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Originally Posted by squiggle:

I like that hymn EL, hope you enjoyed the service.

Yes, I did. I have mentioned before that the vicar at out church is retiring. Today was his last Sunday at our church. Next Saturday afternoon, there will be a special service which will be his last communion service here. There will be some 200 people there plus people he has invited. Possibly people from parishes he's been vicar at the past plus clergy he has known over the years. Obviously followed by a farewell do in the church hall. He doesn't officially retire until November but is taking accrued holiday. The official process of looking for a new vicar cannot start until his official retirement date and I suspect it won't be until next summer that his replacement will come. We still have the curate though her 3 years is up and she is looking for a parish to join as their vicar. I don't think she would wish to become our vicar though as she wants a parish with a more active young people involvement.

El Loro

ITV have a very strange one-off drama this evening called The Scapegoat based on a novel by Daphne du Maurier. It's about an Englishman who meets his double, a French aristocrat, and swap identities. The Radio Times decribes it as "bonkers, utterly bonkers".

It's directed by Charles Sturridge (Brideshead Revisited). Stars Matthew Rhys and also Eileen Atkins, Anton Lesser (who has one of the best voices of any actor living).

The book has been made into a film before back in 1959. Then it starred Alec Guinness and, in what presumably is the role played this time by Eileen Atkins, none than Bette Davis.

I'll probably record it in case it's any good.


El Loro
Evening I hope your vicar has a great send off El, it sounds like he will be missed! A good vicar is very difficult to replace Yogi, did Harvey enjoy his visit? And does he get excited when his mum & dad come to get him?! We've not had the quiet day we had planned, but it has been very productive; we picked up MIL, went to the cash & carry and ikea, and then built up a storage unit in our spare room. It's been transformed from shameful tip room to lovely organised bigger than it used to look, room I hope all of you have enjoyed the day
~Sparkling Summer~

El, will your vicar be staying locally or will he be moving out of the district?

I hope he enjoys his retirement, wherever he goes. Lovely hymn.

I am laso recording Scapegoat and hope it will be good.

Summer, Harvey seems to enjoy staying with us and he and Keira always have a good time together. He is always pleased to see my son and DiL and happily jumps into the car when it's time to go home. He gets the best of both worlds.

Well done on your productive day (my ironing is still waiting), and I'm glad your spare room is now transformed.

Originally Posted by ~The Sweet Countess of Summer~:
I think it's been scientifically proven that irons are 70% less effective on Sunday's, something to do with everyone being off work so the national grid is under more strain.. It's probably wise to wait until tomorrow yogi, it will be far more efficient

That's what I had heard, too.

Mind you, when I have to do it tomorrow, I will be wishing I had done it today.


Good morning everyone


Cloudy and somewhat cooler than recent days. May be some rain later.


Yogi, the vicar is Cornish, has a house there to retire to. It's normal in the Church of England for the clergy to buy a house for themselves during their working life as the vicarages etc they live in don't belong to them. They often let their own house to provide the money to pay off their mortgages.

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Good morning everyone


Cloudy and somewhat cooler than recent days. May be some rain later.


Yogi, the vicar is Cornish, has a house there to retire to. It's normal in the Church of England for the clergy to buy a house for themselves during their working life as the vicarages etc they live in don't belong to them. They often let their own house to provide the money to pay off their mortgages.

Good morning El. ^^^^ That's what I was wondering.


Good morning everyone. Weather is dry, with some blue patches of sky, atm. Showers are forecast for later.


Morning everyone x

This morning got off to a good start son managed to slip in the shower, grab onto the shower curtain and take the whole rail down! He isnt hurt, well just his butt when i belted it with my slipper. Will have to get someone in to fix it as a good 3 ft of the ceiling came with it 
Anyway happy Monday to you all 

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~The Sweet Countess of Summer~:
I think it's been scientifically proven that irons are 70% less effective on Sunday's, something to do with everyone being off work so the national grid is under more strain.. It's probably wise to wait until tomorrow yogi, it will be far more efficient

That's what I had heard, too.

Mind you, when I have to do it tomorrow, I will be wishing I had done it today.

I like your thinking Summer


That does sound a lovely productive day Summer, I love days like that, bringing order out of chaos.


A little rain here but feeling quite autumnal now, winter draws on, as they say


Oh no Skylark, I have just seen your post as I quoted Yogi's and was busy replying to that.  I know accidents happen but it's such a bloomin nuisance when they do - I hope your insurance will cover it but it's all the mess and bother isn't it?

Oh nooooo skylark! what a pain the the butt I hope you get a decent quote, and a reliable work man I'm also pleased your son didn't hurt himself Afternoon all, after a busy start it calmed down here so I got a few little jobs done that I've neglected lately. It's lovely to have a moment to think! Hope all of you are having dry weather
~Sparkling Summer~

Big problems today with the largest client I deal with. I had a copy of their data for the year and when I tried to run it on my computer it wouldn't work and produced an error message. It would work with the previous year's data but not this year. So I got in touch with the client, and with a bit of work I was able to download an update to the software. I ran that, and this time there was a different error message. So I got in touch with the client and we decided that I should disinstall the software and reinstate it.

I did this and set about reinstalling it. The problems have now become worse as the update does not appear to have the programmes I need so it's totally unusable. Client has found lots of update disks but not the programme disk.

Extremely frustrating.


El Loro

Poor El, that sounds a bit of a nightmare. I hope you get it fixed.


Skylark, I hope you get your ceiling sorted and it isn't too costly. Has your son's butt recovered yet?


Squiggle, I caught up with Bletchley Circle this afternoon, and thought it was good. I wonder if they will make a series? *crosses fingers*


Summer, hope you aren't working too hard.

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

Now that's a knotty problem EL.  Is it an error that can be fixed with new drivers from the software website? 

The update I'm using is from the software website.

Then it looks like he is going to need the original disk to reinstall?  Do you think his original file has become corrupted?


I've sorted the client software problem out. The software company's instructions were of little use as was their support desk. The software installs a testing module which you are supposed to use before committing the program to use live data. The testing module is what was causing the problem as I came to the conclusion it only works on networks rather than standalone computers. So I took the gamble to ignore the testing module, committed the program to use live data and it works. Mind you the program is now sitting in a directory Accounts/Test/Test/Test rather than just Accounts, but that doesn't matter.

It's taken most of the day to sort this out, but at least I can get on with the work.


El Loro

Did anyone watch the Paul O'Grady programme about Battersea Dog's home? I was in tears at the state of a wee Staffie called Sparkles when she was brought in. Some wicked, evil person had bred her, then starved and abandoned her. I don't understand the mentality of people who are cruel to animals. But even after everything she had been through she was still trusting and loving, and such a sweet little Staffie.

The good news is that after weeks of regular feeding and some care and attention, Battersea found a nice couple to adopt her and I'm sure she's going to have a happy life now.


Good morning everyone


Sunny morning here but definitely cooler than last week. Not a lot of rain forecast for the coming week in this part of the country, but feels more like autumn rather than summer.


Re yesterday's software program problems, if I had said that the error message referred to a missing file called Fhredir.cfg, and that using a Google search I identified this was a file using in the Cobol language referring to shared files on a network, then I have a suspicion the rest of you would have been utterly bewildered


Yogi, I'm glad Sparkles has a new happier life.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. It rained heavily overnight but is quite bright atm.

El, that all sounds like Double Dutch to me, so you are correct when you say I would have been bewildered.

It was lovely to see Sparkles go off with a really nice couple, who were going to take good care of her and spoil her a bit. She deserved it, after everything she had been through.


Morning everyone it's cold here, definitely autumnal! it started out rainy but is now sunny Sorry I didn't come back yesterday, I had a steady busy day, which although still busy, it was far less hectic & pressured! After walking bramble, eating tea and watching Hart of Dixie, my new favourite show, and washing up etc, bedtime seemed to come around fast. Yogi I didn't see that show but I know I would have cried, I'm so pleased that sparkles got adopted. Sometimes I look at Bramble and thank god she wasn't born into a life of mistreatment, I hate to think that there are lovely animals out there having awful lives, if only we could rescue them all
~Sparkling Summer~
Oh- I can't remember if I told you or not, mr summer has challenged me to make our Xmas wreath he usually buys a lovely big one, but the usual florist hiked up the prices a lot last year, and were unhelpful & rude to him! He spends ÂĢ200 in there every December (he buys me, his sisters & his mum flowers) so he was very put out last year. I know it's early but I'm keen to practise
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone.  I missed that programme - I get put off by Paul O'Grady (I'm not a fan) but I am so pleased that Sparkles found a loving home.  Many, if not most, dogs put some of us humans to shame.  Despite the ill treatment they receive they remain loving and giving and yes forgiving too.


EL those computer languages leave me .  I once typed out a CV for my daughter's fiance who works in IT and that was a nightmare in itself   Summer you sound very organised   That sounds like an exciting prospect and one that could save a bundle of money.  Quite near where we used to live, in a place with loads and loads of garden centres there was a wonderful huge store where you could buy all the fixings for making those Christmas wreaths.  Everything you could wish for was there and it was great fun to go and poke about.  I made some lovely Christmas decorations but never attempted a wreath.  Good luck, and of course, piccies are what we will need to see when you've finished.


Yogi hope all the is finished now.

Last edited by squiggle

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