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I've been looking at some of my institute's disciplinary proceedings. They are generally related to the work chartered accountants have done (or should have done) but not always.

So someone convicted of any criminal offence can expect to be fined or excluded from the institute. For instance someone found guilty of driving a vehicle after consuming alcohol over the prescribed limit was fined by the institute over ÂĢ1k.

Doesn't have to be a criminal offence, can be anything which can be regarded as not acceptable behaviour by a member. For instance, someone who used offensive language without cause at a client was fined after the client made a complaint to the institute - fine plus costs ÂĢ9k.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

I've been looking at some of my institute's disciplinary proceedings. They are generally related to the work chartered accountants have done (or should have done) but not always.

So someone convicted of any criminal offence can expect to be fined or excluded from the institute. For instance someone found guilty of driving a vehicle after consuming alcohol over the prescribed limit was fined by the institute over ÂĢ1k.

Doesn't have to be a criminal offence, can be anything which can be regarded as not acceptable behaviour by a member. For instance, someone who used offensive language without cause at a client was fined after the client made a complaint to the institute - fine plus costs ÂĢ9k.

@Yogi19 posted:

Good evening everyone

Weather has been wet, windy and chilly.

Squiggle, I hope you’ve been able to stay cosy indoors.

Moonie, I’m glad your migraine has lifted

Gosh El, your computer is giving you a lot of work

Your institute sounds very strict.

I hope everyone has had a good day

Hi Yogi

It’s catching

Thank you

I had another early this morning but my migraines only seem to consist of a short period of impaired vision, wavy lines and on occasions, a mild headache 🙂

Moonie’s Mallet Yogi? 😉

My day has been very sedate. I hope you’ve had a good day

Last edited by Moonie

Good evening all

It has rained all day and been cold and windy.

Hope the vaccination went well for your mum, Summer

Love the moonflower, it’s very pretty.

El, I hope the payroll people get back to you soon.

How is Cyril today, Moonie? The blackbird was back at the window a couple of times.

I’ve only ever had visual migraines, which are very disconcerting but not painful.

I hope everyone has had a good day

@Yogi19 posted:

Good evening all

It has rained all day and been cold and windy.

Hope the vaccination went well for your mum, Summer

Love the moonflower, it’s very pretty.

El, I hope the payroll people get back to you soon.

How is Cyril today, Moonie? The blackbird was back at the window a couple of times.

I’ve only ever had visual migraines, which are very disconcerting but not painful.

I hope everyone has had a good day

Hi Yogi

Its currently blowing a gale but not to cold. The rain has finally stopped

Oh, yes I forgot about Sweets mums vaccination. I will add my hopes that everything went well too

Baby Cyril was chasing another squirrel all over the garden. A rival or perspective mate

Btw, when I went to top up his feed, I opened the top and there was a little mouse inside feeding. I don’t know who was more surprised, me or him but he short off like a bat out of hell 😂😂😂

My day has been good, I hope yours has too

@Moonie posted:

Hi Yogi

Its currently blowing a gale but not to cold. The rain has finally stopped

Oh, yes I forgot about Sweets mums vaccination. I will add my hopes that everything went well too

Baby Cyril was chasing another squirrel all over the garden. A rival or perspective mate

Btw, when I went to top up his feed, I opened the top and there was a little mouse inside feeding. I don’t know who was more surprised, me or him but he short off like a bat out of hell 😂😂😂

My day has been good, I hope yours has too

Ooh, Cyril might be on the hunt for a mate

lol Your surprise meeting with the mouse reminded me of the time my youngest and I were clearing out the garage and a little mouse had made a nest in one of my planters. When it saw my son, it ran around the garage and my son ran out! The thing is, he and his brothers used to keep pet mice and gerbils so he shouldn’t have been bothered by a little mouse.😂

I’m glad your day was good. Mine was good too

@Yogi19 posted:

Ooh, Cyril might be on the hunt for a mate

lol Your surprise meeting with the mouse reminded me of the time my youngest and I were clearing out the garage and a little mouse had made a nest in one of my planters. When it saw my son, it ran around the garage and my son ran out! The thing is, he and his brothers used to keep pet mice and gerbils so he shouldn’t have been bothered by a little mouse.😂

I’m glad your day was good. Mine was good too

Could well be

That is an absolute gem Yogi ðŸĪĢðŸĪĢðŸĪĢ

@El Loro posted:

A happy weekend as well to Moonie and Summer

Sometimes I get the aura symptoms of a migraine with a touch of nausea but it doesn't develop into a full migraine. I sympathise with those who suffer from migraines

I can get migraines   where I cannot move /nausea etc but better these days have them like you as well EL- zig zaggy patterns ,spaciness but no headache

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone

Cloudy here. Dry at present though forecast is for rain this morning. More rain forecast tomorrow morning then settled weather for the rest of the week.

Yogi, thanks re that payroll s/w. They are closed over the weekend so just have to be patient.

Seems quite a few of us get migraines or migraine auras

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

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