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both xxx


sounds like a good day to stay indoors with Sammy. And an added treat to get someone to come to you to get your hair done. Can I share Hicky with you to come to me too to cook? I saw the Apprentic weather on This Morning with Eamon and Ruth. She bought some of her cakes with her. Eamon could't get it in his mouth quick enough, especially when Ruth wasn't looking.


don't blame you choosing just to catch up with a bit of tv today. The weather too has been awful here. I still don't feel up to going out yet, so stayed in too.

Yes as you guessed, none of my lads are keen on shopping.   They do their best but take a lot longer to get one thing, but in the same time she can get half a dozen things.

Goodnight both xxx


Good Evening Both.

9c today, rain this afternoon with a moderate breeze.

Stayed in again, nothing worth bothering about in the garden till after the new year when the seed potatoes arrive, mind you they need chiting when they arrive.

Had soft boiled eggs for brekkie and had a Laksa soup with crumpets for tea.

O/H brought some extra food in case of guests dropping in, the cupboards are bulging had to revert some stock to the overflow cupboard.

Mollie, Hope you are eating and sleeping ok now so you will be able to enjoy the festive delights.

I always found lads not good at shopping as they mess about, pick up what they like instead of what is on a shopping list, do damage to anything bought, can't pack items in a bag by putting the heavy items on top of crushable ones.

I don't watch theis Morning so failed to see the winner of the Apprentice, darn it.

Baz, Hope you are well and all ready to face Christmas, you will be able to take it easy and stay in with Sammy and keep warm and watch the tv.

Have a lovely weekend both.




hope you had a good day. Did you stay home or go out today?


that's good you are so well stocked up now and ready for any visitors popping in.

Yes i know what you mean about the lads packing the shopping, me and daughter always have to grab the bananas before OH packs them in a bag with lots of stuff on top of them. Bruised bananas is not a good look. 

I've ordered a few pressies from amazon , luckily just on time to get delivered for Christmas, as I still didn't feel up to going to shops today.

OH went to lidl for a bit of food shopping , he said it wasn't that busy.

Watched Corrie tonight, going to watch Gogglox on +1 now.

Goodnight both xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope you are both having a good Saturday . I’ve been to the emergency dentist ....turns out my gum disease is probably the result of one of my medications Anyway , I have made another appointment for January ,  to sort out another couple of problems  . Turned into a right old marathon though cos the taxi driver dropped me in the wrong place .....I’d never been there before I had to walk quite a way ! Apart from that I popped into town on the way home and picked up a couple more small gifts . Town was heaving Luckily my daughter is taking me to do my M&S shopping tomorrow 


Mollie , I hope you are feeling a lot better today Hicky , how are your eyes now ? I was pleased with the Masterchef winner ....even though my favourite didn’t win Anyway , I’m off to check the tv listings to try and find something to watch tonight Don’t forget there is DOI special on tomorrow night Have  a good evening both . Take care 




oh no you poor thing, not nice having to find an emergency dentist. Hope the dentist helped sort your problem out ok. And hope they can sort the meds out so it doesn't give you this side effect. Good job you managed to find an emergency dentist, I know that is not easy now. That is bad the taxi dropped you at the wrong place. Bet you are tired after the stress of the dentist and the extra walk. Yes I can imagine how busy it was at the shops. Good luck tacking M and S tomorrow, washed you don't get too squished in the crowds.

I have decided to watch Stephen Mullhern as I like him, then Michael Mcintyre, then Jane Mcdonald.


hope you have had a good day. At least you have a good choice of food with all those overfilled cupboards.

I managed to go to asda first thing today, to get a few gifts and food shopping. But it did tire me out. Wasn't too busy as we got there early, but it was busy when we left. We too now have a full fridge and freezer now.

We ordered the before 4pm special Dominos pizza delivery, as I was too tired to cook tonight. Very nice it was.

Son is in bed ill now. Vomiting this morning, achy limbs, funny throat, and his temperature was so high, he had to change his PJ'S in the night. He has not been right for a few days now, so hope he  perks up soon.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Only 8c today here with sun all day, although the forecast said cloud, wind was a gentle breeze.

Put the wheelie bin out today as the next time was really the 26th so put as much stuff as possible in, got some from my shed and garage to fill it up.

Had sausage and bacon with beans for brekkie, fo tea just had mushroom soup and toast.

been watching some recordings, had a walk around the garden, nothing has changed.

My Lad in Oz has moved to the new place, he is in now, at least he has AC, the temperature there is around 40c and smokie.

Mollie, I see you have been out shopping, it is going to tire you out, don't do more than you need to.

O/H said the shop was crazy this morning.

I've got a delivery coming tomorrow from the butchers, most is for MIL and some for us, like cooked ham etc, with meat and a duck from the butchers in the farm shop.

Special Dominoes nice.

If you lad is that hot he probably has a serious infection, ring 111 and ask what to do.

Baz. Oh dear, that is awful, never heard of medication causing gum disease, that was bad, being dropped off far from where you wanted.

That is handy having daughter to take you shopping, so much better.

I can't see any improvement in my sight the left just seems blurred with the centre vision no existent, right isn't too good, of course it has AMD as well and a cataract.

Yes, must remember that DOI show tomorrow.

Have a good evening Both.



gosh at 40C, good job your lad does have his A/C now. I saw on the news how bad the smoke is there. My aunt and uncle are in Sydey visiting their daughter now. I expect they are regretting visiting in mid summer. I absolutel hated the weather in Oz in summer. And the smoke this year, must be making it even worse.

I love mushoom soup. Did you make it yourself or use a tin?

We had rain showers here yet again. Seemed cold too.

Thankfully son seems to of brightened up a bit  this afternoon after his bad night last night. Maybe he sweated some of the germs out last night? He has managed to eat a bit this afternoon. But as you say, I need to keep an eye on it incase it is an infection.

Sorry to hear the eye has not improved. I wonder if the hospital will try  drops again? When are you due to go again?

Evening tv time for me now. Steve Mulhern, In for a ÂĢ first.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

7c light cloud and sun sun, a moderate breeze.

So it's the first day of Winter, wow, that was quick, roll on 1st day of Spring, but nice to see nights getting shorter.

Didn't have brekkie as i was going to make a lamb shank casserole for tea as o/h went out with SIL & MIL for lunch for her Birthday.

The butchers delivered midday so have plenty of sliced cooked tongue and ham and chipolaters.

Have enough of the casserole over to make another meal so will store that,

Been watching Salvage Hunters on Quest all day.

Mollie, My lad and his family were on a video call from Oz this morning in his new apartment, i think we will be seeing a lot of them over Christmas, he loves the AC.

the hot weather doesn't bother me but o/h doesn't like it that hot.

Will be watching DOI Christmas special tonight at 7pm, should be good.

The soup i had was the concentrated stuff as i wasn't too happy with the soup i made.

Glad your lad is brighter, but check he isn't overheating, as any infection can become very serious very quick.

I am at the eye clinic on the 31st December, the cataract is probably fine but the back of the eye is probably the problem.

I've changed to catchphrase now, love it.

Baz, Hope you are well and the gums aren't giving you a problem, hope you can stay in and keep warm now all your shopping is done.

Have a good evening both.




hope you are having a good day. Did you manage to negotiate round the crowds in M and S today? What goodies did you buy? We usually go at Christmas to get some food treats from M and S,but I don't feel up to going there this year, as last year when we went we were packed in like sardines! I have got a few asda treats though. 


Hope your OH had a nice time out for her lunch with her family. Happy Birthday to her too.

I thought you might of had the concentrate soup, I will have to try that, I have heard it is quite nice.

That's good you don't have to wait too long for that check up with the eyes. Hope they can help you. 

I am sure you enjoyed your casserole, just what you need in winter time.

Thank goodness for the vieo calls meaning you can keep in touch with your lad and family over Christmas.

Gosh you are so right about an infection becoming serious very quickly! My lad appeared to be a bit better in the day yesterday, but had a terrible night last night. Drenched in sweat and confused, coughing, sore chest. So I decided we couldn't wait for our own doc to open Monday and rang 111. Was on about an hour. Passed from assessor to nurse and eventually doc rang back. Gave son  appointment at hospital GP, but not till 7pm. Waitied at hospital 45mins. Turns out he has a real bad chest infection. Put on 2 lots of antiboitcs, one he has to take double dose of to start off. Poor thing. He rarely has antibiotics, only had them once I think, so hopefully they will soon take effect. I told doc I was only just getting over pneumonia and was it catching and he said no. How odd. Maybe the same virus triggered it off in both of us, as my doc said I must of originally of had a nasty virus.

Other son luckily thought to record Dancing on Ice whilst we were at hospital, so will watch it later.

Hope you both have a good evening xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

9c today with sunny intervals and a fresh breeze.

Had scrambled egg on toast for brekkie, for tea decided on 2 big plaice fillets and 2 crumpets.

My 6 jars of Rendang curry paste and 6 packs of coconut milk came today.

I have ordered a long handles ground cutter so i can take a round section of ground out of the raised bed to put the seed potato in, i have a short one that i use for putting small plants in the ground but the potatoes need to go deeper.

I've set the new phones up with power just to charge them, i want to get the phonebook set up before i put them online.

Mollie, I think MIL is getting confused about what she was told and what she remember about what she was told, they don't seem to match.

I don't know if there is anything that can be done to improve my sight, only time will tell, they are just monitoring the condition at the mo.

The casserole made 3 meals so have frozen 2.

I'm glad you rang 111 for advice, i know they can steer you in the right direction, hope the antibiotics do the trick, it can't be a viral infection or they wouldn't give you antibiotics, bacteria and virus conditions can have the same symptoms but must be treated differently, don't see how a bacterial infection can be triggered by a virus infection as they are not compatible.

enjoyed DOI, it is going to be a good show, i see one feller is out all ready as he broke his wrist.

O/H went to the butchers at Claremont farm early this morning for the prime rib of beef on the bone and a duck, then she went to get her hair done, then went to her Mums.

Baz, Hope you are well and your trip to M&S went ok, hope you can put your feet up now like Sammy and take it easy.

Have a good evening both.


both xxx

Happy Christmas Eve Eve.


hope you are having a good day. What you watching on tv? Of course for awhile all our usual tv shows will be mixed up. I am watching something about favourite Christmas tv shows in the past now. Hope you managed to get what you needed from M and S.


oh dear, poor MIL getting confused about what she has been told. You are well stocked for making your curries now. Sounds like your OH has had a busy day.

I decided I needed to go to do a bit of Christmas shopping today. I shouldn't of done because I have felt exhausted since. I got so breatheless just walking up an incline to get from one set of shops to another, so I had to sit in Asda cafe whilst OH did the shopping. Good job I am going back for an x ray after Christmas to see if this problem in my lungs has cleared up. I am not going out tomorrow, think I need to take it easy awhile longer. I was also down the chemist at 9am to ask pharmasist about son's medication as it is confusing with them starting him on double dose.

Think I am off for an early night now.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Mollie and Hicky Visitors all done ....4 lots today done ....presents all given out ..or mailed now I intend hunkering down and collapsing for the next two days with Sammy  M&S was manic yesterday 


Mollie ....sorry you still under the weather ....that bug your son has sounds like the one a couple of FMs have had ...really knocked the stuffing out of them ....hope you both feel better soon Hicky , what did you think of DOI ? I quite enjoyed it Some quite good skaters in the bunch ....but could have done without GC 


Anyway , hope you both get a good nights rest ....and I will pop back for a proper catch up tomorrow Take care 

Last edited by Baz

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Happy Christmas Eve, only 8c today, cloud sun and rain, a moderate breeze.

Had 2 deliveries from Amazon, one was supposed to be delivered, next Tuesday and it cam today, i ordered some Amazon Mamma Bear wipes, only ÂĢ10 a box, wow didn't realise i would get a big box with 15 packets of 56 wipes, will last a lifetime, for someone.

My big potato planta tool came, wow, a fab-u-lous tool for making holes for planting stuff.

O/H was working from 6 to 10am today, better than her normal 9.30 till 1.30 on a Tuesday.

Had 2 rounds of toast for brekkie as o/h was going to cook a pork joint so i had some pork with some of her left over gravy.

Had a look in the garage to see what potatoes i had left form last year and i've used them all, still got some salad spuds from the farm shop.

Made some apple sauce with some of the bramley apples i got, made 2 apple crumbles and some apple sauce for the rest of the pork.

Am cooking tonight the meat for tomorrow, it's a 2.4kg Fore Rib of Beef on the bone, o/h will do the veg etc tomorrow.

Mollie, Thats what is bad news to me, walkinf up a hill, bad enough on the flat as long as i don't have to rush.

I hope the xray will give some results of what is up, hope your lad is feeling a bit better, if the antibiotics don't work in a few days you must tell them as they could be the wrong type.

Baz, Glad you are all sorted now and can put your feet up, you deserve it, chill out.

I thought the DOI slaters look full of promise, it's just so dangerous, i had some awful falls on the ice, it's the same as hitting concrete.

It was pointless putting GC on the show, she is such a loser.

I've been watching Quest all day as it has Aussie gold Hunters on all day today till 7pm


Twas the Night before Christmas Poem

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tinny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! on, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Clement Clarke Moore


Good evening Baz and Hicky xxx


4 lots of visitors, how nice,  glad all is done and you can relax with Sammy for her 1st Christmas with you now. I bet you were exhausted after hitting M and S. Did you buy nice food stuff or just pressies? Hope you are having a nice relaxing Christmas Eve now.


thank you so much for putting that lovely poem on here tonight . I always read it to my children when they were small on Christmas Eve.

You are certainly not going to go short on wipes now with all those!

That was good your OH finished work at 10am today.

Are you having beef instead of a turkey tomorrow then? My family have bought a turkey crown as they prefer the breast part best.

Thankfully my son is feeling a bit better today. Eating quite well today, so looks like the meds kicked in. I felt breathless again this morning even though I hadn't gone out, but luckily it has calmed down now. Haven't been out and not done much though, other than a bit of washing.

I bet your apple crumble is yummy. Do you eat it with cream or ice cream?

Going to watch Corrie, then Jayne Mcdonald Christmas cruise. I like Jayne.

Hope you enjoy your Christmas Eve both



Wishing a Merry Christmas to Mollie, Baz and all lurkers.

9c today with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Just had a cold sliced pork sandwich with apple sauce for brekkie, something light.

Had a video call from my lad in Oz this morning, they are having thier Christmas Lunch outside today, granddaughter is loving the fact that she can play outside in the closed area, it was only about 24c and the air was ok.

O/H did the dinner, didn't go out today.

Just seen another scone recipe in the F&M cook book SIL bought me for Christmas, interesting.

Been watching some recordings all day till something came on tv.

Mollie, Thanks for the Christmas greetings, yes i miss Emptybox all the time but even more at this time, such a waste, miss him so much, he loved his computers the same as me so it was a good talking point, thanks for texting his brother at this time.

Glad to hear your lad is feeling a bit better, it's a good sign when he is eating, that shows promise, bad news that you get breathless, can do without that.

I had the Apple Crumble with cream, i didn't warm it up just had it cold, the other one is in the fridge, o/h prefers custard, not sure if we have ice cream in stock as i don't buy it.

Baz, Thanks for the Christmas wishes and the picture, hope you have had a good day, we have here.

Did you have visitors today or do any visiting yourself? we never know when anyone might pop in so have to be ready.

Have a good evening both.


Evening Both.

Only 6c today with light rain and a gentle breeze.

Had a chew of the left over beef bone, the rest of the meat i sliced and put into containers with the grvy to freeze, will get 3 more meals from that.

Stayed in, didn't get up till 11am, for tea had shrimp vol-au-vent's, so tasty, used a pack of white sauce to ho;d them together.

Been watching more recordings, watching Worzel Gummidge now: The Scarecrow.

Mollie, Hope your lad is recovering with the infection and you are able to breath ok today.

Hope you had a good Boxing day and can have a quiet evening.

Baz, Hope you had a good Boxing day, some lack of tv programs i notice, but with lots of recording i'm not botheresed.

Did you manage to see DOI Christmas show last night.

It looks like we will have to wait for the new year to get some new stuff to watch.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Cold and damp here ....not that I’ve been out ...except to the bin... it’s been a very last day  Hope you both had a good Boxing Day and are both having an equally relaxing day today  


Mollie, hope you and the family are fully recovered now, and had a good holiday  I spent Xmas and Boxing Day with just Sammy , as my daughter ....who is a district nurse ....was working ....but my son is coming up tomorrow Hicky , yes , I enjoyed the DOI Xmas show ....and Strictly ....although I can’t abide Debbie McGee But yes, roll on the New Year and some new series to watch 

Anyway , I hope you both have a good evening ...I’m off to make a cuppa and have yet another slice of M&S chocolate Yule log Take care 


both xxx


Good for you enjoying your M and S yule log.

You must be so proud of your daughter doing such an important job that people rely on so much. And of course a job that is needed all year round.

Glad to hear your son is coming to visit tomorrow. Hope you have a good day with him. Does he have many miles to travel? Hope you managed to save him a few food goodies from M and S.

I too enjoyed the DOI Christmas show.


how lovely for your grandaughter to have the outdoors area at home now, especially if its not too hot/smoky at the moment.

Good idea to have a nice lie in with the weather not being great and tv a bit dull.

You must have had plenty of meat if you managed to freeze some and still have enough for 3 more meals.

My lad a lot better now, just tired, but he is still on a lot of meds and didn't eat much for quite awhile, so just a matter of time now. I am still breatheless if I walk upstairs, haven't been out to try walking up a slope yet, but am due back at docs next week, so will see what they say about it.

Bought our old doggie a little doggie bed with memory foam in it for Christmas, and she loves it. It is meant for oldies with arthritis, so should help her old achy bones in winter, whilst she can;t sunbathe.

I had some lovely pressies off the family, so am very grateful. A nice thick mustard jumper off OH, and by luck a pair of joggerers with a Winnie the Pooh sketch on, that happen to match the jumper well.   Daugher bought me a suprise ticket to go see "Five Seconds of Summer" in Cardiff in the spring, a band I like who I saw a few years ago. Daughter will come with me.

Think I too will just be watching recordings tonight. Son likes watching The Worlds Strongest Man, so is watching that now.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Baz.

Wonder where Mollie is? hope she is ok.

Only 9c today with light cloud and a gentle breeze.

Didn't go out except to the bin or garage, just watched tv for most of the time.

For brekkie, boiled a bury blackpudding, for tea i made a hot & sour soup mix, had to add a finely slced up chicken breast, a couple of carrots sliced up, 880ml of chicken stock, some cornflour slurry and an egg, enough left for another serving as it was supposed to be for 4 people.

after the soup i made a couple of sandwiches with cooked sliced tongue and added some non english mustard yummy.

O/H was working this morning 6.30am till 10.30am. didn't have a shopping list this week as don't need anything, still well stocked.

Got a party to got to Sunday evening, MIL 90th, nice to meet a lot of the usual relatives again, only meet them at weddings etc.

Me and o/h don't drink so might not be staying too long, can't stand to be with people when they have been drinking. they get louder and more troublesome as the evening goes on..

Don't blame you for staying in, hope you could find something to watch on the tv.

Pity you daughter was working, nurses in such demand and do a fantastic job.

It will be nice for you when your son visits tomorrow.

Looking forward to the January shows now, more than ever.

Got so much food still don't know what to have next.

O/H has put all the phone numbers in the new phone system, might put it online tomorrow, see how i feel.

will probably have the duck for New Year

Have a good evening, hope Sammy enjoyed Christmas, not that she would notice.



both xxx


hope you had a good day with your son visiting.


we did it again, you were asking where I was and my post was just above yours, so we must of posted at the same time. A case again of Great Minds thinking alike.

A good time of year to stay in, rest and watch tv. I did the same.

How nice that your MIL is having a party for reaching the grand old age of 90. Does she live far away? I take it your OH will drive you both there? Is the party in a pub? Don't blame you for not staying if people get loud from drink. Maybe your MIL herself won't want to stay late either if it gets too loud?

I am not surprised you didn't need any shopping after all the stuff you got in before Christmas?

Son watching Britains Strongest Man now. Amazing, one guy now has a 64 inch chest. And he pulled 2 huge trucks with a piece of rope. I take it HIcky you are now not in the habit of pulling trucks? At the moment I can hardly pull myself up the stairs.

Feeling milder today (not that I have been out though), and quite dry.

I was concerned why I was still feeling breathless and exhausted then read this guideline for patients with pneumonia......

Patient Information

  • Explain to patients with community-acquired pneumonia that after starting treatment their symptoms should steadily improve, although the rate of improvement will vary with the severity of the pneumonia, and most people can expect that by:
    • 1 week: fever should have resolved
    • 4 weeks: chest pain and sputum production should have substantially reduced
    • 6 weeks: cough and breathlessness should have substantially reduced
    • 3 months: most symptoms should have resolved but fatigue may still be present
    • 6 months: most people will feel back to normal.

At least I know still feeling breathless and exhausted is normal, looks like I won't be doing much for awhile, as it advises rest and fluids.

Goodnight both , have a good evening. xxx


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  It’s been sunny here today ...which makes a change I’ve been and had my nails done ....and washed and ironed ....but apart from that I’ve done nowt Has major  problems with o2 .....sporadic outages trying to send and receive calls over 4 g My son came up yesterday ....he lives 200 miles away ....and my daughter and grandson also popped over ....was lovely to have them both here together Hope you are both having a good day. 

Mollie , it’s going to be a while til you are fully make sure you take it easy Glad your son is better though Hicky , have a lovely time at the party tonight , but I agree about people getting lairy after a drink 


Anyway , have a good evening both....I think my nights viewing will consist of Gordon Buchanan on BBC2 , then BBC 4 at 9 Take care 


Evening Mollie & Baz.

10c here today sunny intervals and a moderate breeze.

Just had 1 round of toast for brekkie as found out party was at 2pm.

Met a lot of relatives and their friends, lots of children and so many generations.

Had 2 x 1/2 a larger shandy and some sandwiches/pies/spicy stuff, no idea what anything was really as couldn't see what it was, good job i eat anything, we stayed a couple of hours and people wanted to get away, o/h didn't eat any food while out, she is a bit fussy so went past the chinese takeaway on the way home but they hadn't opened yet, so we ordered food when we got home, waiting for them to deliever.

I've ordered extra hot beef curry with fried rice.

We had a video call this morning from Oz, so good seeing them again.

I had ordered some seed trays etc from Amazon, some came today, more tomorrow.

Mollie, Yes, we posted together again, can't be helped, 

Glad you lad has improved healthwise, it looks like you could have a way to go.

Five seconds of summer, well that won't last long. hope you enjoy, oh, its a band, be nice of your daughter goes with you.

MIL lives in Hoylake, only roads are A roads, takes about 15 minutes by car, the party was in one of the rooms in a like working mens club type place, but the bar only took cash, bit of a blow.

I stopped watching Britains strongest man as i don't like to see them straining their bodies so much, it must do terrible damage really.

That pheumonia chart is interesting, at least it informs you which is good.

Baz, I see you had your naols done, and washed and ironed, thats new to me, hope the iron wasn't too hot.

What a bummer, O2 playing up, wonder why.

That was nice having your son and daught come together, such a comfort.

Have a lovely evening. can't wait for this food to come.


both x


glad to hear you enjoyed yourself when your son visited (what a long way he has to travel), and how lovely your daughter and grandson came too.

A good day as it was sunny to get out and be pampered with your nails being done.

But how annoying your O2 played up. Hope it is settled now.


A nice start to the day for you to get a video call off your son and family.

hope your MIL enjoyed her party. Nice for you to see relatives and friends there, and a take away is always a nice treat to have at home. What did your OH order from the take away?, I remember you said she doesn't like the real spicy stuff like you do.

A good job you didn't have far to travel for the party.

This afternoon we had tickets to take my friends 2 kiddies to the  local pantomine. 
I was concerned about being tired, but OH dropped us off the door of the threatre and picked us up after. Son and daughter helped watch after the kids, so I was ok. It was traditional panto...Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs, so funny and the kids loved it. We went to chip shop cafe for tea after, so I didn't need to bother cooking tonight. I had beans and cheese on top of chips.

There were lots of people at the panto and also lots walking down the seafront as the weather was so sunny.

Watching Britains Favourite Biscuit now, they have got as far as the Kit-kat.

Have a good evening both xxxx


both xxx


hope you have had a good day today. At home relaxing like Sammy does, or out in town?

As your daughter is a district nurse, thought you might like to see this twitter post from Dr Amir Khan...(A GP on channel 5's "GP's Behind Closed Doors" programme).

After home visits today I just want to say what a FANTASTIC job DISTRICT NURSES did over the Christmas period looking after our housebound patients .Wounds dressed, catheters changed, medication given as well as seeing these people are coping My patients, in good hands. 


hope you are having a good day and enjoying your food, which I know is always so varied and tastefull.

I am still feeling tired, but know now it is to be expected.

My son seemed to be getting worse though, cough was worse overnight and he showed me he had developed a horrible rash on the back and palm of his hands. Went to GP surgery and receptionist told me to go to chemist to ask if it was just a reaction to his antibiotics (which he finishes today). Chemist said it wasn't, that if he was going to react it would of been shortly after he started them. She told us to buy some cream to put on it and to go to doc if it got worse. By the time I got home, it was worse, going up his arms and on his face. So went back to doc's surgery and said we needed an appointment. They were going to leave him till tomorrow, so I told them chemist said she was referring him if the rash got worse. (which is what she told me to say). So at last I managed to get an emergency appointment today and doc said chemist was wrong, it was a delayed reaction to the  large dose of strong antibiotics he has been on.  He gave him an inhaler for the cough (which he said was also a reaction to the medication), and some antihistamine tablets to help the rash. I am hoping he improves, he just went back to bed when we got home. The good thing though is the doc said his chest infection had cleared.

Seems to be one thing after another this holdiay season in my family! Son and daughter both just getting over colds.

Also, forgot to say, the kiddies we took out yesterday both had colds, but managed to enjoy the panotmine. However one sicked up his tea  in the car park! Thank goodness daughter stopped him getting in our car when he said he felt really sick. His 8 year old brother seemed to think it was highly hilarous and was jumping around laughing all the time he was being sick!  Typical young lads! He seemed fine after though.

Not sure what to watch tonight. I see Love Island starts 2nd week of January, will try it to see if it is interesting. Will be strange seeing it in mid winter.

I had baked camanbeart cheese and oven rolls with mini tomoatoes for tea, very nice.

Have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie & Baz.

10c today with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze.

Wanted more breeze really is i did some wash loads, didn't dry too well so had to take indoors.

Didn't have brekkie, had 2 pork pies i defrosted for brunch.

For tea made some rice in the rice cooker into fried rice and heated the remains of the hot beef curry from last night, you sure get a lot more when you order separate rice, they gave me one of those big deep foil containers full with beef curry, was so happy.

Put the new phone set online this morning while o/h was out, love them, the phone speaks and tells you who is calling.

I had a walk around the garden, nothing really i can do, the seed potatoes come in Jan though, mid Jan, + or - 14 days.

I have an appointment at the eye clinic at the hospital again tomorrow, just another check i think, pictures etc.

Mollie, Had some pictures from Oz, they had gone to Manly and were on the beach, the little one running round in the sand, it seemed there was jelly fish in the sea so they stayed out, the baby loves the water though.

Yes, o/h doesn't eat spicy food, she usually hasbeef dinner which is beef and onion, she has half and half rice/chips with an extra portion of chips.

I used to love going to the pantomimes, o/h used to take the lads when i was working.

Going to a chip shop cafe place on the way home is ideal, super being able to do that, beans and cheese over chips, that a new one on me, never seen that before.

I've see a lot of the programs with Greg, also love the Food Unwrapped shows.

Baz, Hope you have been able to relax, hope also the O2 hasn't been playing up again.

Haven't looked what is on tv New Years Eve yet.

Have a good evening Both.


Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Sunny day again here , but I’ve not been out ....except to rescue the bin But I have caught up on the housework and the cleaning , so not a totally wasted day 


Mollie , I’m so sorry to hear your son took a for the worse I know several people who have had it’s very nasty ....and I reckon these viruses sound like some sort of flu ....but a different variant from the flu jab ! Anyway , I hope you, your son, and the others feel better soon Hicky , how are these dreadful  bushfires affecting your son...if at all  ? Hope your check up went ok ...and that phone sounds great 


Anyway , I hope you have a lovely evening .....and wishing you both peace and happiness for 2020 

Last edited by Baz

Evening Mollie & Baz.

Late today, was at the eye clinic at 16:10 for the usual eye tests an pictures, no real change in reading the letters.

Had to wait for my eye drops to wear off, which is some hours.

Made a beef Rendang curry, had a portion and will freeze a few pertions.

My washing is dry, well the shirts are, will have to check the trousers, they are in the bathroom on the pull up/down clothes dryer rails, i leave the extract fan on and close the door to, it has a big radiator so they should be ok.

We will probably go to the farm shop tomorrow, only need some fruit and veg as have got loads of meats, might get a few curry sauces, they do some real authentic ones i love.

Heard a few fireworks going off, it can only get worse as midnight approaches.

Mollie, Hope you son has been able to get the rash sorted and can get back to normal, and you can breath a bit easier

And hope you have been able to sleep lately?

Hope you are able to find stuff to watch on tv.

Baz, Hope you and Sammy have been taking it easy, hope you are keeping well, rescuing the bin, strong winds cause havoc.

The bush fires haven't directly affected my lad and his family, they can get the smoke when the wind turns, they are a long way from the fires.

Did you know that only 10% of Australia is Habitable.

Happy New Years Eve and Happy New Year for the 2020 season in 3 hours time.



Afternoon Mollie and Hicky  Hope neither  of you have hangovers The fireworks finally ended here by 1 o’clock not too bad I popped over the road and had a glass of wine with my neighbour at lunch time ....apart from that I’ve done a load of washing , and started putting Xmas away ....I will do the tree tomorrow Anyway , once again ....I hope 2020 is a good, and healthy  year for you both 


Evening Mollie & Baz.

Happy New Year to your Both.

Cool today at 7c but with sunny intervals and a gentle breeze it was a pleasant day.

Had sausage, beans, eggs and mushrooms for brekkie with 1 buttered crumpet.

Did a bit of work in the garden, found more plastic netting so clamped it to the fence to hang and get the kinks out, it's 2 meters wide so have doubled iot to hang as i want to cut it in half.

O/H made a chicken roast dinner, i like my chicken cold so it's in the fridge till later.

Been folding my washing and hanging it in the wardrobe, another job done.

Mollie, If my eyes don't go worse i will be happy, any improvement would be great.

The fireworks were great, but what a waste of money.

TV hasn't been too bad, i usually watch Pick, Quest, Really, Dave, DMAX etc.

Baz, Didn't have a hangover as we don't drink at home anyway, i might get a hangover from eating.

I don't like taking down decorations, wish they could stay up all year.

Have a lovely 2020 both of you.

Happy New Year
Happy New Year


Happy New Year
Happy New Year




Wishing you both a HAPPY NEW YEAR.  


no hangovers for me either, as I only drank soda water. I do normally enjoy a glass or two of wine at New Year, but didn't fancy any at all this year with this pneumonia still making me feel off.

We hardly had any fireworks here, just  a couple that had finished by 12.05, which is good as the dog hates them. I just turned the tv up loud and that confused her as she thought it was only on the tv.

That's nice you could share a nice glass of wine and a chat with a neighbour today.


That's good the weather was ok for you to get a bit done in the garden.

As you say, I guess its a good thing they found your eyes had at least not got any worse.

I too am glad to say, no booze this year, but I have enjoyed my food again now.

We had pre-booked tickets for New Years Eve at a local pub last night. Son did not feel up to going, which is a shame as we lost the money for his ticket, but the rest of us managed to go. The meal was delicous. My family had 3 types of meat and I had a delicous brie and onion chutney tart with veg and fruity cheesecake for afters. We only stayed for a bit of the enterianment (Elvis impresonator) then left about 10.30pm, as we felt tired after being unwell. But we did enjoy the time we were there.

Today I just rested, watched the annual live New Year Strauss concert from Vienna, like I do each New Year's morning. Then daughter made us some party food for tea and we played an Avengers game we bought her for Christmas.

Had to go back to doc yesterday, and she said the chest infection had still not cleared, so she has sent off for another chest X ray appointment at the hospital. She also gave me an inhaler to help these spells of breathlessness. Do you have an inhaler Hicky? She also sent me straight to nurse for blood tests. So I have a huge bruise on my arm now. Doc said I had definately had pneumonia and to expect it to take 3 to 6 months for me to get back to normal!

Son's rash got even worse, all over his arms and legs , so itchy for him. Hopefully,  it will ease soon as he stopped the meds on Monday and is taking antihistamine as the doc told him. His cough is easing at last. Doc told me she was not surprised he too had got this pneumonia as we lived in same house.

Going to watch detective show in itv now, (Bancroft) can't find much else on now.

Son just enjoyed final of WorldsStrongest Man.

Have a good evening both as we start this new decade.



hope you are having a good day.

Did you go out today Baz?

Did you get in your garden today Hicky?

Not done much today, just caught up with a bit of washing, OH offerred to go food shopping in Lidl, as I still get tired easily. Daughter made some of the party food we had bought for Christmas/New Year and hadn't eaten because of feeling off. It was a nice pizza slices, melted cheese dips, fresh over baked rolls, chicken pieces, macaroni cheese bites and mini caramel profiteroles.

Tv time now. Will watch Part 2 of the Bancroft drama as not much else on tonight.

Goodnight both xxx


Evening Both.

11c today, cloud this morning with rain forecast later, a moderate breeze.

Just had 2 Crumpets for brekkie, for tea dexided on making king prawn hot chip shop curry, made 4 portions, 1 for tea and 3 to freeze.

Moved the 6 curries from the house freezer to the garage one so i have room for tonights.

Those were 3 chicken Jalfrezi and 3 beef Rendang, just getting the stock up in case guests pop in.

My last shipment of seed tray arrived today so am all ready for spring now, apart from needinga bag of seed compost which i will get the gardener to fetch, he said he picks stuff up all the time and delivers it.

I noticed i have caught a few slugs but on the soil my eyes aren't that good to tell.

Mollie, Glad you enjoyed your food, it looks like a long haul to clear your infection etc, hope son is soon felling better and able to join in with the food etc.

I take an inhaler in the morning each day, it's a ANORO, i keep an inhaler spray in my pocket for if i get short of breath by doing sdome work or walk fast, it says ASMOL, you shake and press when you breath in, think it's called a blue one, , you get 200 shots.

It sounds like your lad had Shingles like i had.

Just watching whatever i can find on the TV, still watching recordings though.

That sounds like quite a lot of party food you had over, i have been looking in tins and jars, so much stuff still, it's endless, i still have the duck in the freezer and haven't built the Ginger Bread house and other stuff yet, might be able to Saturday.

Have ordered another box of 20 seafood soup mixes, a box of packs of 24 x 50g salted peanuts, 2 boxes of Maysan extra hot chip shop curry sauce paste 448g each one makes 5 pints of curry sauce, some 9cm plant pots for the Spring.

Baz, Hope Sammy wasn't too effected by the fireworks the other night, it was pretty noisy here, think o/h had a window open.

Hope you are well and getting over the hustle and bustle of the New Year, it comes and goes so quick, i can't keep up.

Have a good evening

The Voice starts Saturday night at 8.30 pm on ITV

New: The Masked Singer starts Saturday at 6.30 pm on ITV

Dancing on Ice starts sunday 6.30 pm on ITV.


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