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Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
good morning Aw squiggle that pic is adorable I saw a Keira look a like on my drive to work this morning! The car in front had a very happy looking golden retriever sitting in the boot, when we stopped at traffic lights I was chuckling away as he/she was excitedly taking in the surroundings. I thought of yogi when I saw it It's gloomy, chilly and we have light rain today, I'm glad I brought my book with me, I may get time


I hope you get the chance to read your book, Summer.

Originally Posted by squiggle:


That's a lovely story Yogi, what a lovely patient dog your first retriever was, as you say she got her rewards but still it shows she had a lovely nature.

She had a brilliant nature, Squiggle. She was so good with children, there was never any fear of her snapping or growling - an ideal family pet.

I think of El as an encyclopaedia, an El-cyclopaedia if you will Yogi I think the good nature of your dogs is clearly a good insight as to what a good owner you are I had a busy start to the working day but rain soon after has halted my trade, I've managed to read uninterrupted for almost an hour, which I'm secretly pleased about I am aware that this is the holiday calm before the back to school storm, so i can't let myself feel guilty about my lack of productivity this last hour
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
I think of El as an encyclopaedia, an El-cyclopaedia if you will Yogi I think the good nature of your dogs is clearly a good insight as to what a good owner you are I had a busy start to the working day but rain soon after has halted my trade, I've managed to read uninterrupted for almost an hour, which I'm secretly pleased about I am aware that this is the holiday calm before the back to school storm, so i can't let myself feel guilty about my lack of productivity this last hour

^^^^^ Very true Summer, and I'm incredibly grateful for all of El's help, otherwise I'd still be bundering about the forum - with no avatar pic, unable to post pics etc, etc.


When do the kids go back to school in England, they go back mid-August up here?

I'm guessing you'll be really busy immediately before they go back.


You may be interested in this video clip of a South African athlete by the name of Oscar Pistorius. He runs in lane 2.


As a result of him running this race within the cut-off time limit he has qualifies for the coming World Championships where he will run in both the 400m and 400 m relay events for South Africa. He is also likely to be in next year's Olympics.


As an aside, he happens to be a double amputee and is the first person ever to qualify for the major able-bodied athletics events.

El Loro

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