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evening Good to see you back skylark has your computer been fixed? Princess Keira, I like it <-- the halo is the closest thing I can post to a crown! Well, there is this -->  to me it's a crown but to you it probably looks Japanese.. Hope you've all had a nice day, I have but it feels a little rotten to post about it when so many people are suffering terrible losses right now
~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Sounds as if the police presence and the rain has eased things last night in England


I know Lori made a post a couple of days ago about server problems, so maybe that was causing the problems yesterday evening.


On the Social Strata help forum there is a posting overnight talking about Internet Explorer. Versions up to IE7 are no longer supported on this forum in common with many other sites. They advise people to switch to IE8 if they use Windows XP, and IE9 if they use Vista or Windows 7 (neither support IE8) or switch to one of the other browsers.

El Loro

Good morning everyone.It's pouring down up here. Last night, there were flood warnings for some areas.

The IE and Chrome users seem to be having lots of problems recently, El.

Hope you get things sorted for your grandson, Squiggle.

I'm off out to do the weekly shopping. I'd be better off in a boat rather than the car today.

Summer, please come in and tell us about your lovely day yesterday.


Morning x
Forum seems to be running better today, touch wood !
You are right about a boat being useful today Yogi. Over here it has literally ,never stopped raining heavily since early yesterday morning , and doesnt look like it is about to ease anytime soon 
Hope all is well with the family squiggle x
Hi Summer x Computer fixed for the time being, but needs replaced. But skint at the moment ! Hope you are having a good day xx

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Good morning everyone.It's pouring down up here. Last night, there were flood warnings for some areas.

The IE and Chrome users seem to be having lots of problems recently, El.

Hope you get things sorted for your grandson, Squiggle.

I'm off out to do the weekly shopping. I'd be better off in a boat rather than the car today.

Summer, please come in and tell us about your lovely day yesterday.

I think the rain should ease during the day in your area. I hope you don't get soaked whilst you're out.


Chrome seems to be different from the other common browsers as it is supposed to be faster than other browsers as it had been streamlined. But in the streamlining, I think the way it deals with interpreting webpages is different. According to Wiki, Chrome cannot deal with RSS feeds which is used by websites when they want to keep people up to date on a frequent basis. The BBC for instance provides an RSS service.

El Loro

Glad you didn't get too wet Yogi, Skylark is it possible to upgrade your pooter which might be cheaper than replacing?


Grandson and I being given the run around, now have to go to Barnstaple at silly o'clock in the morning.  It seems that a letter from the surgeon stating that he would be unfit for work due to surgery on his broken wrist was not good enough to support his claim for Employment Support Allowance and he also has to get another letter from his GP, renewed monthly.

Originally Posted by squiggle:

Glad you didn't get too wet Yogi, Skylark is it possible to upgrade your pooter which might be cheaper than replacing?


Grandson and I being given the run around, now have to go to Barnstaple at silly o'clock in the morning.  It seems that a letter from the surgeon stating that he would be unfit for work due to surgery on his broken wrist was not good enough to support his claim for Employment Support Allowance and he also has to get another letter from his GP, renewed monthly.

That's madness, Squiggle. Surely the consultant is better qualified than the GP to state whether he is fit to work or not.

Afternoon all Crikey, roll on lunch time I've been a busy bee today! It's raining heavy here too, I'm pleased I invested in a large umbrella recently I hope everyone's browser issues are being resolved, and skylark I hope your computer holds out for the time being *crosses fingers* Oh ok, well yesterday I had a treat day with my SIL; she'd been so touched with all the little things I did to make her wedding special that she bought me a mac makeover as a thank you gift. So I asked her to come with me and bought her some lunch after, then we popped into the gallery previously mentioned to get those pictures framed. Then I taught her how to edit her photos on her new laptop, she's recently switched to apple so was a little disorientated. I really enjoyed the process of getting my make up done, which is great because those situations make me uncomfortable, I know nothing about make up and don't wear a lot of it. I did learn a new technique to do my eyes, and got a great mascara. I chose a natural day look, and it was very nice but about 3x more make up than I would wear for an evening look! The lady who did it was gentle and friendly so all in all, a lovely, fun experience. We then went to a pancake & waffle cafe
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
thanks yogi Sorry I missed you last, how's things?

Sorry Summer, I went off to paint another door.

Everything is good, thanks.

I have Harvey coming to stay again tomorrow, so I had to get the living room door glossed before he arrived - because he can be a bit bouncy at times, and I didn't want him sticking to the gloss paint.


Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
thanks yogi Sorry I missed you last, how's things?

Sorry Summer, I went off to paint another door.

Everything is good, thanks.

I have Harvey coming to stay again tomorrow, so I had to get the living room door glossed before he arrived - because he can be a bit bouncy at times, and I didn't want him sticking to the gloss paint.


How many now to go Yogi?  I did have a mental picture of Harvey firmly stuck to a door but that wouldn't be funny for you or Harvey


That sounds like a perfect day Summer, what a lovely treat, your SIL sounds lovely too.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
thanks yogi Sorry I missed you last, how's things?

Sorry Summer, I went off to paint another door.

Everything is good, thanks.

I have Harvey coming to stay again tomorrow, so I had to get the living room door glossed before he arrived - because he can be a bit bouncy at times, and I didn't want him sticking to the gloss paint.


How many now to go Yogi?  I did have a mental picture of Harvey firmly stuck to a door but that wouldn't be funny for you or Harvey


That sounds like a perfect day Summer, what a lovely treat, your SIL sounds lovely too.

Three left to do, Squiggle. I'm going to do another one tonight, so I am slowly getting there.

Harvey wouldn't bother in the least if he stuck to the door - he'd probably pull it off its hinges.


Skylark, as a guide if your computer is less than 3 years old it may be a cheaper option to go for an upgrade. If the computer is more than 3 years old, it is generally better to change the computer. If you go for an upgrade, more memory and a bigger hard drive are the things to go for as they will help to provide more speed. Things like a better graphics board are nice, but unless you are playing lots of games, they are a lower priority.


I bought my current computer in October 2005 so it almost 6 years old. When I bought it I deliberately went for one which had 2 gb of memory and a 200 gb hard drive - at that time that would have seem an extravagance, but it has served me well and I have never needed to bother getting an upgrade. Now that would be seen as an entry level machine. If I was buying one now with roughly 4 times those figures to ensure a long life. That could well be out of your price range, but memory and hard drive capacity are important.


El Loro

Afternoon everyone.    It's wet and miserable here today.


You seem to be making good progress with the door painting Yogi.  Well done.  My husband is the decorator in our house.  He wouldn't let me near a paintbrush, and that's fine by me!!


I was looking at next weeks TV guide and there is only the launch night programme of BB on Thursday, with the add on show later that night.  On Friday there's a catch up show as well as the add on, so it looks as though there won't be any live coverage at all!!  That may change next week but I won't hold my breath.  If that turns out to be the format then I won't be watching the show at all.  I cannot stand being told what's been happening.  I want to see things for myself. 


Joyron, as far as Celebrity BB is concerned, the only programmes on TV are the daily highlights show but eviction nights are live and the add on show later on. Channel 5 are using their Twitter and Facebook pages for their equivalent of continuous coverage. I assume that BB itself would be on the same basis. As you know it makes no difference to me as I have as much interest in BB as in a plate of cold lumpy mashed potato.

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by Joyron:

Afternoon everyone.    It's wet and miserable here today.


You seem to be making good progress with the door painting Yogi.  Well done.  My husband is the decorator in our house.  He wouldn't let me near a paintbrush, and that's fine by me!!


I was looking at next weeks TV guide and there is only the launch night programme of BB on Thursday, with the add on show later that night.  On Friday there's a catch up show as well as the add on, so it looks as though there won't be any live coverage at all!!  That may change next week but I won't hold my breath.  If that turns out to be the format then I won't be watching the show at all.  I cannot stand being told what's been happening.  I want to see things for myself. 

Hi Joyron. Can you believe I insisted on painting the doors? - I must have beenat the time.


I really wish there were doing LF, but I know I'll still be watching.

Oops, I meant to edit but quoted myself instead.

I've deleted the duplicate post now.


I did it again.


I can believe you insisted on painting the doors Yogi because you know when you have painted the last stroke on the last door they will be properly done to your own satisfaction, a great feeling and well worth the effort.


I too would prefer LF but I suppose I will get hooked as I always do, and EL as I have said before you can have all the fun of laughing at us when we get all heated (I hope we don't all fall out )

Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, as far as Celebrity BB is concerned, the only programmes on TV are the daily highlights show but eviction nights are live and the add on show later on. Channel 5 are using their Twitter and Facebook pages for their equivalent of continuous coverage. I assume that BB itself would be on the same basis. As you know it makes no difference to me as I have as much interest in BB as in a plate of cold lumpy mashed potato.

Can we not tempt you, El?

Originally Posted by squiggle:

I can believe you insisted on painting the doors Yogi because you know when you have painted the last stroke on the last door they will be properly done to your own satisfaction, a great feeling and well worth the effort.


I too would prefer LF but I suppose I will get hooked as I always do, and EL as I have said before you can have all the fun of laughing at us when we get all heated (I hope we don't all fall out )

You are right, Squiggle.


We won't fall out over CBB. It's not like we get obsessed and OTT about it all.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, as far as Celebrity BB is concerned, the only programmes on TV are the daily highlights show but eviction nights are live and the add on show later on. Channel 5 are using their Twitter and Facebook pages for their equivalent of continuous coverage. I assume that BB itself would be on the same basis. As you know it makes no difference to me as I have as much interest in BB as in a plate of cold lumpy mashed potato.

Can we not tempt you, El?

What, in a plate of cold lumpy mashed potato?

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Joyron, as far as Celebrity BB is concerned, the only programmes on TV are the daily highlights show but eviction nights are live and the add on show later on. Channel 5 are using their Twitter and Facebook pages for their equivalent of continuous coverage. I assume that BB itself would be on the same basis. As you know it makes no difference to me as I have as much interest in BB as in a plate of cold lumpy mashed potato.

Can we not tempt you, El?

What, in a plate of cold lumpy mashed potato?

No, in CBB.

BTW, my mash has never been lumpy since Mr Yogi bought me a potato ricer.

The big romantic soul that he is.


Evening everyone.    I'm hoping that when the "proper" BB gets going they will have a change of mind about LF.  If they don't then I won't watch, or be able to contribute to any discussions as I will know nothing about what's going on.  I have no access to Twitter or Facebook; nor would I want it.


I just cannot stand the frustration I felt previously so will not put myself through that again.  My hubby will be extremely pleased as he absolutely hates BB, and everything about it.  He cannot understand why I would ever want to watch "such rubbish" 


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