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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

JJ finally gets the instruction to swing. his first two swings make no impression. He takes another and bag tears. The next two opens the bag even more and a tiny bit falls out. The HM's tell him he has another swing but he doesn't think so. He takes a swing anyway and bag finally tears open and stuff falls out. HM's clapping.
After a bit of a wait BB tells JJ that he got nothing so they have earned a total of £200 for shopping.HM's return to living room & are seated on sofas re-hashing the task. 
Ife is disappointed she didn't do better. Ben reassures her that he wouldn't have done any better. Someone reminds her that the answers were all rubbish-related. She is agonising over missing the 'sack' answer 

Right guys I'm taking a tea & fag break, catch you later!