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velvet donkey posted:

Morning troops    


Quite bright here. Back lawn that I stare out all day seems to have developed some "fairy rings" in three places. It's like the grain goes against the rest and it's new. There is also some fungi shot up. Can wait though - not high.


Anyway, I hope it breaks out down South.


Have a good day ye all   

El Loro posted:

Velvet, one of the teachers at my school many many years ago was a mycologist as well - that's someone who is expert on toadstools and mushrooms in a scientific way. He would have known why fairy rings come into being.

Looks as if the BBC read our posts as some hours later they do an article on the secret life of fungi

El Loro

Evening gang phewwww! Shopping is exhausting. All that trying on clothes etc etc both of us dislike it but my mum has had a much needed make over and amazed herself by needing size 14 jeans! She was a size 22, so the difference in her is incredible  

my walk & lunch with friend(s) was fab too, I really enjoyed it. 


Welcome back yogiiiii!!!!!! yay! I’m glad  you had a great time in London, how are your parents? 



~Sparkling Summer~

Evening all 

Visited my parents - both fine.

Had youngest son, then eldest son and B.B. (PB was at school) and then middle son visit us. 

Summer, many congrats to your mum on her weight loss 


Good morning everyone


Sunny but not that warm here at present.


Summer, well done to your mum and I'm glad you had a good day


Yogi, I'm glad you had lots of family reunions yesterday


Met Office has published the storm names for 2018/19:

Bronagh is pronounced Bro-nah
Niamh can be pronounced Neev or sort of like Ni-eev
Saoirse has a variety of pronounications with the first syllable such as sur, seer or sor but not she, the second syllable is sha.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning all 

Sunshine and showers forecast up here. Sunny atm so Mr Y is mowing the lawns.

Soon heading to Morrisons to do the grocery shopping then I have a pile of ironing to do when I get back.

Have a good day, everyone.


Good afternoon windy but sunny here with blue skies. I took myself out for a little walk at lunch time and it was beautiful, very autumnal  


aw thanks everyone, yes my mum looks like a new woman! 


How are we all today? 

What are you up to lately squiggle? 

~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, you'll want to watch Autumnwatch on BBC when its shown as the scenery in New Hampshire during autumn (their fall) will be spectacular.


Still very busy with the huge client though I've moved on from the purchase invoices to their box of company credit card statements and receipts. Although it's all been posted and in order I still need to go through it, all some 11 inches deep.

El Loro

Hi Summer, wheezing mostly and coughing.  I've had a chest infection for 2 weeks and thought I could fight it off as I usually do.  I ended up having to dial 111 on Sunday night though when I found I couldn't breathe as I lay down.  There was a bit of a wait, not unexpectedly but at 3 in the morning my bedroom contained 2 paramedics and a doctor who told me I had acute bronchitis (I knew I had tonsillitis because I had white spots on my tonsils).  I was battling away with the warm salt water trying to get rid of it. Anyway halfway through a week's Amoxycillin now and coughing to get rid of the nasty infection. I always do think I can fight it off but I couldn't have done this time.  I hope you and your Mum are well and not fighting off any bugs.

squiggle posted:

Hi Summer, wheezing mostly and coughing.  I've had a chest infection for 2 weeks and thought I could fight it off as I usually do.  I ended up having to dial 111 on Sunday night though when I found I couldn't breathe as I lay down.  There was a bit of a wait, not unexpectedly but at 3 in the morning my bedroom contained 2 paramedics and a doctor who told me I had acute bronchitis (I knew I had tonsillitis because I had white spots on my tonsils).  I was battling away with the warm salt water trying to get rid of it. Anyway halfway through a week's Amoxycillin now and coughing to get rid of the nasty infection. I always do think I can fight it off but I couldn't have done this time.  I hope you and your Mum are well and not fighting off any bugs.

I hope the antibiotics sort it out, Squiggle 

squiggle posted:

Hi Summer, wheezing mostly and coughing.  I've had a chest infection for 2 weeks and thought I could fight it off as I usually do.  I ended up having to dial 111 on Sunday night though when I found I couldn't breathe as I lay down.  There was a bit of a wait, not unexpectedly but at 3 in the morning my bedroom contained 2 paramedics and a doctor who told me I had acute bronchitis (I knew I had tonsillitis because I had white spots on my tonsils).  I was battling away with the warm salt water trying to get rid of it. Anyway halfway through a week's Amoxycillin now and coughing to get rid of the nasty infection. I always do think I can fight it off but I couldn't have done this time.  I hope you and your Mum are well and not fighting off any bugs.

aww squigglehope you are feeling better sounds really nasty

Rocking Ros Rose
squiggle posted:

Hi Summer, wheezing mostly and coughing.  I've had a chest infection for 2 weeks and thought I could fight it off as I usually do.  I ended up having to dial 111 on Sunday night though when I found I couldn't breathe as I lay down.  There was a bit of a wait, not unexpectedly but at 3 in the morning my bedroom contained 2 paramedics and a doctor who told me I had acute bronchitis (I knew I had tonsillitis because I had white spots on my tonsils).  I was battling away with the warm salt water trying to get rid of it. Anyway halfway through a week's Amoxycillin now and coughing to get rid of the nasty infection. I always do think I can fight it off but I couldn't have done this time.  I hope you and your Mum are well and not fighting off any bugs.

Feck sake squiggs  

Last edited by El Loro

Good morning everyone, quite a lot of cloud this morning and a little colder, I think it might be time soon to change to the winter duvet.  I tried once but got boiling hot in the middle of the night.  Thanks everyone


Enjoy your day everyone


Squiggle, I hope you were able to get a decent night's sleep It's a bit of a poser - when to change the duvet - one changes and then a couple of nights later one finds you need to change back.

El Loro

Next year's Old Vic season includes "All My Sons". That's a 1947 play by Arthur Miller. The following year a film adaptation was made which had Burt Lancaster and Edward G Robinson in.


The Old Vic one will have quite a cast. Jenna Coleman (Victoria & previously Doctor Who), Colin Morgan (Merlin), Sally Field and Bill Pullman.

El Loro

Evening gang  


oh blinking heck Squiggle! That’s a nasty bug indeed, you’re a trooper for fighting off but sometimes they just need some medical attention to kick them to the curb. 

I hope you soon start to feel better  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sweet Summer Holidays~ posted:

I’m just running my bath  


yogi, what have the tiddlers been up to?

Sorry Summer, we were in the B.B. thread.

I’ll fill you in with the tiddlers antics in the morning  Get your fishing rod ready.

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer and Ros 

Hug for any other night owls


Good morning everyone


At present it's sunny here but it's forecast to cloud over,


Squiggle, I hope you are beginning to feel better now


Yogi, sounds as if the tiddlers were having fun

I won't ask what was on at the Old Vic to make Mr Y so unimpressed


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

Weather is cloudy, with the possibility of showers.

El, we saw High Society at the Old Vic a few years ago. I had seen The Philadelphia Story and (the remake) High Society on film, so I enjoyed the play but, MrY wasn’t keen. He was much happier when we went to the theatre to see The Lion King.

Have a good day, all.


Last edited by Yogi19

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