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Last week when I got my car repairs done one of the roads I walked down is right on the outskirts of Cheltenham. Virtually all of the houses in that road are comparatively modern and are very ordinary, but there are two exceptions which were clearly a lot older.

One of them was called Box Cottage. It is sandwiched between two ordinary houses and is quite possibly the smallest house I've ever walked past. There are no pictures of it on Google so I've taken a Google street map view of it. There is so much growth in the way that it is hardly visible.

Box Cottage

Right at the other end of the same road is this thatched house which a street map snapshot shows.

Thatched house

I know nothing of the history behind these 2 houses.


Images (2)
  • Box Cottage
  • Thatched house
El Loro
How very different they are! There's actually a house behind that garden? I prefer the 2nd house I grew up near many, many thatched houses, but unfortunately didn't appreciate them as much as I do now because I didn't know to think any different of it. They really are beautiful We had friends round for pancakes, and I christened 2 new frying pans- one of which is extra large Pancakes for breakfast anyone? I hope you all enjoyed the day. hugs for any fellow night owlers and sweet dreams hugs for all who've turned in for the night
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Summer, there really is a house there. You can see the roof of it in the picture. One might think looking at the picture that it is a shed adjoining the house on the left, but it is Box Cottage. The width of the house is much less than a typical house. I would guess that the cubic volume is about half that of a regular small house.


Overcast & cold but dry at present. Rain expected by mid morning. It's more likely to be rain than the snow which many will get today though the snow will eventually turn to rain.

El Loro

Being Ash Wednesday today, the radio 4 Thought for the Day referred to the hymn Lead, Kindly Light written by John Henry Newman.

Lead, Kindly Light, amidst th'encircling gloom,
Lead Thou me on!
The night is dark, and I am far from home,
Lead Thou me on!
Keep Thou my feet; I do not ask to see
The distant scene; one step enough for me.


I was not ever thus, nor prayed that Thou
Shouldst lead me on;
I loved to choose and see my path; but now
Lead Thou me on!
I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years!


So long Thy power hath blest me, sure it still
Will lead me on.
O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
The night is gone,
And with the morn those angel faces smile,
Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile.

El Loro

Summer, as in previous years it's a bit difficult to give something up for Lent as I don't eat much in the way of chocolate biscuits, cream cakes, sweets, and I rarely drink alcoholic drinks and don't drink fizzy drinks. I have gone to the Lent courses in previous years but am likely to miss this year's for reasons you are already aware of. I did go to the Ash Wednesday communion service this morning though.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I am seriously considering some pancakes with maple syrup and crispy bacon for brunch.

Stop it!  I have had my breakfast, it's rainy and cold, I am still hungry and it's hours until lunch And then I'm just having soup

It's so chilly here today, soup would have been a better option for me. What kind did you have, Squiggle?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

I am seriously considering some pancakes with maple syrup and crispy bacon for brunch.

Stop it!  I have had my breakfast, it's rainy and cold, I am still hungry and it's hours until lunch And then I'm just having soup

In the Roman Catholic church, fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday is expected on those who are 14 and older but not past their 60th birthday. It also isn't expected for those between 14 and 59 where fasting would be detrimental to their health or to those who are involved in heavy manual work.

El Loro

I had chunky vegetable with chicken (Baxters) it was nice, today is one of the days when I eat less, the following 4 days get better.  Home made lentil soup sounds lovely but making small portions would be hard and I can calorie count efficiently with a canned soup.


I don't fast EL, it's not a tradition I grew up with so it would seem a little artificial to start it now.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I had chunky vegetable with chicken (Baxters) it was nice, today is one of the days when I eat less, the following 4 days get better.  Home made lentil soup sounds lovely but making small portions would be hard and I can calorie count efficiently with a canned soup.


I don't fast EL, it's not a tradition I grew up with so it would seem a little artificial to start it now.

Fasting hasn't been a tradition in my family either.

El Loro
I nearly has some tomato soup earlier but decided to go for a walk and then wash my hair.. I'm going to have some for tea now because all this soup talk is making me want it even more! Lots of snow here, I'm so pleased I walked the dog sooner rather than later, it's getting worse outside. I hope the forecast rain does come to clear it all away Is everyone having a nice day? My pancakes were delicious
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pancakes~:
I nearly has some tomato soup earlier but decided to go for a walk and then wash my hair.. I'm going to have some for tea now because all this soup talk is making me want it even more! Lots of snow here, I'm so pleased I walked the dog sooner rather than later, it's getting worse outside. I hope the forecast rain does come to clear it all away Is everyone having a nice day? My pancakes were delicious

Mine were too - and very calorific, as they were covered in Maple Syrup.

Enjoy your soup, Summer.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Didnt see you there squiggle. We must have posted around the same time. Baxters make lovely soup and as you say is easier to calorie count. 
Just off to give my son a bowl, he has came in soaked to the skin, from work x

Hi Skylark I had three lovely loaves in the freezer (I've just taken one out for tomorrow) 2 multigrain and one farmhouse, all from the village bakery, real bread, totally delish - I take no chances on running out as you can see

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Didnt see you there squiggle. We must have posted around the same time. Baxters make lovely soup and as you say is easier to calorie count. 
Just off to give my son a bowl, he has came in soaked to the skin, from work x

Hi Skylark I had three lovely loaves in the freezer (I've just taken one out for tomorrow) 2 multigrain and one farmhouse, all from the village bakery, real bread, totally delish - I take no chances on running out as you can see

Oh sounds lovely, cant beat bread from a village bakery. I must try to follow your lead and stock up. although not many home bakeries here now. Greggs buy up all the shops that cant keep up. Shame these large companies are taking over 


A couple of hours ago I got an automated phone call: phone number 08434108154.

The message claimed that I had opted in to be contacted by them (a lie) and claiming that I could write off 70% of any debt I owed and to press 5 to speak to an advisor.

I've done a google search on that phone number and have found that many people have been contacted in the last day or so from this outfit.

Sounds more than a bit suspicious to me.

I didn't press 5.

El Loro

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