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El Loro posted:

I realise that most if not all of you won't be interested in the cricket final on Sunday but although Channel 4 will show the beginning and the end, because of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, whilst that's on, the cricket coverage will move to More 4. Lewis Hamilton has already commented that he's not happy that the Grand Prix, the cricket final and the Wimbledon's Mens final are all on at the same time.

MrY likes all three and is not pleased.


Evening all 

Tiddlers were on great form and minding went well.....until PB threw up all over the bed.🙈 She was absolutely fine afterwards.

What a lovely gift, Summer 

Squiggle, you have reminded me about Cranford - I haven’t watch it for ages.


Sweet dreams gang, yogi I hope both you & PB are feeling brighter this evening  


i had had a friend pop round tonight, we often have a spontaneous get together & tea, she’s a gem and Bramble adores her, so it’s been a lovely, relaxed evening  

~Sparkling Summer~
Yogi19 posted:
El Loro posted:

I realise that most if not all of you won't be interested in the cricket final on Sunday but although Channel 4 will show the beginning and the end, because of the British Grand Prix at Silverstone, whilst that's on, the cricket coverage will move to More 4. Lewis Hamilton has already commented that he's not happy that the Grand Prix, the cricket final and the Wimbledon's Mens final are all on at the same time.

MrY likes all three and is not pleased.

same with OH yogi

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here.


It's raining at present at the Lords cricket ground though will come to an end in an hour or so. May mean a delayed start to the cricket final. The weather gives the team who wins the toss a considerable advantage as they will decide to bowl first with the team batting first playing in difficult conditions. The pitch would have become easier to bat on by the time the team batting second bat.


@~Sparkling Summer~ Film 4 is showing the original Miracle on 34th Street at 11 am this morning, they don't get more Christmassy than that.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone

Ros, will MrRos choose one sport to watch, or will he channel hop?

MrY is watching the cricket atm but will probably channel hop.

Summer, PB was fine after she was sick, she still managed to go for her swimming lessons on Saturday morning.

I’m glad you and Bramble had such a nice evening with your friend.

El, I’ve set my TiVo box to record that film.

MrY thinks he has won first prize in the lottery of life because my coughing bug has left me with no voice at all today.

I don’t feel ill but the constant coughing is annoying.

Have a lovely day, all.

Last edited by Yogi19

Yogi, I hope your voice returns quickly


I had that bug a couple of years ago. Felt rotten on Friday morning, rang my brother to advise him not to visit me but he insisted. Felt worse by Saturday morning having coughed much of the night and told my brother to return home before he caught my bug (he returned home and didn't come down with the bug). Sunday I was a bit feverish, didn't feel like eating and spent most of the day in bed - very unusual for me. Less feverish by nighttime. Monday morning I felt better but discovered that my voice had completely gone. Had to cancel some client meetings as a result. Voice did start coming back but took a week to return to normal.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Yogi, I hope your voice returns quickly


I had that bug a couple of years ago. Felt rotten on Friday morning, rang my brother to advise him not to visit me but he insisted. Felt worse by Saturday morning having coughed much of the night and told my brother to return home before he caught my bug (he returned home and didn't come down with the bug). Sunday I was a bit feverish, didn't feel like eating and spent most of the day in bed - very unusual for me. Less feverish by nighttime. Monday morning I felt better but discovered that my voice had completely gone. Had to cancel some client meetings as a result. Voice did start coming back but took a week to return to normal.

 Sounds like you were more poorly than me, El.

I’m hoping my voice returns quickly otherwise, the tiddlers sleepover on Tuesday will be interesting.

El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone


Cloudy here.


It's raining at present at the Lords cricket ground though will come to an end in an hour or so. May mean a delayed start to the cricket final. The weather gives the team who wins the toss a considerable advantage as they will decide to bowl first with the team batting first playing in difficult conditions. The pitch would have become easier to bat on by the time the team batting second bat.


@~Sparkling Summer~ Film 4 is showing the original Miracle on 34th Street at 11 am this morning, they don't get more Christmassy than that.


I hope everyone has a good day

Oh I love that version!!!!! 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sunny start here.


Yogi, I hope your cough clears up soon


A lot of happy English cricket fans - just as well that the deciding rule for the winning side in the event of a tie was number of boundaries scored (England well ahead of New Zealand) rather than number of wickets lost where New Zealand would have won. I wouldn't be surprised if there are calls for the rule to be changed though the rules are set by the International Cricket Council.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

Dry and sunny atm.

Still coughing and no voice but I’m feeling fine, thanks everyone 

El, hopefully that swan cake will draw Moonie back to us.

Have a good day, all.



Good morning everyone  

All is well with me fankoo. I hope it is with you all too  

A lot going on in RL that’s why I haven’t been around much 🙂


I didn’t watch much sport tbh Sweet  

 I love that swan cake El but couldn’t eat it because it’s a swan 

Yogi, I’m glad your cough is getting better. I hope you get your voice back soon too 

Good morning Squiggle 

Twickers, hi to you too 

Leaving  for Rosss 


Cloudy with the occasional burst of sunshine. Nice cool breeze blowing 


Have a great day Buddies  


Bank of England has announced that the face appearing on their new £50 note is to be Alan Turing  - I think that that will be welcomed by quite a lot of people:


When I was the church treasurer I did very rarely see a £50 note. Also when I got my first computer I needed to pay for in in cash (credit card limit wasn't high enough and a cheque would have caused a delay whilst it was cleared) so I was carrying some £2k on £50 notes for a few hours - that was over 25 years ago and that was a typical price for a good computer at that time.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

Bank of England has announced that the face appearing on their new £50 note is to be Alan Turing  - I think that that will be welcomed by quite a lot of people:


When I was the church treasurer I did very rarely see a £50 note. Also when I got my first computer I needed to pay for in in cash (credit card limit wasn't high enough and a cheque would have caused a delay whilst it was cleared) so I was carrying some £2k on £50 notes for a few hours - that was over 25 years ago and that was a typical price for a good computer at that time.

Two grand was a laptop @ 20 years ago El  


A Tiny.




Could do without that reired Australian cricket umpire Simon Taufel saying that the overthrow near the end of the cricket where the umpires gave 6 runs to England should have only been 5 runs meaning that New Zealand should have won. The New Zealand players aren't criticising the umpires. It's been accepted for a long time in cricket that the umpire's decision is final. (the umpires at the matches are from other countries excluding the 2 countries competing).

El Loro
twickers posted:
El Loro posted:

Bank of England has announced that the face appearing on their new £50 note is to be Alan Turing  - I think that that will be welcomed by quite a lot of people:


When I was the church treasurer I did very rarely see a £50 note. Also when I got my first computer I needed to pay for in in cash (credit card limit wasn't high enough and a cheque would have caused a delay whilst it was cleared) so I was carrying some £2k on £50 notes for a few hours - that was over 25 years ago and that was a typical price for a good computer at that time.

Two grand was a laptop @ 20 years ago El  


A Tiny.



What they did to Alan Turing   

Yogi19 posted:

Got the tiddlers on a sleepover tomorrow so I’ll be back on Wednesday evening.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, everyone.

Hugs for the night owls


Enjoy your sleepover with the little ones tomorrow Yogi 


Good morning everyone it's another lovely bright morning. Good morning to you as well Moonie I'm glad all is well in Moonie land.


I have high hopes of some real rain at the weekend, some of our plants are really suffering. 


Enjoy your day everyone


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