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both xxx


thats good you got good weather before the heavy rains arrived, so you  managed to get a bit of work done. Hope you did not get floods though.

Oddly enough it is only weeds that have grown in our garden too, but not the grass.

How annoying your forgot the bread when you went shopping. Think a shopping list is necessary next time perhaps?

What a damn nuisiance these wasps are. I have noticed lot around recently, there was even one in tesco cafe when I went there today!  Perhaps the net fly screens we have would help you keep them out? They do keep the flying critters out of the house.


good job you managed to get a little done despite the rain.

Your vines sound real good , could just take your shoes and socks of to do a bit of grape treading and you could open a winery with all this, the way it is going.  

I thought you would think the seeded loaves were the best ones. I really like seeded bread as it is tasty.

Yes that would be handy if your OH could give up Sundays, I remember you said how she was not happy with her changed Sunday hours.

Showery here today, but quite warm, probably low 20;s. Did a bit of washing but just hung it inside the house because of rain and did a bit of food shopping.

Enjoyed the Love Island final. No surprise who won was it? They were both so nice all through the show though.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
I had a shopping list, and bread was definitely on it. But I must have walked past the right aisle for some reason and not registered that I hadn't bought it.
Perhaps i need to take a pencil with me, to tick items off the list as i put them in the basket?


The fly screens would probably help, but I can't really see how they work? Presumably you have to take them off every time you want to open or close the window? Seems like a lot of faff?


Pity you had to dry your washing inside today, because of the showers.




hope the weather was ok today so you could get on with things in your garden.

Did you eat any of your produce today?


work day today or rained off?

It was a lovely day here today. Bright and sunny with a lovely cool breeze.

Yes sounds like you need to take a pencil to tick stuff off as you buy it at the supermarket now. How far do you have to go to get to Sainsbury/Lidl?

The fly screens come with sticky tape to stick round the door frame and both edges that join together close with mini magnets that you just pull apart to go in  and out.

We found these are simple but worked so well, they have even caught 2 wasps on them in our kitchen! We got them from a local shop, but a good selection can be found in amazon.

My mum's probate is through at last, so I went to solicitor to sign some papers. So much paperwork to sort out. Solicitor said it is normal to get all cash in, then pay debts, so it will be 6 months for finalisation of accounts and all payments are made. He said he didn't understand why HMRC sent a cheque to be paid in, then sent a bill after! But he said he'd speak to them. Will be glad when this is all finalised as I am still getting stuff sent to me, and it is upsetting sorting it. At least it is the final stage now though.

Went a walk on the seafront and had a gin sorbet, a good help to unwind that was.

No surprise who won Love Island was it HIcky? They both seemed very nice though. Wonder if they will stay together though? The only problem I foresee Is I think from what we saw is Dani s quite needy and has the potential to get jealous and possessive, maybe for no reason? Time will tell. 

Watching new bbc1 drama now.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Dry here today but very windy. High of about 17 degrees.
Got a big grass cutting job done, but again, it had hardly grown since the last time I was there (18 days ago). Luckily the home owner still wants it done regularly, even if it's only grown a little.
The wind was strong enough at times to be annoying, and blew my sun hat off a number of times.


Thanks for the info on how the door and window screens work, and the link to the fly paper stuff.
That's good that the probate has come through at last, and the process of gathering the money in can begin. Pity there's so much paperwork though.
Glad you had nice sunny weather, and could enjoy a seafront walk and a gin sorbet.


I thought of watching that BBC1 drama, but plumped for 999: What's Your Emergency.


Hicky. Hope you got on OK at the eye clinic?

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Got in a mess with the pages, yesterday i didn't see there was another page, what a dreadful site, i just saw the highlighted one but it was the old one but my eyes didn't pick up there was another page.

I made a post and thought just Emptybox had posted, but to make it worse i forgot to post it, just copied the test before i reloaded the site.

I will post yesterdays, first then come back in for another post.


Evening Emptybox. :

Weather better today, 22c max, sunny intervals, light breeze of 9 rising to 18.

Just had a piece of toast before the eye clinic, o/h came in with me, did letter reading test then photos of the back of the eyes, then saw a doctor, she said the eye looks good, it will be monitored each month to see it doesn't start bleeding again, can't get cataracts done till i get the all clear.

When we left we went to Claremont farm for brekkie, gott some fruit and a few bits as well.

Saw the gardener, he said the shears are working fine, good.

My new thermostat came today, think i have cracked how to program it, couldn't see how to open it, never seen a device that didn't have a screw, it has 2 locking clips top and bottom, the type that you push and it locks in, 4 in all, but in the instructions which are pretty hard to read/understand it showed like a screwdriver pushing against one of the locking tabs, the strangest device i have ever opened, Just got to fit it and wire it up next.

Fitted the rest of the greenhouse support brackets, only took an hour, just 2 holes in the apex area to drill now.

Brought the water Melon in, it's very nice, i am surprised, o/h took the rest of the plums off the tree this afternoon.

Enjoyed the final of LI, thought those 2 would and should win.

Another Wasp group must have moved into the area and found the back taken.

To get money like that, Β£40m a year is too much to even contemplate as poor humans.

Funny how the weeds can shoot up, so clever.

You need Gluten Free bread, think it's just Gluten Free flour, easy enough to make. 


Evening Mollie.

22c here today, Wednesday, light cloud and sunny intervals, winds of 11.

Had toast for brekkie with marmalade.

Installed the new thermostat to run the central heating, it turned out a lot more work than i thought, i was fitting the unit between the hall cupboard door and a bedroom door the wall is hollow but the section i was fixing to is mainly all wood so had to drill through lots of wood, the whole thing took a couple of hours work, i've left it on it's default setting, it has 6 time zones and temperatures but they seem ok for now, it tells you the temperature, what temperature the time is set at, the time of day and what part of the day it is in, to go to manual you just press one button and you can then set manual to what temperature you want, another press and it goes back to automatic.

I rang the garden center about my greenhouse grape vine but the one i needed to talk to is on holiday, back next Wednesday.

Made Beef & Mushroom for tea, got some more of the Water Melon for afters.

Mollie, Don't wear shoes and sock in the summer, just sandals for me, easier to tread the grapes.

I like the seeded bread for toast but not for sandwiches.

Loved the final, another Program this Sunday at 9pm again with the Islanders.



Hi Hicky.
Autumnal weather here. Cloudy and windy and a high of 18 degrees, but lower than that for most of the day.
The rain cam on at 4 pm and hasn't stopped since.
Got a few grass cutting jobs done, but the usual story of not much growth since last time.


My tomatoes are beginning to get ripe now. I ate the first one a couple of days ago. That's about two weeks earlier than last year, when they weren't starting to ripen till the middle of August.


Funny how you always seem to get in a fankle with this site? Perhaps it's the colours they use? The page numbers are pale grey against a pale yellow background, so perhaps they don't stand out for you?


That's great that they were pleased with your eyes at the clinic. I guess you'll just have to wait and see if they can do anything for your cataracts later.
Another brekkie at Claremont Farm.
Glad the gardener was pleased with your repair to his shears.


Well done installing that new thermostat. It sounds very complicated.
Pity you had all the wood to drill through as well.


I think probably 'Live Well for Longer' tonight, then either 24 Hrs in A&E or The Real marigold Hotel later. Haven't decided yet.

Last edited by emptybox

both xxx


I did wonder where you were yesterday, thought it might of been eye problems, but then I couldn't quite remember which day you were used to go.

But glad you found your way here and retrieved your lost post.

And glad to hear the eye visit went ok. HOpe it all gets sorted soon ready to do the cateracts.

Gosh that termostat stuff sound real high tech. Hope you are pleased with it.

How is your neighbour who had the fall now?


Must be all that warm weather causing your tomatoes to come along so nice this year.

Probably a good thing you had a fair bit of rain as you need that grass to grow again to bring some earnings in. Hope the wind died down today, so you didn't spend ages chasing your sun hat again!

I decided to watch REal Marigold, and record A and E. What an interesting colourful place India looks. A case of extremes it seems ... either very wealthy or very poor.

Went to visit mum's ex carer today.  She and her family have mum's ashes as the kiddies wanted them for awhile as they still get upset and miss my mum. Mum was like part of their family. We did intend scattering them on the beach but the little boys said they didn't want to put her in the sea, so I bought an urn for them to put on their shelf. It doesn't look like an urn though, it is a pretty heart shape. OH had to buy a funnel to transfer the ashes from the plastic container into this urn. One little boy ran away crying as he was so upset. But after, he did like the new urn and calmed down and cheered up. (with the help of a Happy Meal from Macdonalds too!).   People may think I am odd leaving mum's ashes with the carer's family all this time, but if it helps them, I know she would approve. (This is the carer who did CPR for nearly half hour on mum.) 

Nice day here today, about 24c, so warm, but not too hot for a chage.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie. Glad you had another nice day.

The wind wasn't quite as bad today, I managed to hold on to my hat.
It just makes it feel like summer is over for me.
Although it is supposed to get a bit warmer towards the weekend. But it's long trousers and jumper for me this evening.


Yes, I watched The Real marigold Hotel, then 24HRs in A&E on +1.
Good seeing Selina Scott again.
And Stanley Johnson and the Krankies should be a hoot.


It does seem a bit strange putting value in someone's ashes, but whatever brings you (or others) comfort.
We buried Mum and Dad's ashes in the garden, and I haven't given much thought to them since. The ashes that is, not the parents.


Evening Both.

Warmer today, 28c on my gazebo thermometer, light cloud, had a few sunny intervals later, slight breeze of 11.

Had black pudding bacon, egg and toast for brekkie.

Was going to have the last of the spring rolls today, decided to take a portion from all of my bags of frozen veg, gently boiled for half an hour then fried it, added a few spices etc, then had it, then to full to cook the spring rolls.

Finished off the greenhouse support for the vine, have moved some of the onions into the greenhouse to dry.

Got to make the shopping list in a minute, such a chore.


Picked a load of tomatoes, going to get plenty from the outside plants, got 10 plants outside.

Mollie, Yes, so annoying, forgot to post it then they changed pages.

My neighbour is fine, she needs support when moving around or she'll fall but she forgets the walker thingy.

Connecting and getting the new thermostat was simple, getting a hole through to the position of the old receiver was the problem, my steel bits are too short, the long drill was a brick drill, no good in wood, the big wood drill was the one i used to drill the holes in the garden so it was blunt with drilling in soil, so i tried to sharpen it, the hole needed to be about 10" into the wall cavity, the electirian had put a duct up in the cupboard between the floor and the ceiling, i took nthe cover off and drilled a hole through the back into the cavity, i then pushed the cable from the hall into the cavity then got a pair of long nosed clamps to pull the wire into the ducting, sorted, i had the connectors and tape to finish the job.

Emptybox, Your tomatoes are really slow where you are, strange how they can be so far a part.

The colour of the pages at the bottom are so faint i can easily miss them.

I'm pleased with the eye progress, i think they will check them monthly for 3 months before they will sign me off, if they do that is.

I like 24 hrs in A&E and i watched Marigold Hotel,m it was ok, a good mix of people, interesting.


Hi Hicky.
A better day here, much warmer (up to 25) and some sunshine as well. Virtually no wind, so that was what made the difference.
Got 5 smaller jobs done. Again still not much grass growth.


Your fried veg and spring rolls sounds good.
Well done getting the greenhouse supports finished.
Yes, not good that your wood drill had been blunted by you drilling into the soil.


You've got to remember that I am at least 200 miles further north than you, so everything in the garden tends to be behind. Plus it never gets as warm or stays as warm.
I've never been able to grow tomatoes successfully outside up here. On an exceptionally good year I could get some toms to ripen outside, but you can't rely on it.
Even in the greenhouse, this is the earliest I can remember them ripening. That's an unheated greenhouse mind you. With a bit of heat i could have started them that bit earlier I suppose.


Keeping Faith on again tonight, that's quite a good series, even though Eve Myles always plays people that are slightly unhinged.


Hi both xxx


gosh you are a long way further north from Hicky, and Hicky is also around 200 miles from me! No wonder it is colder there. Oddly though HIcky does not seem to get it much colder than me most of the time.

Glad you were able to get some jobs done .


that is good you are enjoying your spring rolls.

It is hard for the elderly lady to remember her walker I guess, so such a shame she takes a tumble without it.

Well done finishing off the greenhouse support.

Went to do a bit of shopping in cardiff today as son needed shorts for gym. Real busy it was as it was school hols and a cloudy day, which I am guessing kept people off the beach.

Very sticky and humid though.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

My shopping arrived, very pleased, with my repeat meds also, just soem fruit, a few nighttime snacks, like tongue and cauili cheese and smoked salmon, a few little microwave syrup sponge puddings.

still on the Lactose free milk as it does seem better in my drinks.

Picked a bag of JalapeΓ±o chilies and bottled them according to a good recipe.

Made a lovely 3 flour large loaf, just had a crust which was lovely.

Chopped up some of the cherry toms i picked yesterday, put them into my jar of goodies i use as a dip when having spring rolls.

Finished all my spring rolls now so can start making food again, haven't tried the new spring roll wrappers yet.

Mollie, I've got quite a lot of mixed beetroot, different colours,  so will have to be looking at making pickled beetroot i think.

Got more plums but this tree doesn't ripen yet, it's a late one.

It's because of the growth of the new greenhouse grape vine that i wanted to speak to the man were i bought it, the new shoots are so strong and thick and have grown about 12ft now, you normally cut the growth in the winter just below where you want the new shoots to grow, and the growth has to be pencil thickness, this growth at that height is over 1cm and it seems a shame letting it grow when i am going to cut at least 8ft off.

Emptybox,  Glad you had some warmer weather, that is good.

at least, 5 small jobs is something, things will pick up.

The proposed hosepipe ban has been lifted so it's canceled.

The fried veg was good but i overdid it with too much chili, it was rather hot.

I see they have brought CBB forward by a day to Thursday the 16th now, looking forward to it.



Hi both.
Raining here this morning, so I wasn't expecting to be able to do any work, but the sun came out at lunchtime and was really quite warm. It got up to 27 degrees.
Went out to get my prescription, and also looked in on a place. The grass there had really started to recover and was quite tufty, so i was able to cut it afterall.
Things are looking up workwise.
The rain came back on again though, just as I was leaving the job, so that was good timing.


Mollie. Pity shopping in Cardiff was sticky and hot.


Hicky. Yes I heard that the hosepipe ban had been called off.
That's good that your shopping arrived.
Glad the lactose free milk seems to be helping.

I'm sure you'll make good use on those bottled JalapeΓ±os.
You're getting a real dab hand at bread making now.
Pity your fried veg was a touch too hot.


I think Celebrity 5 Go Camping followed by Doc Martin for me tonight?
Think I'll have a prawn curry tonight. I've a half used jar of curry sauce in the fridge that needs using up. Can't remember what variety it is? Might be Jalfresi?

Last edited by emptybox

Hi both xxx


hope the weather was ok for you to get on with your work. The grass is nearly all green again here after the few days of rain we had.

It was very hot and humid today again though, about 27c.


glad you are pleased with your shopping.

Do you have custard with your syrup puddings?

That is good you are still getting good use from your break maker and enjoying it too.

Hope the beetroot pickling goes well.

That is grand we have CBB to look forward to soon. HOpe we get some interesting people in this year.

Today I had to go to the hopsital, it is a massive place and it was a check up about my blood disorder. 
I asked about the problems I have with my leg after a fall last year , eg numb, pins and needles and swelling. The doc said she would order a ultrasound scan as it still looked bruised. Daughter came with me as I told her that daughter had bruising problems too, so doc said she needs testing for a bleeding disorder too. So just have to wait for appointment now. 

It was so hot in the hospital. I had to wait an hour to be seen. Son has a portable fan, so luckily I had asked him if I could borrow it. So that came in usefull. Very humid and hot here today.

Watched Corrie, now watching "Would I lie to You?"

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

Had Bacon, Black Pudding and Beans for Brekkie, with a round of my toast, yummy.

Didn't do a lot, a bit of weeding, simple enough on slate, also a chair i use in the manshed is breaking so i made some steel bars to shore it up, had it many years, a Costco one, had a few, threw the last one away as it collapsed the same.

O/H fancied another Belly Pork roast dinner so i made that this afternoon, rather nice.

Mollie, Yes, i have a pot of hot custard with the Syrup Sponge pudding, otherwise it seems a bit small.

This last loaf is by far the best yet, i make the dough then empty it out onto a work board thats floured, but this time while the dough was kneading i thought it a bit sticky so i added some more flour till it looked right, if it is still stick when i empty it i add a little flour just to stop it being sticky, but before i put it back into the machine i cover the paddle poles with baking parchment after taking the paddles out, it saves the bread sticking to the paddle poles.

I need more White Wine Vinegar before i do the pickling of the Beetroot.

Yes, 12 days till CBB on the 16th.

Hope your leg is ok and the Ultrasound checks, same with your daughter.

No good being hot, imagine what it's like in Portugal and Spain now, up to 47c

Emptybox, Yes, the pipe ban lifted, i don't use one anyway but i know those that do.

When there doesn't seem much on the tv now i look into my recording, i have hundreds.

Prawn Jalfrezi sounds good, it's a lovely curry.

I'm a bit lost with my nightly 9pm show missing so roll on CBB.


both xxx


that's good that things are looking up work wise again. Was it a day off today for the weekend?

I bet 27c is quite hot even in summer for as north as you are?

It was around that here too today and felt very uncomfy with the humidity.

How are you getting on with the meds? Is it still only 1 a day for you? How long do the repeats go on for? I know it is such a pain if you have to keep going back to docs to request a repeat.



you are clever fixing your chair.  You can't be doing without your special chair in your manshed can you?

You have really perfected your bread making now, clever idea to put parchment to stop it sticking to the paddles.

I too am lost without my nightly 9pm tv show, so roll on August 16th!

So hot and humid here again....... so me and all the family decided to head to the coast for an ice cream and sea breeze. Whilst in the car on the way, daughter  suggested we go to ice cream place where I used to go with mum. So we all agreed, Then I thought of how I never went in the queue there for ice cream without mum and how she enjoyed it. So I started crying and said to family I just realised that no way was I ready to go back there yet, so we went somewhere else for ice cream and the chip shop too, as my kitchen was too hot to cook in tonight. Eating chips outisde was yummy, as was my lemon sorbet I had after. I got breathless attack on walk back, maybe through stres, the heat s or just too much fat from the chips and mayo, more like! Have taken an anithistamine tonight though as my throat does get blocked easy since the op if anything irritates me.

Nothing to watch on tv, so like HIcky  I just watched a recording. I watched Forgotten. Anyone else following this detective series? I think it is very good.

Am watching Radio 1 in Ibiiza now.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi both.
A nice sunny day here, maybe up to 25c?
Got one job done, but really only because the forecast for Monday is rain. I'm mostly caught up otherwise.


Had a fried breakfast. I only have one a week. bacon, mushroom, sausages, black pud, egg. For lunch i had an avocado salad, then supper was spag bol and beer as usual.


Hicky. Well done mending your favourite chair.
Glad the latest loaf turned out so well.


Mollie. That's a pity you didn't feel able to go back to the same Ice Cream shop that you went with your Mum. Luckily you were able to find another place.
Not good that you got breathless on the way back. Hope the anti-histamine helped.


I'm still on one pill a day. Seems to mostly do the trick.
TBH I haven't seen the doc for over 3 years now. The repeat prescriptions just keep on coming from the pharmacy. Not sure how the system works? Perhaps I'll be asked to see the doc again at some point? Perhaps it's up to me?
I've got about 3 months supply in hand anyway, because they issue you with 30 tablets every 28 days, so there's an extra two tablets every month, and they just mount up. Somebody's stupid Arithmetic I would imagine, but must be costing the NHS money.
Also I occasionally forget to take one, which also adds to the extra.


Watched some of the European Championships on BBC2 (Swimming, Cycling etc), then watched Casualty on BBC1.



Evening Both.

A nice day here, 24c sunny and light breeze.

Had my toast and marmalade for brekkie, Gave 9 of the fruit trees a gallon each of feed, a few more to do yet.

Decided to take my shirt off in the garden, no idea why i have had one one since Spring really.

Just had Cauliflower cheese ove baked spud, yummy.

Have to keep an eye on what is in the fridge from my shopping list.

Don't forget Love Island the Reunion is on tonight at 9pm ITV2.

Mollie, I do have 2 chairs in the manshed but one is for when i am at the grind stone/wire wheel. si didn't want to throw this one out, the main seat area is plastic and seems to start ripping over years, it is a folding seat made of metal tubing so with the steel tube and a piece of Aluminum i could resupport the base.

Oh dear, you getting upset over the ice cream shop, it takes time to get over these things.

Fish and Chips outside is really yummy, they even taste better than indoors, no idea why, i have tried many times to duplicate the fish at home but no chance.

Yes, you need to look after your throat, don't overdo things.

Emptybox, That was a good breakfast you had, you don't have beans?

I made a small bowl of potted Shrimps as i get unsalted butter on my shopping list, i just love real butter.

All my tablet packs are in 28 so instead of being able to order the tablets on a set date i have to adjust the order date according to the month, it's really a pain as i have to adjust the reminder on the phone, not just by the month but also alter the day as well.


Hi Hicky.
Very similar weather here. 24c check, sunny check, light breeze check.
It's gone dull here this evening though. Went to Lidl this afternoon.

From originally saying that Monday would be wet, they're now saying that Monday will be dry....but the rest of the week will be wet.


Must have been hot work feeding the fruit trees if you needed to take your shirt off?
I always leave my shirt on, no matter how hot it gets, because I've no-one to apply sun block to my back.


If I have a fry up in the evening I have baked beans with it; whereas  if I have a fried brekkie in the morning I don't have beans. Those are the rules.


My pills come in 3 trays of 10 pills each, inside the box. Perhaps that is unusual, and the pharmacy is just geared up to 28 day months? Anyway the pills come 2 or 3 days earlier every month, which is a nuisance as you say.


Just about to go and make my supper. I have half a tin of plum tomatoes to use up, but not sure what to have them with? Chips and something else probably?


Probably watch the European Championship cycling until 9pm, then Maybe Ed Balls travelling in Trumpland?




both xxx


that is good you are doing ok on minimum medications and haven't needed to see doc for a long time about reviewing it.

When I was looking after mum,, I also had terrible problems trying to save, not waste nhs money! It took ages to cancel meds not needed.

Glad you are up to date workwise , handy they now say dry for tomorrow so if you have the odd job, you can get it done.

I too thought it was odd you having a cooked brekkie with no beans! Gosh, they are my fave part of a brekkie.


good job you had good weather with all those fruit trees to see to.

I love cauly cheese, so tasty. Bet you enjoyed that.

Yes no point in throwing the chair out if you can fix it.

I agree it is so odd how it is impossible to replicate fish shop fish and chips at home.

That must be difficult to get your pill order correct as it is done on  28 day basis.

Very hot and sticky again today.

So we went to costco to appreciate their air con. (along with the free food samples and lunch in their cafe).  The cafe was real busy with families, but it is such good value, I am not surprised. We always buy one of their cooked chickens to bring home, as it is so tender, the dog and family all enjoy it.

Am watching the Runinion on Love Island, thanks for the reminder Hicky.

Forecast says we are due for another sweltering day tomorrow. It is very exhausting now, so I am slow moving, and house is a mess. Never mind, at least I am up to date with the washing as it dries so quickly.

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Glad you were able to get some relief from the heat in Costco.
I think they've changed the forecast for here again, so I'm totally confused, but all seem to agree that it'll be cooler again here next week. teenage temperatures all week.


I do like baked beans, but it's the taste of egg and bacon that i particularly like in a cooked brekkie.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

It did the old, you must allow cookies lark and signed me out, then lost my post, what a loony site, i made a screen print of where i was so i have some of the post.

Quite a nice day, 25c sunny intervals, light breeze 8.

Had my toast and marmalade for brekkie, made Samosa's for tea, made the filling with pork mince king prawn, potato and spices, just made about 6 for tea, have put the rest of the filling into the fridge.

Used the frozen spring roll pastry, quite a challenge, it's so thin, 40 sheets to a pack, good though.

Watched Darts last night, then saw my recording of the LI home coming.

Mollie, my tablets come in strips of 14, 2 in a box to make 28, 4 weeks, 

You need to take it easy at home these days, you don't want to get yourself overtired.

Emptybox, I have a Nivea spray for the sun cream, it's not a cream though, non greasy and invisible, i want to get my body used to some gentle sun.

I like your rules for bean consumption, ha ha, my rule is, if i fancy it eat it.

I've never seen tablets in 10's, here they all seem to be in 14's which is 2 weeks supply.

Watching The Zoo, then Supervet.




yes I think the forecasters are not too accurate lately. But hope it was a nice day, so you managed to get out and get some gardens done.

I don't like the egg and bacon , so my fave part of a cooked brekkie is the beans. Meaning you and I could make good use of a shared brekkie.


what a shame you lost your post. It did the same stupid thing to me....asked me twice about cookies stuff, then made me log in again. Luckily I hadn't started my post before all this, so didn't lose it. Good job you did make a screen shot of some of it.

Glad you had a nice day weather wise, we did too. At last it was not too hot at around 24c and sunny in the afternoon.

Yes I can imagine spring rolls and samosas are quite a challenge.

I think you are right getting some sun in while you can, we need all the vitamin d we can get in this country in summer. And you need to get your skin used to it gradually if you are going to hot sunny Oz in their mid summer. Any news on that yet? Has your son booked a place yet? Is your OH still ok to go or is she waiting in case she gets a knee op date? We have some nivea spray too, I just use it if I am likely to be in the sun more than half hour.

We went a walk down seafront and I had a latte and raspberry sorbet, very nice it was.

Watched Corrie and half watched some job about peoples ancestors.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening both.
Yes, same for me. Having to OK cookies and log in again.


Drizzly start today and most of the day was cool cloudy and windy. It's got a bit muggy this evening though.
Didn't go out to do any work. Because it was drizzly I stayed in and did my invoicing, and then I found myself just ..... staying in.
Plus I found out it was a bank holiday in Scotland today, so any excuse.


Hicky. Samosas sound good.
Haven't seen Nivea sun spray. I usually use Ambre Solaire cream.

Mollie. Glad you got good weather, and not too hot.
Glad you enjoyed your seafront walk.


Watched the European  Championship cycling again, then 'Saving Poundstretcher'.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Cooler today at 19c light cloud and light breeze of 11.

Didn't do much, just had black pudding bacon and egg with toast for brekkie, then washed my hair as the air outside was damp so stayed in.

Made Spring rolls with the rest of the filling i had in the fridge, these spring roll pastry wrappers are real clever, so thin, like a sheet of cellophane, not clear though, how on earth it doesn't rip when separating the sheets i have no idea, it's a dream to use though, i used 1 sheet for each Roll as it's easier and the sheets are so cheap it's crazy, you put a damp cloth over the sheets after you peel 1 off so they don't dry, i have  wrapped the rest in clingfilm and put back in the f, it says not to refreeze but in the instructions on the sites it tells you to refreeze the remainder.

For tea i had my toast with sliced tongue, tomato with pepper and some sliced up JalapeΓ±o peppers. 

Mollie, I couldn't have been logged out when i did the post as you don't get a post box till you log in, but there was a yes/no box at the bottom of the screen i think, but didn't see it until too late, i had a big banner on the page telling me about the cookies, it said i had to turn the cookies on but i didn't realise the box was on the page, i though i had to go to the browser.

I don't know whats happening now about the holiday, noone has said anything to me about it, it could be on hold, no idea.

A Latte and a Sorbet sounds good to me on the sea front.

Emptybox, Yes, to ok cookies, it said my browser wouldn't allow them till i agreed, but it said that last time, mind you a week ago i deleted most cookies as 1 browser won't log on the online banking an i have no idea why, a different browser is fine.

The last time i used the spray sun lotion i put on a pair of the disposable gloves as i hate it all over my hands.

The sun has come out now, bit late it's 17.30.

I've been watching the Customs at Sydney airport, 'Nothing to Declare' so good, amazing.

Watching Money for Nothing now, then the secret life of the zoo, then supervet, love Life below zero and 24 hrs in A&E.



both xxx


didn't realise it was a bank hol in Scotland yesterday. Do you also get a bank hol the end of August like we do here. Don't blame you having a no work day.

I got the Nivea from home bargains, I go there a lot as I find them good value. Do you have them in Scotland?


glad you are getting on so well with the spring roll pasty.

No need to plan anything then if you have heard nothing about the holiday, but I guess your lad has a lot on his plate with the forecoming baby and your OH has her knee on her mind. Is she still managing at work? I expect she spends a lot of time on her feet being in the bakery doesn't she?

Not much on tv I really want to watch tonight, but have got some bbc1 drama on now.

Nice day today as it was dry and sunny on and off then cloudy, but the heat has gone.

Went to get a bit of shopping in Lidl as it is so cheap. Did about 5 washloads and it all dried quickly on the line.

Have a good evening both xxx


Hi both.
Slightly drizzly start again, but not as bad as yesterday, and it quickly turned into a nice sunny day, up to 20 degrees.
Got a couple of jobs done, hedge and grass cutting.

Plus I think I've got a new customer. A lady who lives in a farm cottage who wants me to cut her hedge and do her grass. I was recommended to her by a neighbour.


Hicky. You must be a spring roll expert now?
Sliced tongue sounds painful. I bet those Jalepenos would sting?
No doubt you'll be told about the holiday when they think you need to know.
I'm presuming you're watching all those programmes on a channel that shows repeats?


Mollie. No we don't get the late August bank holiday in Scotland, we get this early one instead for some reason? Maybe because the Scottish school kids will have finished their summer break by the end of August?
There are Home Bargains stores in Scotland, but the nearest one is 20 miles away.


Watched 999: What's Your Emergency, then 'The Foreign Doctors'.







Evening Both.

Cooler again today, 18c light cloud, sunny intervals, light rain showers, light winds of 13.

Didn't do a lot really, had my toast and marmalade for brekkie.

Rang the Fruit tree Nursery about my vines, he suggested i only keep 1 bunch of grapes per lateral, so i have removed 17 bunches, i asked him about the Autumn Royal grape vine in the greenhouse with it's 2 x 12ft of growth, he suggested i cut the vine where i need it cutting so it can build up buds ready for next spring, and to prune as needed in the winter.

Have just made another loaf as i ran out, tried 3 types of flour again.

For tea i used up some chicken breast that o/h had left in the fridge, had it on my fresh bread with Mango Pickle and then had a pack of smoked salmon with pickle, yummy.

Mollie, My Lad & O/H will probably decide about the holiday, they chat on skype of whatsapp.

O/H isn't too bad at work, her medication seems to be controlling the pain, she doesn't work in the bakery, she used to handle all the money for the tills and self scans etc and counted money in the safe room, she now mainly does checkout as the money is counted by machine.

I've been catching up with recordings when there's nothing on TV.

Emptybox, Thats great getting a new customer by word of mouth, good stuff.

Yes, on a need to know basis, they tell me nothing, like last time he just sent me a link to print the tickets etc out.

I just watch whatever is on, i usually search each hour then decide, if i have seen if i carry on searching, also i have found out i can watch 2 programs at once, i start to watch 1 then start searching for the next, and select that, then to swap back and forth i just press the back button and it takes me to the last one i selected, brill.

I've been watching 24 hours in A&E but it's on very late so i have been oversleeping in the morning.

Only 8 days till CBB.


Hi Hicky.
Bit more Autumnal here. Sunshine and showers and quite a high wind. Only up to about 15c.
Got a big job done which included Hedge and grass cutting, strimming and weedkilling.
Had to sit in my van a couple of times when showers came on.


That's a lot of grapes to remove, but I suppose you've got to take the advice of the expert.
That's good that the pain medication allows your OH to be OK at work.


MY SiL is a bit like that on the TV. Always looking through the guide, and skipping between progs. Annoys the hell out of me.


The only thing that worries me a little about the new customer is that, because she has mobility problems, another neighbour has been doing her garden for her up to now, but she told me that she went to look at it last week for the first time in a while, and nearly cried because of how untidy it was. She told me her late husband was very particular about the garden. That's why she called me up.
However, it didn't look too bad to me. Just needs the hedge trimmed a bit, and a bit of tidying up, as far as I could see.
So that worries me that I won't be able to live up to the standard set by her late hubby.


The Real Marigold Hotel on telly tonight.


HI both xx


How nice to hear you have a new customer and what a lovely compliment someone recommended you to her. Hopefully you will be able to keep up her late hubby's standards by taking a bit of extra time on that job. I assume you charge by the hour so you can afford to do that if someone wants an extra tidy garden?

Well I guess Home Bargains wouldn't be such a home bargain for you if you had to factor in the cost of a 40 mile round trip before you bought any "bargains".

Oh yes I recall Scottish schools do have earlier school summer hols, so go back to school earlier. The Irish school hols were the best finished in June and didn't go back till Sept there! And they stayed in primary school till aged 12 to 13 and school finished at 2.10pm.  When my kids went to school there, we got out and about lots and they were able to have other kiddies over to play a lot with all the free time they got.

Well done getting a big job done today despite the showers.


good idea to ask advice about the vines.  But  what a lot to remove. 

That is good your OH's meds are mostly handling the pain, and it is good she is on checkout as she can sit down. My mum's ex carer has real bad knees, she has had to use crutches now. She told me today her diabetic nurse has recommended she has hydrotherapy at the local pool twice a week. So she starts that next week. I wonder if it would be worth your OH asking the GP or nurse if she can be referred for assessment for hyrdotherapy. Apartently if you exercise and strenthen the muscles around the painfull joints, it helps ease the pain. And the water takes the weight off the joint so it is not painfull on the joints.

That is clever working out how you can watch 2 programmes at once. Is that on a humax box?

It was cooler here today but so enjoyable after all that heat. It was around 22c, a bit of cloud, and some sun, so can't complain.

I am watching Marigold, then that new series on Dave Judge someone or other a comedian I have seen before.

I won't be around tomorrow, we are going to the midlands to visit my aunts sisters. One of them has had a fall, she is recovering well but would welcome a visit. Luckily she only bruised herself. We are also meeting my brother's ex who I haven't seen for years. She is lovely and is on a quick visit to see her family as she lives in Melbourne. She stayed in London over the weekend and found it sweltering as she said it was very cold when she left Melbourne who are in mid winter.

We are only staying one night, so will be back on Friday.

We went to costco today, so of course had to partake in a few free food samples and my usual jacket potato and ice cream with strawberry sauce in the cafe. My daughter needs glasses for close reading, as she has been getting headaches so we got some from there. They are "Sophia Lauren" make it said on them, very nice ones, and not very expensive for a designer pair. (as they are costco prices).

Goodnight both xxx


Hi Mollie.
Glad it wasn't too hot for you today. 
I could have done with 22c today, rather than the miserly 15c that I got. Would have made the wind cool rather than cold. I had to keep putting on and taking off my sweatshirt.


The trouble is, I doubt this customer can afford to pay me for hours and hours. Plus I'm not sure I would recognise when the garden was tidy enough for her.

I see those "Sophia Loren" glasses can be quite expensive, so that was good that your daughter got them cheaper in Costco.
I usually wear my previous pair of glasses for work, and keep my current pair for good. But yesterday I broke the work pair at the nose piece. I tried to glue it but it just wouldn't take, and now there is glue all over the lenses as well.
So today I was wearing an even older pair of bi-focals, so the prescription is way out of date. They don't seem too bad though, but i can't read with them.


Pity one of your Aunts had a fall, but good that she's recovering. She'll enjoy a visit from you.
Doesn't sound like the Irish kids spend a lot of time in school?
Not sure I'd like Jacket Potato with Ice Cream, Strawberry sauce or not?



Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.

Not bad today, 19c sunny intervals, light breeze of 10.

Had fried eggs on toast for brekkie, then i dug up the next 6 summer raspberry canes plants, i will get another 10 or 12 Joan J as they are the best ones to have, can't get them till the autumn though, but they will fruit next year.

Thinned out the Bramley apples on the tree, problem is, when i remove 1 that is back to back the other comes off as well, because the pressure between them stretches the stem., i have removed 7 apples, they are quite big but as they won't be ripes for maybe 6 weeks i don't think i can eat them.

Mollie, Yes, i wasn't sure what to do with the vines, but speaking to the man at the nursery we could discuss things, i remember chatting with him many years ago about certain things, he was very impressed with what i have achieved.

I will have quite a bit off summer pruning to do in a week or so, some of the trees really have grown a lot, of course you can only prune this years growth now, for the apple and pear and fig trees i can winter prune as well while dormant.

To strengthen the knee muscles you have to swing the knee, that is bone and bone so can't see her doing that.

Yes, the Humax box, it's got the revers loop arrow which means go back , but it also works while watching a program, very handy, it usually works, but i have had it when it didn't, not sure why.

I watched the Marigold Hotel one, it was good.

Hope your aunts sister is ok when you get to see her.

It seems funny having your brothers ex saying how hot is here.

Don't blame you partaking in the delights of Costco, why not.

Emptybox, Thats good being able to get some jobs done, the rain showers must be a pain as it holds you up all the time.

I just see which of the options is best to watch, if i want to watch both i can either record 1 or switch between the 2.

As you say, what is the standard your new client is used to, i notice that when the house over the road has had the gardener in, he does everything, he leaves it immaculate, he does the borders, the edges, he trims all the shrubs/bushes, he blows the leaves up to collect them, he rakes the borders, he then cuts the grass but when he leaves you can really tell he has done everything, and he really cares, and it doesn't look as though anyone could do better, i think that is the criteria, could it be better.


Hi Hicky.
Nicer day here. More sunshine and less wind and up to 22c.
Got one big job done and looked at a couple of others that still don't need the grass cut.


Got a text from one customer to say they have now sold their house, so don't need me to to the garden anymore. So as I gain a new customer I lose an old one. That's the way it goes in this game.
That's what I was afraid of Hicky; that the new customer would expect perfection. I'm not good at delivering that.


Sounds like you got a lot done in your garden, with taking up the rasps and thinning the apples.
Some of the apples might ripen, if you leave them?


Keeping Faith on again tonight.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.

Cool today, felt quite cool in the garden, 17c light rain, sunny intervals, 12 to 17 breeze.

Didn't do a lot, just had toast for brekkie with marmalade, love that stuff.

Have a big tin of Seville orange pieces, it's a kit to make marmalade, just add sugar and water, the problem is it makes 5LB of marmalade, so i want to see if i can make half and save the other half of the tin contents in the freezer.

I have noticed a few times wasps in the garden shed, i have sprayed it a couple of times with fly/wasp spray, today i opened the shed to see what size the big bag of concentrated manure was, when i moved the bag i noticed more wasps so sprayed inside the shed and shut the door, later opened the door so i could get the bag and put it outside, it had more wasps so sprayed inside the bag, it looks like a nest because i could see a honeycomb structure, later i put it back in the shed incase it rained, will check it tomorrow.

All the veg and fruit seems to be way ahead of the dates it is supposed to be ready, the onions said October and they are ready now.

Just made a pan of beef madras curry, yummy, just had a meal, will freeze the resat when it's cold.

Got my shopping delivered, have got the vinegar to make pickled beetroot now, will check on the storage jars, going to have to buy more for marmalade and jam when i make it.

Tested the thermostat is set up ok by turning the required temperature to higher than the actual temperature, the boiler came on and the radiators got hot so pleased with that, the setting allow for 6 times during the day/night but i just change the temperatures and leave the times alone.

It's always a blow to lose a customer but as you say, it is going to happen, you just need more, ave you ever thought of getting advertising leaflets made that you or someone could post through the doors in certain roads, if it says what you can do, the number to contact you for a quote.

I suppose the Bramley Apples could ripen enough to cook, love cooked apple.

Only 6 days to CBB.

Hope Mollie having a good trip.


Evening Hicky.
Rained off and on today, sometimes very heavy. Just when I thought i might get out the rain came on again.

Sounds like you have a wasp problem in your shed? Not sure if the fly spray will be enough?
I usually get wasps in my shed and garage, but i don't think there is this year. They have all moved to the outside of the house for some reason.


That's good that all your veg seems to be coming on early.
I've now got a bit of a glut of tomatoes, so I was thinking of making some soup with them.
Glad your curry turned out well. I saw the pic on Twitter.
Glad you've got the hang of the new thermostat control.


I could advertise for new customers I suppose, but that might entail me doing more work.....
The customer that has sold his house says he will leave my details for the new owners.


Watched the European Championship athletics and then Doc Martin at 9pm. Then watched an episode of Game of Thrones. I've seen all the episodes before, but I'm going through it from the beginning again. I'm on series 3 now.


Evening Emptybox.

Not bad today, dry for most of the day till now, slight rain, 21c sunny intervals, light breeze of 9 to 14.

Didn't do much today, not a lot needed in the garden at the moment.

Had bacon black pudding and tinned tom for brekkie, very nice.

Made a soup before, a part pack from a couple of years ago, i Mexican soup from Burley Dam but they stopped selling it, then i had Mac 7 Cheese for a change.

I checked in the garden shed, no wasps, took the sack outside to check it, the honeycomb piece had gone or disintegrated, another honeycomb piece i took out and put on the compost heap.

The hospital rang o/h about a preliminary check for her knee, but she said the place she was ringing for have a cutoff for your BMI number of 40 and asked her what hers was, she has no idea, oh dear.

I was looking on the web how you work out the BMI, it's weight in KG divided by Height in Metre's and the answer divided again by the height.

So mine is 90 / 1.72 = 52.32 / 1.72 = 30.42

No idea what o/h weight is though.

Going to Claremont Farm for brekkie as o/h is off tomorrow.

I'm thinking of making the marmalade using half of the tin i have which is the kit to make it, but it's makes too much so can freeze half to use later.

Got to order more jars now, will get 6 .5L ones to start, have 8 x 0.25L in the garage and some spring wire cap ones as well which are pretty small though.

The curry was really lovely, someone wanted to see a picture so i had to send it to twitter to get an address.

Thats ok if the customer gives the new owners your details, might get some work anyway.

You sure are plaged with rain on and off, nothing worse.



HI Hicky.
Similar day here, but no rain so far.
A bit dull, but calm and up to 20 degrees.
Got a couple of jobs done.


I made soup as well. Spicy tomato, with 2 lbs of my excess tomatoes.
I intended to only add a little chilli powder, but was a bit heavy handed, so that's why I'm calling it "Homemade Spicy Tomato Soup".
It's very nice though. Just had a big bowl of it, and I'm going to freeze 5 more portions.


Just worked out my own BMI  72 /1.76 = 40.90 /1.76  = 23.24.
Hopefully your OH is under the 40 figure, otherwise she'll have to lose some weight or gain some height.


Funny your wasps seem to have gone? I had a look around the back of my wooden garage, and there were quite a few wasps seemingly nibbling away at the wood.
Maybe that's how they get the paper for their nests?


Enjoy your brekkie tomorrow.
I had my cooked brekkie this morning. Same as last week, but with the addition of fried tomato.

Last edited by emptybox

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