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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

all caught up again

Great work Brisket and Emplula. .

it's lovely to see both of you together. . as you say what one may not get the other does.. the more the merrier when LUTTing  especially  if things are going 19 to the dozen. 

Hope to be around later..  will be lovely  to have company  like old times. .plus I never ever do the describe what the HM's are wearing thing, I always forget 

am more a concentrate on the words than the actions style LUTter.. 

Wish Angel of The North was also here for the last ever Channel 4 or Ex C4 Forum LUT she started it all on the old forum . think I will dedicate this last Live Update Thread to her even tho I know she doesn't watch BB anymore .. but she deserves a name check..

The LUT was how I got my BB fix for 2 years when the Free feed was stopped online a good few years back in the days of split screens... and I had no red button for a long while.. then I got it and started LUTTing myself..

ok we are in the LUT and I have waffled but there is nowt going on in the house anyway.. just the usual morning ablutions and brekkie stuff ad Eviction day wobbles..

loads of SD's too..

ps Loved that Corin, when given the chance to get her own suitcase back, chose to get Rachaels for her as she was up for Eviction and having a rotten time of things to boot..  and even whe the suticase arrived and it actually said another HM had got it for her Corin never once let slip it was her.
Mount Olympus *Olly*