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Originally Posted by Skylark24:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Next door they are finally taking down the scaffolding. It's been there for over 8 weeks. At least I think they are. They've removed the top part but have just driven away leaving the bottom half still there.


They will probably not be back now with it being Friday !! Still it looks like the work is finally over 

Maybe they'll come back on Monday for the rest of it. *crosses fingers for El*

Originally Posted by ~The Sweet Countess of Summer~:
Huh, I didn't know they sell it in bags! I could get it from the garden centre

I was not a great forager so that's where I always got mine, mind you where we used to live I reckon you would have had to walk for miles and miles to come across anything growing wild like that


Glad the scaffolding is on its way out EL I had visions of them decorating it for Christmas with twinkly lights and a Santa Stop Here sign


EDIT Just seen your post Yogi, it does fluff up nicely from the bags, well the bags I used to buy that is.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by ~The Sweet Countess of Summer~:
Huh, I didn't know they sell it in bags! I could get it from the garden centre

I was not a great forager so that's where I always got mine, mind you where we used to live I reckon you would have had to walk for miles and miles to come across anything growing wild like that


Glad the scaffolding is on its way out EL I had visions of them decorating it for Christmas with twinkly lights and a Santa Stop Here sign


EDIT Just seen your post Yogi, it does fluff up nicely from the bags, well the bags I used to buy that is.

That's good to know for the future, Squiggle.


Aaah yes I saw that video the other night, I love the wreath too  

Mine will be quite similar, mr summer wants a red one. I like the long tails on the ribbon, I'm definitely doing that  

Ive got silver baubles, pine cones and cinnamon sticks. I think I need red berries  and possibly candy canes, I'll just play around with it and see what looks best- I think only 4 types of decorations might be enough though


~Sparkling Summer~

Summer I've got 2 windows open (on the computer not the house, it's cold ) and I am flicking backwards and forwards trying to compare the 2 pictures.  The moss looks a little different but I suppose it could be the same.  Try picking some and soaking it with water, it should retain the moisture like a sponge.


Good morning everyone by the way.  EL I hope your church has a lovely farewell service for your vicar.  It's bound to be an emotional time.


Last evening I was watching a couple of programmes of music from Fairport Convention. There was one piece which stood out from all of the others. It was written by Sandy Denny and was originally sung by her. She died years ago tragically young. Here is a clip with her singing. It is a sad song but is one of the most beautiful songs ever written,

El Loro
Thank you Squiggle, I'll do that I remembered we have a huge reel of strong, bendy wire at work, it's been left by the previous tenants and I thought it too good to throw out.. I could use it for Christmas stuff!!!!! I'm just waiting for mr summer's niece to pick me up and we're heading up to SIL's for the evening. I'll watch as much of strictly as I can before she arrives El, hope it's a great send off for your vicar
~Sparkling Summer~

It was quite some send off for the vicar. Besides many of the church regulars there were also people from parishes the vicar had been at over the years. The hymns and readings would have been chosen by the vicar. There was also a piece of clarinet music performed at the beginning of the service and a piece of flute music during the service. These were played by a couple of the church parishioners. The vicar gave his address which looked back over the years of his ministry, the current state of the church and the future. He expressed concern that the church (and I'm talking about the church nationally, not ours) was drifting away for being a church for the people to risk being for members only.


The vicar was presented with a small tree and a cheque. I do not know how much was given by parishioners, but I think it would have been a fair sum.


I will miss him and I think many others will.


El Loro

It sounds lovely EL and I'm glad it went well.  I think he is spot on about the church at the moment.  I think this is a time of great change in the church but I also think that this is all part of God's plan, there are so many signs, unmistakeable signs really if you know what to look for.  All predicted in scripture, turbulent times.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Does anyone else like to see those little half hour shows about various parts of the country?  I just watched the latest offering about Guernsey called Island Hospital, it was so interesting.  I really enjoyed the one about the Scilly Islands and this looks to be good as well.

What was the programme called and do you know if can I get it on Catch Up, Squiggle?


I'm pleased it went well today at your vicar's retirement service and buffet, El.


Good morning everyone


A lot cloudier than yesterday but dry. May be some light rain later.


The person, who emails the church website update data each week to the people who update the website, has a tendency to put the odd comment in his covering email. This week's update is headed "Post (the vicar's name) Reign of Terror web update". I don't think the vicar ever got around to sending any of us to the guillotine though we may have gone around like headless chickens at times.


His email signature is "There are 10 types of people - those who understand binary and those who don't". That's a mathematical joke which had been around for some time. Either you will get the joke in which case you fall in the first category, or you don't in which case you fall in the second category.

El Loro
Yaaaay!!!!! Downton day!!!!! yippeeee!!!!!! I'm just laying in, Bramble is snuggled up next to me. We were out until 3am last night I didn't drink, I drove us home, but it was one of the funniest nights we've ever had! My in-laws are mad, and hilarious! It's raining here, perfect for a lazy day El, aw I bet your vicar was touched by the gifts & sentiments, I'm sure he'll miss the parish as much as the parish will miss him!
~Sparkling Summer~

The clergyman who gave the sermon in church today included this joke which you may have heard before.


Three sons left home, went out on their own and prospered. They discussed the gifts they were able to give their elderly mother. The first said: "I built a big house for our mother."
      The second said: "I sent her a Mercedes with a driver."
      The third said: "You remember how our mother enjoys reading the Bible. Now she can't see very well. So I sent her a remarkable parrot that recites the entire Bible. It took elders in the church 12 years to teach him. Mama just has to name the chapter and verse and the parrot recites it."
      Soon thereafter, their mother sent out her letters of thanks.
      "Milton," she said, "the house you built is so huge. I live only in one room, but I have to clean the whole house.
      "Gerald," she said, "I am too old to travel. I stay most of the time at home so I rarely use the Mercedes. And that driver is so rude! He's a pain!"
      "But Donald," she said, "the little chicken you sent was delicious!"

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

This morning when I got to church, in the clergy vestry were some bottles of wine wrapped up. One of them was mine and it was from the vicar to thank me for all the work and support over the last 9 years. That was unexpected and very kind of him

That was nice of him, El.


@ the parrot story.

BTW, I got the binary joke, even though I'm rubbish at maths.


Summer and Squiggle, I share your Downton excitement.


Squiggle, I will check the iplayer for Island Hospital, thank you.


Good morning everyone


A faitly sunny morning here and hardly a breeze.


During last week I saw that a for rent sign had been placed outside the vicarage. The vicarage is owned by Church House, not by our church, so we had no control or influence over that, but I think Church House could have waited until the vicar had left. It will be let on a short term basis during the interregnum rather than being left empty.


El Loro

Good morning everyone, I hope you all enjoyed Downton.  I have decided to save them all up and watch them together, maybe over Christmastime.  Don't worry about saying anything about it though I don't mind spoilers.


I started the week with a chuckle.  I can't remember whether I told you or not but a dear email friend of mine in Canada, her youngest son wants to send a letter to his Granny.  Well my friend's Mum is dead and his other Gran is not the cosy sort you send letters to, so my friend suggested he write to me.  He is taking it very seriously and doing lots of drawings (he is 4) but none of them are good enough to send to me (aww bless).  His latest suggestion (which she is trying to talk him out of) is to send me a pumpkin! as his Mum has just won a prize for her homegrown one and he says I will need one for Halloween.




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