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Good morning everyone


It was nice while it lasted but here it's cloudy and rain is forecast today, and for the following 8 days here.


They didn't get much of the wall painting next door yesterday, and from what I've seen, the results aren't good. So I guess the scaffolding is going to remain there for some time to come.


Last evening at 8.57, my phone rang. The usual rubbish about insurance. Considering this was just before the men's 100m relay final with Usain Bolt, you can guess my reaction.


0843 684 4097 - if you ever get a phone call from this number, from what I've seen, this is the worst of the lot as once they start ringing you, they will keep on ringing you, and they are not nice people.


El Loro

Good morning everyone. Weather is still nice and sunny up here - I could get used to this.

I clicked on that link, Squiggle, there are some funny responses to these nuisance calls. I particularly liked the guy who asked them to hold the line - while he put them through to his legal department.


After yesterday's exertions, we are having a lazy day.

Hope you all have a good day, see you later.


Squiggle, thanks for that link. I have used that site in the past. I use Virgin and the only thing you can bar with them is calls from withheld numbers so it wouldn't work in this case. I can't bar withheld numbers as quite a few of my clients are ex directory. It's just something I have to put up with. My number is registered with TPS, but as you would have seen with your link, that has little effect with the outfit who rang me last night. Eventually the outfit will be closed down as they seem very dodgy, but it takes a long time for the authorities to act.


We've had some rain this morning which has helped clear the air a bit because it had got very close this morning. There were rumbles of thunder in the distance before I went to church and I could see on a weather forecast site that the thunderstorm was about 10 miles to the west of Gloucester. That's gone away now, but the sky is very cloudy.


El Loro

I hope the site helps EL.  How odd that you can't bar some numbers with Virgin.  I am with BT still and I can bar any old number I like - it's quite fun to look back at how many times they try to ring me but the phone doesn't ring


Yogi I liked that one too, and I liked the one where he implored the guy on the other end to give his life to the Lord and the guy hung up


We had an awful storm last night, rumbled around for ever, I was in bed watching the 10m diving final, Tom Daley did brilliantly, the standard was so high.


Squiggle, although BT implemented equipment to be able to stop requested numbers getting through to a customer, Virgin have yet to do the same. Virgin Media customers have complained about this but nothing has happened to date. I know that if I contacted Virgin, their advice would be to change my phone number, but that's not a lot of use in my situation.It is the only disadvantage of being with them, but you will remember the problems I had with the BT line and faulty broadband connection, so it's something I have to put up with.



El Loro
Good well, evening really, the day has gone by quickly! We visited friends this morning and met their new baby, her name is Annabel Then we went to the garden centre, bought plants, potted them up and ate a late lunch I've just been doing my weekly banking etc and it's almost time to walk bramble! Also, I got my car back Friday night, had MIL's valeted and returned it, but my engine warning light came on today so it looks like it'll be heading back to the garage imminently! Loved Tom Daley last night, we were lucky enough to watch it at the party, I'm so pleased he won a medal! Has everyone had a nice weekend? Yogi I'm pleased you're having good weather
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, what a nightmare re your car. I hope the garage sorts it out without charging you for it. When I go to the bank, it's a lot less work than for you as it almost always is cheques, and sometimes my clients pay me electronically, but I should think for you it's just cash. I hope your bank is conveniently close to you.


El Loro

Aww Summer, how frustrating that your car is playing up again. I hope you get it sorted soon.

I saw your Bramble pic for Baz in the Darnie's thread, it is brilliant.

Did you have a nice time at the garden party?


El, I'm with Virgin, too. i wish they would hurry up and bring in some sort of number blocking system, it is badly needed.

Yaaaaaay squiggle! I love that ending!!!!!! Well, Matthew & Mary's, poor Anna's wasn't so good El, yes it's all cash, to have an electronic payment system would mean raising prices significantly to cover the cost of it. The prices are often small amounts, for retired men & small children.. We'd have to really over charge them luckily, I am walking distance from the bank and I'm always there for coins so it's not too difficult to cope with. The walk is good for a bit of fresh air The bookkeeping system is quite simple, and mine's a meticulous, cross referenced arrangement so my accountant should find it easy to follow, and not have to spend weeks going through it Yogi, yes I did thank you, there were 2 huge dishes full of pork cracking! The only problem was a few of us were freezing! I had a blanket wrapped snug around me until I couldn't stay outside anymore and retreated to the kitchen Have you had a more relaxed day? Yogi
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


The weather is fair at present, but rain is forecast.


Yogi, guess what film is on Channel 4 at lunchtime  - it's The Colditz Story


My neighbours never got around to taking down the christmas lights they had put outside over their bedroom windows . They don't switch them on, but when they eventually do, I'm a bit doubtful if they will still work.

El Loro

Good morning everyone, as expected extremely drizzly here this morning, cool with a refreshing breeze though so not unpleasant.


Yogi I set my mind to pondering, what about a trough or two planted up now with some hardy evergreen plants that could be moved into place to cover up the fortifications come the winter?


I like the bit about The Colditz Story EL, are they not showing The Great Escape?


Morning everyone x

Hope you have all had a nice weekend.

I see we are in the company of a Countess  
How apt The Colditz Story is on today!
Son,s plane has landed safely and will be home shortly so my day will consist of washing and listening to his stories! (yes a fortnight already!)
Have a good day whatever you are up to  


A rather feeble accountants joke from my cousin on FB EL but I thought it might make you smile "l was an accountant from the age of 20 until l was 30...then they sacked me for no apparent reason...what a waste of 13 years of my life! :-))".


Skylark who has put life on fast forward???   It feels like he only went a couple of days ago.

Originally Posted by Skylark24:

Morning everyone x

Hope you have all had a nice weekend.

I see we are in the company of a Countess  
How apt The Colditz Story is on today!
Son,s plane has landed safely and will be home shortly so my day will consist of washing and listening to his stories! (yes a fortnight already!)
Have a good day whatever you are up to  

Yes, Summer has been elevated to new heights (ahe's suffering from Downtonabbeymania )

You must be relieved that your son is back safely.

El Loro
Originally Posted by squiggle:

A rather feeble accountants joke from my cousin on FB EL but I thought it might make you smile "l was an accountant from the age of 20 until l was 30...then they sacked me for no apparent reason...what a waste of 13 years of my life! :-))".


Skylark who has put life on fast forward???   It feels like he only went a couple of days ago.

Some have credited that to Tommy Cooper. He, like Bob Monkhouse, kept a database of his gags. According to an article in the Mail, he had over a million gags recorded.

El Loro

Good morning everyone. My sunny spell has ended and the rain has returned.


Squiggle, the barricade runs the full length of the bottom of the garden - Mr Yogi was taking no chances! It will look fine in summer, because the vertical cotoneaster and other hedging plants will push through the mesh, but in late autumn and winter, it really will look like I'm in a chicken coop. I told my son and DiL they are very lucky that we love Harv, otherwise this just would not be happening! BTW, I thought he was putting the mesh behind my shrubs, but hubby thought it wouldn't be very nice to look at, for the neighbour whose garden is behind mine - so I have to look at it instead.

El, I might tape the Colditz Story for Mr Yogi, as youngest son and I keep telling him we are now in a prison camp - he wasn't happy that we didn't appreciate his efforts.


Skylark, I can't believe that's your son home already, that was a quick week! Squiggle, I love your "fast forwarding life" comment.


Summer, it does seems a bit strange having no Olympics this morning.

On a positive note, I might get some housework done now.

*stretches* waaaaaaaah busy afternoon! Just taking 5 before we walk the dog. Mr summer took my car back to the garage, it's a censor that's faulty, most likely caused by the recent activity in the engine.. It's apparently simple & not too pricey to fix (let's hope so) and I'm alright to keep driving it in the mean time. That's tomorrow night, so I'll have to miss my yoga class but I think it's worth it I'm surprised the BB final is on a Monday night
~Sparkling Summer~

Summer, I'm glad it's not going to take a fortune to sort out your car


They may have decided to have the BB final this evening as if they had done it sooner, that would have clashed with the last days of the Olympics, and also deciding to do the Celebrity version almost immediately, for reasons best known to themselves, the people to are going in for that would have to commit themselves to go in at a fixed date and that presumably would have been sorted out weeks ago.


El Loro

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