum . think I will dedicate this last Live Update Thread to her even tho I know she doesn't watch BB anymore .. but she deserves a name check..

The LUT was how I got my BB fix for 2 years when the Free feed was stopped online a good few years back in the days of split screens... and I had no red button for a long while.. then I got it and started LUTTing myself..

ok we are in the LUT and I have waffled but there is nowt going on in the house anyway.. just the usual morning ablutions and brekkie stuff ad Eviction day wobbles..

loads of SD's too..

ps Loved that Corin, when given the chance to get her own suitcase back, chose to get Rachaels for her as she was up for Eviction and having a rotten time of things to boot..  and even whe the suticase arrived and it actually said another HM had got it for her Corin never once let slip it was her.
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Shabby' has just had a major crying session in the Bathroom Loo..

She comes out   and goes to the garden where JJ and Rachael were having a pleasant Chat together... 

Shabby explains to Rachael who asked if she was ok that she hadn't realised just how the show would make you feel..

she is not liking the idea of leaving Caoimhe as they have become so close [and she fancy's her something rotten]  because the house and close living means they spend time together that out in  the real world would take weeks or month to spend together..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
in the garden

Shabby is still stressing about eviction night.. she says she hopes the public remember they have feelings too and are already scared silly as it is at facing the crowd. .ie the booing stuff

JJ says  he doesn't think any of the 3 girls have den anything so bad...

Sahbby agrs she says she hasn't picked on anyone or ullied anybody..

Seems Shabby has had her eviction day talk with BB and BB has asked if they could go back and do things differently would they. . seems this ma hve worried her

She asks Sunshine and Rachael if their BB talk made them feel the were the one going..

they agree it did..

Shabby tells Sunshine that she has handled being up for eviction much better than the her and Rachael have..

They then wonder again who got Rachaels case back.. .they think it was John.. John swears it wasn't him t says thanks to Shabby for thinking it was him..

Sunshine is recounting her DR visit last night when she got upset hat the TV inner Treat for her was a Salad and the others HM's get a proper treat.. and every time the HM's get a food treat all BB give her is a Salad and she hates Salad and her treat of choice would be a crisp sandwich not a Salad.. and BB had asked her if she was crying cos she was up and see wasn't she was crying cos she didn't get a crisp sandwich. .

BB later gave her one apparently.. (suppose she has a pint tho. :laugh ..

[have heard her talk about her Vegan diet. it's a wonder she is still alive, it is dreadful ... crisp and bread is the main thing she eats and not a lot else ]
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ife quizzing John about how come he came to be born in Australia..  asks if his mum went there on purpose. .  or were they on Holiday

Jonh says no she tried to fly back to the UK but they said she wasn't allowed due to being to far gone

 John explains they went there for the work  opportunity and he's the only one in his family that is  Australian

Josie tells John he is a nice guy but has a bad temper
Mount Olympus *Olly*
oooer am a tad queazy..

Steve was in the living area with a few of the HM's talking about his army career prior to being posted to N.Ireland..

he then said the reason he is probably still here is down to a squaddie called Bob who was first on the scene and put his hand inside the one leg Steve still had attached at the time and plugged the arterial bleed..  failing that he would have bled out.

Sunshine is explaing how phantom pains work as the nerve that fed tho whole area still  has some bit remaining which still send/receives signals to the missing bits..

Steve says yes I can wiggle my toes. .well it feels like I am wiggling my toes even tho I don't have any toes..

Now he explains how the false legs work. .it's a vacuum thing but occasionally  the seal breaks so he has to refit the leg and create the seal again..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
decisions decisions. .strim the garden or LUT.. garden is a mess.. back is always agony after strimming... hmmmmmmmm  LUT I think

Ben tells Sunshine she is great she never moans she just gets on with things. .(hmmmm. .she does a bit of moaning ) says the rest of them moan about every tiny thing..

Dave and JJ play sockball across the sofa area..

Dave has one  arm around Ben.. they are sat close on the Sofa and the other he is using to throw the sock ball to JJ who is standing up..

Josie wants them to go play rounders...

all SDippy again..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
JJ says cos Shabby is all het up about today he doesn't want to just go out there and say hey wanna play rounders

Josie says why not it may take her mind off it..

the pair of them wander off into the bedroom instead..

JJ tells Josie he hopes she has stood up for him in the DR..  they are very buddy buddy.. almost flirty flirty..

John jokes with Josie being pretty direct and not beating about the bush about things..

[ie if asked does my bum look good in this ..she'd reply too bluddy right instead of the usual, no it's fine.. my interpretation ofwhat he means ]

He likes that about her..

Steve comes into the bedroom ..the vacuum in his leg isn't working properly. .it's pumping constantly instead of stopping once the Vacuum is created..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Ben asks Josie if her name is short for Jocelyn..

it isn't

in the bathroom Caoimhe asks the other 3 girls if they ever get blackheads on their boobs.. I didn't listen to the replies.. 

Shabby is moaning that there is no alcohol... nothing to do..

the shutters are down to the garden.. not sure if there is going to be a task or they are building the stage..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
Dave comes out of the DR and goes to the Sofa area so Josie can pluck his eyebrows but not in a Corin style. .no offence to Corin he says tis just he wants tidying up not completely plucked..

he is drunk on the Lord atm.. he loves Josie .. with the love of the lord like a bubbling broke that is flowing from his belly..

In the bathroom the girls are doing eyes or something..  Ife did something to Rachael's eyes that she says is great..

I can't see what it is has been done.. the lappy  with my LF is too far away for me to make out proper close details..
Mount Olympus *Olly*
BB calls the HM's to the Sofa..

Nathan may have slightly less hair on his shoulders after Josie plucked them out but still retains his MonoBrow..

Dave is preaching God to JJ

John says when you say god do you mean Jesus.. or the toehr way around I've forgotten already

Dave tells him about the Holy Trinity

BB interrupts [Yay!] and asks if the biggest football fan can come to the DR

JJ goes as Dave protests he is the bigger fan as he had a season ticket down at City (wherever that is)

AS JJ waits to get in the DR footy songs start on the Sofa 

(oh please Bb don't have any of them vuvuvuvuvleas thingy's in this task.. I am off if they do :mad

The DR door is stuck... and now it isn't and JJ enters
Mount Olympus *Olly*

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