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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both.

A nice day here, 24c sunny and light breeze.

Had my toast and marmalade for brekkie, Gave 9 of the fruit trees a gallon each of feed, a few more to do yet.

Decided to take my shirt off in the garden, no idea why i have had one one since Spring really.

Just had Cauliflower cheese ove baked spud, yummy.

Have to keep an eye on what is in the fridge from my shopping list.

Don't forget Love Island the Reunion is on tonight at 9pm ITV2.

Mollie, I do have 2 chairs in the manshed but one is for when i am at the grind stone/wire wheel. si didn't want to throw this one out, the main seat area is plastic and seems to start ripping over years, it is a folding seat made of metal tubing so with the steel tube and a piece of Aluminum i could resupport the base.

Oh dear, you getting upset over the ice cream shop, it takes time to get over these things.

Fish and Chips outside is really yummy, they even taste better than indoors, no idea why, i have tried many times to duplicate the fish at home but no chance.

Yes, you need to look after your throat, don't overdo things.

Emptybox, That was a good breakfast you had, you don't have beans?

I made a small bowl of potted Shrimps as i get unsalted butter on my shopping list, i just love real butter.

All my tablet packs are in 28 so instead of being able to order the tablets on a set date i have to adjust the order date according to the month, it's really a pain as i have to adjust the reminder on the phone, not just by the month but also alter the day as well.
