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Good afternoon all
I hope you are all having a good Saturday.
It is another lovely day here today, hope it is for you too today.
We started the day with a nice visit to Asda's for brekkie out.
Then OH and I we sat out in the garden and I read my mag, and he read the paper. Will take the dog a walk this afternoon.

Do you have any visitors today Hicky?
Have you done any gardens today Emptybox, or is it a day off today?
Hi Mollie and Hicky.

A lovely day here, but not sitting out weather by any stretch.
I was out washing the car and checking tyres etc, but I still needed my fleece and hat.

Enjoy your party Hicky.

That hotel is a very old coaching inn Mollie.
My Dad was the landlord from 1958 to 1967, when we moved up to Scotland.
It's had a coat of paint since then, but hasn't changed much.
I remember being allowed to go out of the window and sit on the back of the hart (stag). Only with supervision mind.

The open entrance on the right is where the coaches went through into a courtyard at the back surrounded by stables, that we used to play in as kids.
It looks to me, from the satellite image, that some of the stables might have been demolished now.

I have been back since, on one of my visits to Norfolk, but not for over 25 years.

Have a good dog walk Mollie.
Good morning all
It is another lovely sunny day here today, with a nice chill in the air.
Let's hope it stays nice all day for us all.

How interesting about the old coaching inn. Do you know how far back it dates to? at you remembering sitting on the stag.

how did the party go? Did they have jelly and ice-cream?
Yes, as Emptybox says, I too use Google maps to find places on Streetview.

Hi Bojangles
Yes seems we have had a few changes round here. I too got confused here at first when they did it.

Have a good Sunday all. x

Mollie, the hotel dates from about 1450, according to this advert.

I think my bedroom was a little room on the top floor, whose windows point towards the back.
(I see there are a couple of roads in that village with my surname, that I didn't know were there, but I'm sure it's just a coincidence?  )

A dry day here, but clouding over, and quite cold in the wind, but much milder than before.
Last edited by emptybox


Goodyear to return for Corrie's 50th anniversary

Bet Lynch - played by Julie Goodyear - is poised to make a return to Coronation Street.

The iconic character is one of a host of stars being lined up to return to the soap in its 50th anniversary year.

Curly Watts and Maureen Holdsworth are also in talks to return to the cobbles.


Hayley Cropper's wedding outfit

News that Roy and Hayley are getting legally wed this year has filled the hearts of Corrie fans with glee. But what will Hayley wear this time around? Let's just hope she takes off the red anorak. There's a fashion student at Salford University who was given a project brief to design an outfit around a Coronation Street character, and she chose Hayley Cropper. I'm impressed with the designs - called Love, Protection, Hidden Depths - and think they'd make a wonderful wedding outfit for Hayley's upcoming nuptials.

Have a look at them here.

Cold, windy, cloudy, showery here.

I clicked on that last link Hicky, to see these Coronation Street inspired designs, but all i could see were some purple and red splodges?
Surely that doesn't count as design nowadays?   

Anyway, hope you had a good day at work.

I see Chan's been harrassing a plumber today.
She should have let the poor bloke get on with his job.
Hi Emptybox.
Splodges, about right.LOL
Chan has been funny today, I explained best I could what the plumber was doing. the new boiler have to be pressurised again if you bleed a radiator, mine does the same, boiler makes a terrible noise if the pressure fall's to low, it has to be about 1 Bar or so.

But at least she was chatting.

I was Chatting to Bex today, I'm buying a 42" LG Plasma off her for my O/H.
Good evening all
I have had real trouble finding you here today.
Fist of all I couldnt get on the site at all, then when I tried later, it had all changed again.   Hope I can find you again tommorrow.

Hope they didn't work you too hard today.
Thank you for the Corrie news.   The storyline is getting very interesting with the build up to the 50th anniversay looming. My friends from abroad are all looking forward to our get together in May to celebrate Corrie.
It was a lovely sunny day here today too Hicky.
Who is this Bex who you are you are buying the tv off?  Is it a new one or a 2nd hand one? I bet your OH will be pleased to have a 2nd hand 42 inch one of her own.

How has your day been?  Was it too damp to do your gardens?  Are the daffs in flower there yet?  I saw the first few here in flower today, when we went a walk in the grounds of a local country hotel. They were a few that were in a sunny postion all day.

Me and OH went swimming today. But it didn't help the weight loss campaign because I have been a lot more hungry this evening after all the exercise walking and swimming, so just ate more.

Goodnight all
Hi Mollie and Hicky.
I've had a lot of trouble getting on here this evening, but I haven't noticed any changes?
Didn't do any gardening today Mollie.
No there are no daffs out yet. They are just green shoots as yet.
We usually have some of the miniature ones out by now, but not this year.
I'm sure you got more benefit from doing a bit of swimming, than you lost by eating a bit more.

Hicky, I know you like Bex, but just make sure you know exactly what you are getting.
I just looked at her ebay advert, and the specs on there were from a completely different telly, so no wonder she didn't get any bids.
Hi Mollie & Emptybox.
I was pretty busy at work, had to do an invoice to Germany so was looking up my list of Alt codes for some of the characters like ß (Alt 225) I think it's like a ss double s, Don't you remember Bex, Rebecca who was messing around with Luke  in BB9 last year, it's a second hand one with the glass stand, it's just getting it in the Freelander I'm bothered about, but i'll get some ropes and elastic straps with some blankets.
All the back seats fold down flat, but I might have to put at an angle.

I had trouble getting on, they must have been doing something.
I had to delete the Tab and reopen and start again.

Hi Emptybox.
I told Bex that the descriptions didn't match, so she got the model number from the back of the set, it was a 42PG3000, which is a plasma, they don't make it now, but it seems you can still buy them.

My knife sharpener came, all knives sharp now.
I'm stuck at work, should have been off but boss rang at 9.15 for me to go in.
Had loads to do, some was urgent and they didn't want to leave it till tomorrow.

Not sure if i'm working tomorrow or when next now really.
Will have to ask later.

Weather seemed lovely coming in, picked a few sandwich packs up on the way in as i'd missed my brekkie anyway.

Coronation Street preview: Thu 18th, 8.30pm. Gail goes to prison!

In real life, cases like Gail's could take ages to come to court, but in soapland these things happen in an instant. Joe was buried on Monday and Gail is already in court and facing life inside as the judge refuses bail. David's angry as usual, but this time with good cause. When will justice be done!


Video exclusive: Molly talks about her pregnancy. Who's the Daddy?

Molly and Tyrone Well one of them looks happy anyway. Tyrone - Coronation Street's very own cuddly puppy - is thrilled to bits when estranged wife Molly tells him that she's pregnant in Friday's episode, March 19th, 7.30pm.

He assumes the baby is his (yeah right) and the pair are, er, reunited. Vicky Binns, who plays mother-to-be Molly, said: "She genuinely doesn't know who the baby's father is. It's absolutely possible it could be either." Yes but we all have a sneaky suspicion who's the Daddy don't we?

Watch Vicky's full interview with preview clips on ITV

Alright Hicky?
Did you get press-ganged today?
Hope they didn't work you too hard? 

Another cold cloudy day here, but dry.

Mollie, I forgot to say yesterday that I made an oatie crumble with tinned strawberries. It wasn't quite as good as with other fruits though, but still nice.

I've now used up all the brown sugar that was in the house, so I'll have to buy some more before my next batch.
Almost run out of oats and flour as well.
This is all stuff that was here before Dad died, so i was considering it as 'free' stuff.
Good evening all
found my way in here ok today.

sounds like they have been working you hard lately. Hope you aren't too tired, and that you got time to get yourself some nice dinner. Thanks for the Corrie stuff, what interesting storylines we have right now.
Hicky... well I never knew you were friendly with BB Bex! I hope you enjoy her tv.  I wonder why she is selling it?  I didn't mind BB Bex, but found her a bit OTT at times.

So glad to hear you are still making use of the crumble recipe, and that you have been able to utilise your "freebies".   Sounds like your daffs up there could do with a bit of sunshine.
It was a lovely sunny day here today, so hopefully you will get some sun soon. Me and  OH took dog a walk up the sand dunes where they filmed Lauwence of Arabia today. We decided to tackle the most steep dune that I had seen a walker do on the tv, he found it hard work, and he said professional athletes use it for training on. So I was dead chuffed when I made it to the top, with not too much breathlessness. The dog loved it, but she is a mountain dog. The view was really worth the hard steep climb on sand. The view was nearly 360 degrees round  the coast, and over to the valleys the other way. There was a nice cooling wind at the top, I wouldn't of tackled it in summer. My legs felt like jelly when we climbed back down it. We saw no-one on the way up, or on the way down. Here it is

Oh and the diet went out the window again after all that outdoors exercise.

Goodnight all
Hi Emptybox & Mollie.

I'm going in Thursday as well, had quite a lot to do today, but can't be helped, you have to take the rough with the smooth.

I liked Bex when she was in BB9, it wasn't the same after she left, she has been on DS Forums all the time since BB off and on, probably got banned for speaking her mind.

I can contact her on Twitter private but have her Mob anyway.
Just got to see how I can get my lad to go with me and get the necessary stuff to tie the TV in place for transporting.
Could be tricky.
Hi Mollie.
That's some sand dune.
Before I saw the pic I thought, "what is she talking about?. Sand dunes are just little wavy things"
But it's a mini mountain.

I would think the TV would be OK Hicky, as long as you take a blanket, but the glass stand could be tricky? Depends wether it'll fit in a oner, or wether you'll have to dismantle it?
Good luck, anyway.
Nice picture Hicky.

Was doing some tidying up jobs today. Cutting back, raking up leaves and debris etc.
Bit cloudy this morning, but the sun came out this afternoon

I see my tomato seeds have germinated now. Will have to put the seedlings into individual pots, or a tray, in a few days.

Not much on telly tonight, that i can see?
Hi Emptybox.

I sent the pic to Sophie, she's running the London Marathon for Charity, so thought she would look nice running in a similar outfit.
Going to Coventry Saturday morning with my Lad to pick up the TV from Bex.
My Lad says he's moved them before and wrapped in a Duvet and that.
I've bought a load of elasticated cords from Halfords to try and secure it in the back, I have loops on the floor for fastening loads to
It will be able to stand up, it seems I've got loads of room.
Got it washed in the Hand wash today, it looks pretty good, vacuumed it as well.
Good evening all
you do seem to be working hard recently.
Hope they don't tire you out too much.
Well I never, fancy you having contact details of a BB girl. (I would put a smiley face here, but my piccies have vanished)...????
Hope you can sort tv transport out ok.
As Emptybox says, a blanket is a good idea, that is how the removals moved ours.
LOL at your piccy of the lady warrior, not quite me, I wore my jeans and walking boots.(laughy face) Yes Emptybox, it did feel like a mountain when we climbed up it. Last time we went to the sand dunes I couldn't face the "big dipper", so we went on the small ones, and it is so vast, we nearly lost our way back again.(laughy face)...

Emptybox (wavey)
Glad to hear your tomato seeds are coming along. (smiley face)
And glad to hear you got out to do a bit of gardening.(smiley face) I bet you thought winter was never going to clear this year.

Went with OH to an interview today,because it was only about 40 mins away.  (well I read my mag whilst I waited for him LOL)...was hoping to bring him some good luck, but he hasn't heard anything yet.

I watched  a programme about John Lewis tonight on bbc2, quite interesting.

Goodnight all ... wavey, wavey...
Hi Mollie.

Hope your OH gets the right result from the interview.

Yes, it's definitely a lot milder up here this week.

I missed that John Lewis prog. Looks like it would have been interesting.
I was watching a prog on BBC1 Scotland about two guys canoeing the length of the Caledonian Canal for Sport Relief. Wasnae bad.

Coronation Street stars to guest on Jeremy Kyle show

Coronation Street characters are to have a face off on The Jeremy Kyle Show, according to reports. David Platt, Tina McIntyre and Nick Tilsley are to appear in a special episode of the chat show.

18 March 2010 00:00 GMT

Coronation Street stars to guest on Jeremy Kyle show

Coronation Street characters are to have a face off on The Jeremy Kyle Show, according to reports. David Platt, Tina McIntyre and Nick Tilsley are to appear in a special episode of the chat show.

The Weatherfield trio, played by Jack P. Shepherd, Michelle Keegan and Ben Price, are to appear on the programme to celebrate its 1,000th edition.

The sketch is to be unscripted and will concentrate on the relationship between Tina and Nick with David accusing his half-brother of sleeping with his ex.

However, the couple deny this insisting that they have only every kissed.
Graeme Proctor (Craig Gazey) is a member of the audience asked to comment on the incident.

Gazey, who insisted that they are not rehearsing their appearance before the show, added: "My character is quite funny and may come out with silly things but we're not doing it for a laugh.

"We want it to be as if the characters were on Jeremy Kyle."

Keegan admitted that she was feeling nervous before filming, saying: "I like Jeremy Kyle. I always watch it, so it's a bit weird to be one minute watching it and the next on the show."

Good evening all
glad it is finally warming up for you up there too, it should help with the lower oil consumption. I too have been watching some of the Sport relief stuff. Really hard work for them, I saw them doing the cycling tonight.

thanks for the Corrie news. I recorded that Jeremy Kyle, looks good.

OH still not heard about the job, thinks it may be to do with their finances, because they delayed it before.
Went round the shops today, and got some nice peppermint joggers for ÂĢ1.50 in the sale.
The voting man came round , and I had a moan about them getting rid of many of  the courses and lecturers at the local college.

Is it a day off for you tommorrow Hicky?
Did you do any gardening today Emptybox?
It was pouring with rain by the end of the day here.

Goodnight all
Good afternoon all

Was dry this morning when we went to Asda, but pouring with rain now.
Hicky.....Was it a day off today? When do you collect the tv?

I hope the chickens don't make too much noise first thing in the morning.
A friend of mine keeps them, and she often gives us their eggs. Very nice they are.

Emptybox.....Gardening day today?
Hi Mollie.

It's been lovely here today.
Was watching the Hens roaming around, they are quite at home anyway.
The Hens are only young yet, they need a few more weeks before they start laying.

I'm going for the TV in the morning, picking one of my Lads up, too heavy for me anyway.
Taking a Duvet and a load of straps so I can secure the TV and the big glass stand.

Just had Fried Liver & Onions with Mash for Tea.

Sunny but very breezy today.
Got quite a lot of work done. Some tidying up, some digging, and some painting too.

If they're hens, they shouldn't be any trouble Hicky. As long as they're not cockerels?  

I hope you don't do your back in picking your lad up. I should imagine he is too heavy for you.
(Sorry. Couldn't resist. )

Watching Sport Relief. Not too bad.

Mollie, I watched the cycling last night as well.
I'm not usually a Davina fan, but I thought she was good for doing that. especially in the freezing cold, at night, as well.
Good Afternoon Mollie & Emptybox.

Wasn't a bad journey to Coventry, arrived at 9.35, so many 50 mph zones due to roadworks, never saw anyone working though.
M6 blocked on the way back, so told SatNav to reroute, it took us off at next exit and found a way round, later on reset it and it took us back to the Motorway.

TV now in place with new stand, all TV's moved around by 1 position, I'v now got a 28" by the computer.
We've got the 32" in the bedroom, have a couple spare now.

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