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~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Good afternoon all the day has runaway with me! It's been lovely though and I can't believe we're having lovely weather while you lot have rain  

ive done a gorgeous walk today, had lunch with friends, and popped to the garden centre I've bought some pretty little alpines! 


I didn't know that about emporer penguins either, that's incredibly sad  

It's raining here again after a brief hiatus 

Sweet, enjoy your lovely weather while you can  

Hope Miss Bramble is ok now 

Moonie posted:
El Loro posted:

This Danish research suggesting that being moderately overweight may be less unhealthy than people who are underweight, normal weight or obese is likely to be very controversial and be criticised by others.

I wonder which category I fall into?

coffs...moderately...coffs loud 

I would be what the article calls normal weight (but usually described as healthy weight) .

El Loro

Moonie, my youngest is a huge penguin fan. He has even adopted one with WWF. PB has adopted one too, but hers is at Edinburgh zoo.

It was nearly 4pm before the delivery arrived!


I'm glad you enjoyed your walk, Summer.


I didn't need to do the bmi thing to know I am overweight. But I have started a diet so I'm doing something about it.


Last edited by Yogi19
~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Exactly. It was nice to spend some time just sitting in the garden too, I ate my tea out there. I lit the chiminea and burned lots of paperwork that needed shredding  


what at have you been up to this evening velvet? 

Yogi I hope you are free to go out & about tomorrow 

No deliveries tomorrow, so PB and I will go out and about.

My meds are being delivered on Friday but they now have a system where they text me the day before and give a 2hour delivery window, so I don't have to wait in all day.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

That's a much better system how often do they get delivered?


aw a PB day- yay!!!!!!! I wonder what adventures you'll have tomorrow. Have you planned anything?

They deliver six injections at a time, so that covers 12 weeks.


We are going shopping and (if the weather is nice) we'll go to the park. I'll wait and see what else she feels like doing.

velvet donkey posted:

Off to see the paper review.


Have a good one tomorrow Yogi        and Sweet    

Goodnight and sweet dreams, Velvet.


Summer, have you seen there is another Milly book coming out on 19th May on Kindle. It's called The Barn On Half Moon Hill. That's in addition to the new one coming out in June.


Good morning everyone


Fairly cloudy here, the rain seems to have gone away for the time being.


Yogi, I hope you have a good day with PB That's a good idea about your meds


Ros, I had problems in getting on the forum a few days ago. I was able to get on to the Big Brother page but not on the Home page. I use Firefox, there had been an update to that and I decided to Refresh Firefox from Troubleshooting Information in the Firefox menu. That seems to have sorted that out.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro

Good morning everyone, very misty here this morning, quite pretty.  I refreshed FF too the other day EL as I found it was running slow.  That sounds a good idea Yogi but you don't have to inject yourself do you?  I hope the district nurse comes and does it.  Have a great day with PB and a little cuddle with BB.  Does Keira enjoy her walks with PB? Sounds like you are getting off to a cracking start with your new garden Summer.  Enjoy your visit to your client EL, it sounds nice and straightforward.


I saw the sweetest sight yesterday evening, a fledgling robin came and perched on the decking, just a little ball of fluff and one of the parents flew down and fed him - so cute!


Enjoy your day everyone.

~Sweetie Pie~ posted:

Good noon I hope you've all had a good morning. It's another cool but sunny day here, I hope your rain clouds have passed by 

I've had no service on my phone this morning but it's just come back on  

Hi Sweet  

Sunny and warm but a lovely breeze or it would be a scorcher 

My day has been good fankoo, I hope yours has too 

I have just come back from the park. The swans are still nesting. Counted at least three eggs as the swans were nest repairing

There could be more out of sight as the nest is quite deep

What I think are moorhens have hatched their chicks. I could see at least 5 on and around the nest. Like little fluff balls 

I will post a video later when I am on my lappy 


The CBS Action television channel is showing the original Star Trek series. Next Wednesday 18th at 18.00 they are scheduled to show the episode "City on the Edge of Forever" (from 1967).


It's is exceptional drama of the highest quality and is worth watching by anyone who appreciates good television. There's no monsters, no battle scenes, no alien planets - it's set on Earth, just a very human story, and one which you won't forget. You don't need to be a Star Trek fan to appreciate it and you don't need to have ever seen anything of Star Trek.


Excellent intelligent story. The acting is outstanding, and is the best thing that either William Shatner or Joan Collins (guest appearance) has ever done by a long way.


IMDB rating of 9.3 is justified. It's possibly the best US televison drama of the 1960s.

El Loro

Moonie, Iron Man by Anthony Gormley was donated by the TSB to the city of Birmingham. It's outside what used to be TSB's HQ. Some people thought it should have been moved to Bristol when TSB relocated there but it stayed as it was a gift to Brimingham.


Gormaly said that it represents the traditional skills of Birmingham and the Black Country during the Industrial Revolution. If you read about the history of Birmingham iron was the key factor in Birmingham's growth from being the third largest town in Warwickshire pre-industrial revolution to its increasing importance during the 16th century.

El Loro

You may have heard or seen of a woman who was sent home for refusing to wear high heels at her temp job as a secretary.


Becaiuse of the outcry, the outsourcing agency has changed its policy with immediate effect.


She had been working in one of PwC's offices in London and PwC have said that there was no requirement to wear high heels. I used to work for what is now PwC and that's correct, there was no such requirement.


It did remind me of the time when one of the accounting team came to work wearing culottes. She was wearing them as it was cold weather. My immediate manager was not impressed and ordered her to go home and change into a dress. She refused. The manager came to me to try and get my support for him but I refused to do that. He even went to the partners who again refused to support him. In the end he had to back down as he was being made to look very silly about it.

El Loro
El Loro posted:

The CBS Action television channel is showing the original Star Trek series. Next Wednesday 18th at 18.00 they are scheduled to show the episode "City on the Edge of Forever" (from 1967).


It's is exceptional drama of the highest quality and is worth watching by anyone who appreciates good television. There's no monsters, no battle scenes, no alien planets - it's set on Earth, just a very human story, and one which you won't forget. You don't need to be a Star Trek fan to appreciate it and you don't need to have ever seen anything of Star Trek.


Excellent intelligent story. The acting is outstanding, and is the best thing that either William Shatner or Joan Collins (guest appearance) has ever done by a long way.


IMDB rating of 9.3 is justified. It's possibly the best US televison drama of the 1960s.

I must be very old, I remember that episode when it was first shown!   Great clip Moonie, and the blackbird song a lovely added extra.


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