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Good Afternoon / Evening.


Saw the Consultant earlier, have an appointment to attend a Joint School for those having replacement Joints.

They do all sorts of tests and then give the class of about 30 a lecture or something, it takes about 4 hours.

Thats on 4th Feb, i'll have to get a Taxi.


Got dressed up in my finest clothes, prefer to be scruffy myself, but O/H insists.


Had breakfast after i had had the X-Rays and seen thje man, they have a fantastic serve yourself food bar, cheap as well, i remember going there years ago.


Then went to the bank, had to make an appointment to cancel my business account and open another account.


I see as well as the eviction tonight on BB we have a new face going in, they are saying it's Katie price, i don't mind who it is really.


Have been downloading software that i had on the other Puter, TinyCad, but there's different versions, the first one i got wouldn't open the files so got another, that was ok.

Then i had to get Avast, I have the Prenier one, then Malwarebytes Premier version, so when Norton runs out i'll bin it (got 90 days).


Hi Hicky.

Yesterday was horrible weather here, but it was better today. We had some sunshine but a bitterly cold wind. Don't think it was much above freezing all day.


I went to the funeral of a local man this afternoon, and I was frozen, even with a warm coat and woolly hat over my suit.

So I was in my finest clothes today as well.


That's nice of your guy in the USA, giving away free seeds, but a long way to send for them.


I've never heard of a joint school? Is that to get you ready for recuperation and rehabilitation after your hip op?

4 hours seems a long time anyway.

Was it in the hospital that you had brekkie?


I'd heard the rumours about Katie Price going in, but I'll believe it when I see it.

They do need a new HM though.


Hi Emptybox.


I had a little hailstone this afternoon, nothing to worry about.


The guy in IOWA pays the return postage himself, he gets paid by Youtube for his video's as far as i know.

He sent me some 2 years ago, this years they are pepper, carrots, little gem lettuce, salad onion & tomato.


this is what is in the papers.


Yes. the joint school is preparation for the op, about it, and the aftermath, recoup etc,


The Restaurant is attatched to the hospital at the far end, which happens to be by the Main Entrance for Outpatients, very close to were i was parked.


It's going to be a long BB night tonight then, 3.1/4 hrs






Gosh that is good that the guy pays for the postage for the seeds. HOpe they do well when you get them. The joint school sounds a good idea so you are well prepared beforehand and are given chance to ask any questions about it. at your OH getting you to wear your finest. Good job you have the food place sorted out there.



was the local man whose funeral it was one of your customers or just someone you knew? You could of done without going out in such nasty weather after just getting over a cold. How is your cough now? HOpe it has cleared up now.

My sore throat went on to become a cold, but luckily it is not a bad one (so far, fingers crossed), althought I do have a bit of a cough now.

Took the dog a walk down the seafront and we too had a biting bitter wind, even the dog had her coat on. (it's a red one, looks nice on her black fur).


I am having a real hard time with mum, so don't feel good right now, 
Yesterday son and OH had to drive me 120 miles backwards and forwards to mums.  Picked her up from carer as normal 3pm, she had had nice day, they took her walk down seafront and to chip shop. She was ok at our house, put her to bed ok, then at 9pm had a phone call off Careline to say she had opened her front door, and they spoke to her on phone and she was upset, so I might like to go over. So son took me (OH had had a can of cider so son offerred to drive). We found mum on the floor of her bedroom and her phone off the hook. She was uninjured, so we put her back to bed. So, I was late getting to bed, but was then was woken again within 2 hours or getting to sleep,at around 2.30am, saying mum had opened the front door again, and they couldn't get her to answer her phone again. So I packed a bag and decided to stay overnight at her flat. It was weird on the motorway at 3am (son drove again)... only lorries. Got to her flat and she was fast asleep in bed! And she stayed there till carer got her up at 8.30am.
I am worn out with no sleep and a cold. I so hope I can just get a nights sleep tonight. Hard to care for someone when you feel off.

Am going to eat a cadbury creme egg now though, and hope I can get to watch CBB.They don't usually add a HM to the celeb BB do they? But I guess with 2 being thrown out, they need to.


Enjoy the show. Hope we like the new HM.



Hi Mollie.

Sorry you are having so much trouble with your Mum, that is causing you to lose your sleep. Not sure what the answer is.


Pity you are now getting a cough as well.

Mine seems to be nearly gone now, which is lucky because I have a dentists check-up on Monday, and I wouldn't want to still be coughing then.


The local man wasn't one of my gardening customers, but he'd run the local shop for years before he retired, and was a friend of my Dad's, so I was just paying my respects really.

But yeah, it was the wrong time of year to be standing out in a freezing cold graveyard.


Evening Both.


Oh dear Mollie, that is not good, losing so much sleep, not sure what the answer is though.

Thats a lot of running around, hope you can get some sleep soon.


The Hospital gave me a folder of leaflets and pamphlets, also pages that need filling in about the furniture we have and the measurements, also the toilet size, bed size and hight, has it got wheels, is it wood or metal.

What type of mats/carpets etc. what medication i am on.


Glad you cough is going Emptybox.


Hi Hicky.

That seems very thorough of the hospital, wanting to know all about your furniture etc?

Don't remember them asking that stuff when my Dad had his knee done, or my Mum had her hip done?

Maybe it's a new thing.


Pity Chloe went, although it was always going to be her or Alicia.

You were right that KP was going in.

Maybe it'll be more fun now, rather than people shrieking at each other?

Small hope of that.


Good Morning Emptybox.


They don't need all those details for a Knee replacement, just the Hip, as you say, it must be a new thing.

I've read all the leaflets and paperwork, wow, it tells you a lot about after the op, it says what i shouldn't do, which covers just about everything.

It says the reason is that i might dislocate the new Hip.

Wow, i didn't know you even could.

thats a bit worrying.


I was sorry to see Chloe go, it was either her or Alexander on the betting.


I like KP, should be interesting.





glad your cough has gone now.  Thankfully mine seems to of eased, but I still have a cold (not a bad one though, thank goodness). Hope the dentist visit goes ok, and hope no one with a cold is in the waiting room this time! So probably best for you to sit well away from everyone else waiting and by the door.

Have you had any snow?

It has been very cold here for a few days now, and I could see snow on the hills today. Just icy where we were this morning though.



that is good you have been given so much info from the hospital beforehand. Maybe they ask you about your house to make life easier for the occ therapists post op? Round here the occ therapists come to your house and look for any adaptations you might need. eg plastic lifts for a bed or chair and a raised toilet seat. They arranged all of those for my mum. But it takes time to order and deliver these things, so it is good these questions are being asked well beforehand for you, so they can be in place beforehand.

Any meals out planned this weekend?


We went to the pub for lunch whilst mum was with the carer, I had a broccili and cheese bake with boiled potatoes, peas and salad. Yummy.

Mum slept through last night, thank goodness. She was just trying to get up when carer got there at 8am. Fingers crossed she still does again tonight, as this cold, although not very bad, is still making me feel really tired.

I told carers to keep mum awake today, they are so sweet, they tried so hard to do so. One took her out in her car, back to her own home and gave her coffee there. (she asked me first if it was ok to do so), and one took her to the local garden centre for coffee and cake yesterday. It is hard work too taking her out and her wheelchair now as her mobility is so bad.

Looking forward to unwinding watching CBB tonight.


have a good evening both xxx


Evening Mollie.


My O/H was looking after her Father when he had a new Hip so she is aware of what is needed.

we have taken that into consideration when ordering items for the Bungalow, and changes should be easy.

We even got the raised toilet seats fitted, had to order special of course.

And the seats i use have arm rests so i can lift myself in and out.

And we don't have stairs to climb, thats good.


Glad your cough has gone, just need Emptybox's to go now.


Glad you were able to get to the pub for lunch, i'm doing a roast dinner tomorrow, probably be going for brekkie in the morning to the garden centre, they are opening a new restaurant this week so it should be open now.


Hi Hicky and Mollie.


No snow here. Cold but sunny today. Much better than wind and rain.


That's good that you were able to fit in a pub linch Mollie, and the carers took good care of your Mum.


Yes, it must be an advantage getting the new bungalow sorted for after your op Hicky, as you started from scratch.

I think the key is to get moving as soon as possible after the op, but to take it very gradually.

Enjoy your brekkie out tomorrow.


Just heard I've got another appointment to see the consultant, but it's not till the middle of May, so a long time away. Guess I'll just have to rely on the GP till then, if I have any problems.


Katie Price seems fine so far on CBB, but I wonder if she'll stay to the end. I remember she went home early the second time she was on IACGMOOH.

Last edited by emptybox

Good Afternoon Everyone.


Hi Emptybox.

Frozen hail on the cars this morning, O/H had to clear hers at 4am, i cleared mine at 10.30 so we could go for brekkie in the new restaurant at the garden centre,nice place, a lot bigger, lot more seating and it was warm.


Hear that another HM has walked out, i was expecting him to go though, that Perez is driving them all batty.


May is a long time away, wonder why it's that far off?


I like Katie P, she is very down to earth, thing is she will miss the kids so might not stay very long.


Just going to make a Roast Chicken dinner, got the spuds chopped and carrots chopped ready, love chopped slice cabbage but we steam that, might steam the carrots as well, going to make roasties with the chopped spuds.

Will have to remember to make the stuffing, love that.





that is lucky you already have all the adaptations in place for post op hip. Your move to the bungalow has come at just the right time. My mum didn't have any in her flat, so the occ therapist had to order the stuff. Unfortunately she doesn't have a walk in shower, but they have ordered her a special remote control bath chair. Lucky all the stuff they supplied was courtesy of the NHS.


How was the breakfast food in the new garden centre resteraunt? We too sometimes go for brekkie in a garden centre. Then we like looking at plants etc after. Hope you enjoy your roast dinner.



I should think it is a good sign that the consultant doesn't need to see you until May. As you say, you can always see the GP if you have any related problems. How have you been feeling lately? Are you eating ok now?


It was very cold here too today. Took dog a walk and it was not pleasant. It was black ice, so hard to see exactly where it was, so hard to stay upright.  The cars were covered in thick ice too. Then we went to Costco to stock up, and we bought mum an extra wheelchair from there. (NHS gave us one, but we need one at my house and one at hers now). Enjoyed the food samples there again.

This afternoon it was lovely and sunny, so I took mum a walk down the seafront. I sit her in her wheelchair with a blanket and a special hot water bottle (but not water, these bead things you put in the microwave). The bottle stayed warm all the time, so she was fine. We even sat and ate an ice cream, I had strawberry and mum had vanilla.  Lots of people around enjoying the sun, because it took the bite out of the cold air. 


Gosh what a weird CBB this is this year with yet another HM leaving. Yes I can't see KP staying to the end. Wonder if she had only agreed to go in the house for a short while?


Son has been at rehearsals all weekend for their next drama production. This year they are doing "Jekyll and Hyde". I am not sure how I will enjoy the storyline of that one. But I bet the youngster will enjoy staging it.


Have a good day both xx


Hi guys.


There was a bit of lying snow this morning here, and the roads were a bit icy, going for the papers.

The snow was away (apart from on the hills) when I went to the supermarket this afternoon though.


I'm feeling OK at the moment Mollie, and eating normally.

Didn't know you could buy a wheelchair at Costco? But I guess you can buy most things there.

Glad you got a bit of sun this afternoon.

Good luck to your son in his Jekyll and Hyde production.


Hi Hicky. My local garden centre (Klondyke) has just had a revamp too, including a bigger restaurant. Haven't tried it yet though.


Not sure why it's so long to the next Urology appointment? When I saw him last he said he'd see me in 3 months (from end Dec), but I guess they are very busy.


Saw that about the housemate leaving. They weren't one of my favourites anyway.

I agree that I think Perez is driving them all batty.


Probably have roast pork tonight.


Evening Both.


I've just ordered an air that fits by the loo with arms to help, same as for any seat, i'll need one later anyway.


The food was exactly the same as we had before they moved to the new section, it is a lot bigger but the food was the same, love it.


The Roast Chicken dinner was good, i made it while O/H was resting, she had gone to work at 4am so she needs to rest.


Mollie, That was nice your mum having a hot water bottle to go for an ice cream.


I'm sure your son will enjoy doing Jekyll & Hyde, bet the rehearsals are fun.


Emptybox, It was icy here this morning, I had to drive to brekkie as O/H had had enough early on when the roads were bad, it doesn't bother me as i've driven through ice and snow all my life.

I do believe everyone should have 4 wheel drive and winter tyres, some this year were cheaper than ordinary tyres.

Ordinary tyres don't work if the temperature is less than 7C


Heard a rumour that another has walked.


evening All.


A frosty night again, some nice sun today though.


Went out to Sainsbury's for some of my Meds, got some pork and lamb, bread and cakes.

O'H is off work till Friday.

Have fitted the slow close hinges to the wardrobes, now they close like the rest of the cupboard doors.

Even the toilet seats are slow close, can't stand doors that make a noise.


Cooked the belly pork, had that for tea with a big strawberry tart.

Just had a hot chocolate, have ordered some more as well.


watched CBB, will record bots for tomorrow.


Hope you are both ok and your colds/coughs are easing.


Hi Hicky.

A bit of snow on the ground and a bit of ice this morning, but nothing much.

Turned into a nice sunny day anyway.


Went to the dentist this morning. Didn't need anything this time. He said I've got a filling that's going to need replacing soon, but is OK at the moment.


Think the rumour is that Katie P might go soon, but I think she's still there at the moment?


Don't think I've got the patience for a slow close door. Sometimes a good slam is what's required. Especially after the electricity has just gone off.  

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Had a delivery of my support for getting on and off the loo, it is hand rests so you can support your weight.

Similar to this.


My Cadbury's Chocolate for the Tassimo arrived.

My MIL wanted some Oreo drink for the Tassimo ordering so i have ordered the 5x8 box so we can split it, cheaper that way.


Made another Roast Pork Dinner, used Cauliflower Cheese and Sprouts with mini roast spuds.


Just found out i don't really need to turn off any of the Hob  sections when i finish using them, you just take the pan off and the Hob will turn it off itself, thats how it works, if it loses the pan it just turns off, there's no elements anyway, it only induction, it keeps checking for the right type of pan, if it's not there it doesn't allow any induction to take place.


I've rang the Dentist, see him Jan 28th for a checkup to get the letter i need for the hospital.


The slow close doors are great, you don't even have to close them, you just start them off and they close on their own.

No, you can't slam them.


Hope Mollie is ok looking after her Mum.


Hi Emptybox.


I think the NHS will provide various items that i need, but a lot of them i need now really, so if i can get the stuff fairly cheap them i am ok with that.

It's going to be a while before my OP. assuming i can get one, so having these things in place is good, my hip and knee are probably getting worse by the day.


Love the Hob, easy to clean, and if the pan heats the glass when you take the pan off and it turns off it puts an 'H' up instead of the power setting on the display.


I heated my plate up, took the pan off, didn't touch any setting, just put my plate on the Hob and it warmed the plate, it didn't have any power of course.

It couldn't see the plate but the glass heated the plate.


If anything covers the touch controls, it turns all the hobs off, any that are in use of course.


Katie H was never going to get evicted according to the betting, but Perez and Alicia are in line.


Evening All.:+))))))))))))))


Not too bad a day here, only went out to put the bin out.


Made a lovely lamp casserole for dinner.


A 32gb USB DataTraveler G4 that i ordered came today, have ordered some 64gb USB ones as well, pretty cheap, will try them.


I'm at the bank in the morning, want to close my business account and open a new current one.


O/H wants to get rid of the 2 cars we have and buy one between us.

We don't really need 2 cars now but finding one that will suit us both won't be easy.


Enjoyed CBB tonight, it may be either Nadia or Alicia tomorrow that goes.


Hi Hicky.

Not bad day here either. A bit cloudy, but not particularly frosty.


Ah well, I suppose if you are in need of a toilet hand rail thing now then you'd need to buy it yourself right enough.


Probably a practical solution to get rid of your cars and buy a new one between you, but I can see you being very reluctant to part with your landrover?

Does your OH like 4x4s?


CBB was OK. You are probably right, and it'll be between Alicia or Nadia to go Friday.


Morning All.


Went to the bank, opened anew account, closed my Business account, transferred any funds, set up a standing order to give me some funds.


Met up with O/H in Morrisons as she was doing shopping for her Mum, had brekkie, got some mince for Spag Bol tonight.


Weather not bad here today, chilly but sunny.


Emptybox, O/H doesn't want a Land Rover so will have to look at other options.

I of course prefer 4 wheel drive though, so much safer than 2 wheel drive, also need Diesel and Automatic.


Hi Hicky.

Another nice sunny day here. Very cold though. There's a small patch of snow in the yard that's been there since Monday, so it can't have been much above zero since then.


Glad you got your bank accounts sorted out.

I wouldn't worry too much about getting a diesel car. I know you think it's safer, but they seem to have decided diesel is more polluting than previously thought, so I can foresee the government thumping more tax on it.


Watched CBB, now watching this thing on 4 about Josie Cunningham.

Last edited by emptybox


hope you are both well. xx

sorry can't pop in for awhile now.

poor mum fell and broke or cracked a rib so her mobility real bad now and she is pain, so I have to stay at her place . Had to go to A and E twice, once in amblualnce where they did a drip for her.

can only pop back breifly home from her flat , then get bus/taxi back to her flat.

she doesn't have internet, but luckily i have managed to watched CBB whilst she is in bed.

be back as soon as I can.



Oh, really sorry to hear that Mollie. A difficult time for you and your Mum.

Hope they can at least sort your Mum's pain out.


What about that mobile internet dongle that you had a while back for your laptop? Could you perhaps put some more credit on that?


Dull day here today, but not too cold.


I would guess either Alicia or Nadia to go tonight.

I'd prefer Perez to go, even though I think he's being picked on sometimes.


Evening Both.


Sorry to hear about your Mum Mollie, just what you don't want, she needs more care now, hope they sort her pain out.


Emptybox, I never feel safe in Petrol cars, in the wrong type of accident and it's whoosh.


I really want 4x4, Diesel Auto low or no tax, lots of mpg, and about ÂĢ9k, tough.


I think it will be Nadia, Alicia close by, would like Perez to go but it would take a miracle.


We got a price from the Council to change the kerp to make it a drive in, a 7M section for ÂĢ1.7k O/H says its too expensive, we will go to Plan B.


I can't order off Amazon just now as the accounts are being changed around and i don't have a card for the new account yet.


The Tassimo Oreo chocolate drinks came today, part of it for MIL.


My 32gb usb pen drive came today, have plugged it in a usb3 slot as a standby backup of my files.




Hi Emptybox.


Yes, Emma did say it was a 3 way race so i thought then then Nadia would stay.

Alicia won't be missed by anyone.


Even low road tax would be ok, just don't want to pay too much.

Will have to keep our costs down now with me not working.


Plan 'B' is to use the front to park but not to drive over the pavement, and to build some low type of cheap wall structure and move some of the crushed concrete we have now to give a few inches of depth all round so we can get small crushed blue slate to have as a drive on base.




Hi guys.

Much milder here this weekend, but dull and cloudy.


Just got back from the supermarket as usual.


I see they are doing a 'bedsit' type twist with Perez, whereby the others think he has left but he is really still there spying on them.


Hi Hicky. Hope you can work out a way to park your vehicles at the front of the house, without having to pay out for a dropped kerb.


Hope Mollie is coping OK at her Mum's place.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Emptybox.


Quite a mild day here, had some sun as well.


Made a roast chicken dinner.

My new card came from the bank yesterday, but the pin hasn't arrived yet.


We are thinking of putting a flush edging along the line of the ex wall, raking the stone out from its high point till its level then when i order the slate i can get 16 tonnes and leave 3 in the front and take 13 round the back.

I will be able to reverse from the road up the drive in then turn onto the gravel front, it measures 7M wide by 6M so theres loads of room.


O/H has been bad all day with her Kidneys, bad pain, tonight at 8pm she went to A&E or Out of Hours, they said it's a Kidney infection and wanted to keep her in, gave her some pain killers and Anti Bio for now, hope she will be ok.

Won't be too bad if she can sleep.


Hope Mollie is OK, such a lot of worry and hard work being a part time carer.


Evening Both.


O/H is a bit better, less pain while lying in bed anyway.

Needs time for the Anti Bios to work.


Cooked a kilo of beef for slicing on sandwiches with onion.


Went to Sainsbury's for some fresh bread, got a few cakes and a Pork joint


MY Lad came and did some filling/sealing of the woodwork round the doors so they can be painted.

We have decided to wax the doors or something, not paint them, they look good with them having Pine veneer, the doors are solid wood though.


Just watching the Perez show.

Heavens, does he annoy me.



The snow in the USA.


Last edited by Hicky

Hi Hicky.

Yes I heard about the snow storm in the US. And it's coming over here on Wednesday or Thursday. Hopefully not as bad though.


Glad to hear your OH is a bit better. Hopefully the ABs will cure it.

I'm sure your doors will look great unpainted.


Nice day here so I got my vehicles washed and did some tidying in the garden.


Perez is annoying sure, but I hate to say this but he reminds me a bit of my youngest nephew. .......without the beard, obviously.

Last edited by emptybox

Evening Both.


O/H not in as much pain today, thank heavens.


Bought a tin of clear Wax to try on a door.


Got a few breakfast bits from Sainsbury's.


Just made a pork mince stir fry.


Found the Velcro in the garage so cut some small pieces and fastened the Hard drives to the back of the TV's.

O/H wanted to watch one of her recording yesterday, found it easy, these new TV's are very clever.


Hi Hicky.

Glad you got the OK from the dentist. What were you being checked for that required a letter?

Was it something that was needed prior to your hip op?


Good thinking with the velcro to attach the hard drives to your smart TVs.

TVs are more like computers nowadays.


Had some heavy snowfall this afternoon, but only for a short time and it doesn't seemed to have lain.

ETA: actually I just looked out the window, and we must have had more this evening because everything is covered in white.


Got a lot of housework done today - dusting, hoovering etc.


Yes, wherever Perez is so is noise and drama.

Last edited by emptybox

Morning Both.


It's been raining overnight, had a flurry of snow earlier but it's too wet to stick, then it rained again anyway.


The Dentists report mentioned i was clear of 'Oral Sepsis' (infections).


Didn't like the hard drives hanging on the usb lead, much better now fixed to the TV body.

They are both 500gb drives so should store quite a few programs.


Had a nice brekkie, Bacon, egg, sausage, black pudding, tomato, yummy.


Hope Mollie is managing with her Mum, such a problem and so tiring.


Need a few bits from Costco as well, will have to see when we can go, it depends if O/H is up to it yet.



I am back sleeping in my own bed again, as mum's rib pain seems to be under control at last.

Still busy back and forwards up the motorway to her flat, but at least have some time at home to catch up now.

Lucky I have been able to watch CBB when she is in bed.

What a crazy bunch of argumentative HM's this lot of celebs are. But I am enjoying the show.

off to read back your posts now before I have to go and get some food in and then collect mum from carer.


Good afternoon both

had a chance to read back at last.



sorry to hear your OH has had kidney problem, I know kidneys can be very painful. I hope she is feeling better and up to going out with you to Costco,

That is good your dentist says you are ok. Hope you hear soon from the hospital about the op to help your pain.

Hope you can find a car to suit you and your OH. What make are you thinking of getting? My OH is doing a lot of miles each day (around 100 miles round trip), so is thinking of changing to an automatic 4 wheel drive. Not sure yet what type to go for though.



snow still around there? No snow here, but the wind feels very cold, and we did have a quick hail shower.

Hope you are still feeling well. Are you eating/sleeping ok now? Still taking the meds?


I know I shouldn't but Perez did make me laugh last night. He looked so funny charging around in his undies and the fact he winds the other HM's up so much is also funny. I think Katie H secretly enjoyed playing chasey with him in the garden, she was laughing any way.


My mum's rib pain not so bad in the day now, but it is still very painful for her when the carers get her out of bed, so they have to try and sit her up as quick as possible.


Need to go and get a bit of food shopping, then off to pick mum up from carer.


have a good day both.

hopefully I will have time to pop in here again now regularly.




Last edited by *mollie*

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