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Reply to "Ben's Buddies"

El Loro posted:

Yogi, I hope your voice returns quickly


I had that bug a couple of years ago. Felt rotten on Friday morning, rang my brother to advise him not to visit me but he insisted. Felt worse by Saturday morning having coughed much of the night and told my brother to return home before he caught my bug (he returned home and didn't come down with the bug). Sunday I was a bit feverish, didn't feel like eating and spent most of the day in bed - very unusual for me. Less feverish by nighttime. Monday morning I felt better but discovered that my voice had completely gone. Had to cancel some client meetings as a result. Voice did start coming back but took a week to return to normal.

 Sounds like you were more poorly than me, El.

I’m hoping my voice returns quickly otherwise, the tiddlers sleepover on Tuesday will be interesting.
