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Good morning everyone, goodness it does sound like you are due for a lot of rain EL, do you have to go out today?  I hope you don't get wet.  We are just having a drizzle here.


I bet your spag bol was delicious Summer, I'm having a lasagne for lunch, I love Italian food, my favourite.


I had to smile at the impatient little girl, did she want what her brother wanted?


Have a good day everyone


Squiggle, no, I don't need to go out today. At present it's just drizzling.


It's been announced this mortning that the Bishop of Tewkesbury Martyn Snow will take up the duties of the Bishop of Gloucester in his abesence. The post of the Bishop of Tewkesbury is called a suffragan bishopric which effectively is a deputy so this is what I would expect. It does not follow that he will become the next bishop though he might.

Needless to say there has been speculation on social media as to why Michael Perham suddenly stepped down.


El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, no, I don't need to go out today. At present it's just drizzling.


It's been announced this mortning that the Bishop of Tewkesbury Martyn Snow will take up the duties of the Bishop of Gloucester in his abesence. The post of the Bishop of Tewkesbury is called a suffragan bishopric which effectively is a deputy so this is what I would expect. It does not follow that he will become the next bishop though he might.

Needless to say there has been speculation on social media as to why Michael Perham suddenly stepped down.


Pardon me for saying so El but that's an ecclesiastical mouthful

Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, it's possible that Eccles as in eccles cake (which are named after Eccles in Greater Manchester) comes from the same source as ecclesiatical. No-one knows.

And putting a whole eccles cake in your mouth would be quite a mouthful.


Not if your mouth is a big as mine it wouldn't El

Try this one then

El Loro
Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Moonie, it's possible that Eccles as in eccles cake (which are named after Eccles in Greater Manchester) comes from the same source as ecclesiatical. No-one knows.

And putting a whole eccles cake in your mouth would be quite a mouthful.


Not if your mouth is a big as mine it wouldn't El

Try this one then

Well, I may have just a little trouble with that El

Originally Posted by Yogi19:

lol That equation might as well be Double Dutch for all the sense it makes to me.


Having a bath then an early night, in preparation for PB's early arrival tomorrow morning. Goodnight and sweet dreams everyone. Leaving night owl hugs for Summer and Moonie.

Awwww sorry I missed you Yogi

I hope you have a lovely day with PB tomorrow and will look forward to hearing all about it


Enjoy your bath then sleep well and have sweet dreams

Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence a bag...

Evening all I hope you've had a good day each. Mine was busy, highly productive and fate or luck, put me in just the right place on the way to not be killed! Thank you god no one was injured, but I was moments away from a head on collision because someone was driving the wrong was down a dual carriageway. They didn't look to be wreckless or drunk, I think they were lost.

I'm like horses- as long as they're not in the same field as me

I didn't know baz had renovated the norty step

Well, sweet dreams to you all

Moonie, if you're night owling, I'll be buzzing about the beehive
~Sparkling Summer~
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Feed the birds, tuppence a bag, tuppence a bag...

Evening all I hope you've had a good day each. Mine was busy, highly productive and fate or luck, put me in just the right place on the way to not be killed! Thank you god no one was injured, but I was moments away from a head on collision because someone was driving the wrong was down a dual carriageway. They didn't look to be wreckless or drunk, I think they were lost.

I'm like horses- as long as they're not in the same field as me

I didn't know baz had renovated the norty step

Well, sweet dreams to you all

Moonie, if you're night owling, I'll be buzzing about the beehive

Ok Sweet, see your there


Good morning everyone.  Summer what a frightening experience, as EL says I hope the driver managed to get off the road without killing anyone or themselves.


A bit breezier today.  I know we are due to get a lot of rain at the weekend but whether we are going to get Hurricane Bertha or whatever it's called only time will tell.


Have a great day with PB and the birds Yogi, I bet they look forward to the little one coming over

Good morning Rainy overnight here but drying up now. I'm about to head out to pick up my friend for the day

Thanks, I don't dwell on near misses for long, I'm just thankful we were all kept safe, it's purely because I was behind a huge farm vehicle and wasn't fussed about trying to overtake that we didn't reach the dual carriageway sooner. Simply right time, right place

I'll be back later have a lovely day all

P.S. Bake off tonigh!!!! Yay!!!!!
~Sparkling Summer~

Although I haven't had any further calls from those windows technical support scammers, I have seen on the local news website that they have been targetting people in my area and some people have been taken in. The Gloucestershire police are investigating. One of my borther's friends was also targetted at about the same time as me but he wasn't taken in.


El Loro
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Summer~:
Good morning Rainy overnight here but drying up now. I'm about to head out to pick up my friend for the day

Thanks, I don't dwell on near misses for long, I'm just thankful we were all kept safe, it's purely because I was behind a huge farm vehicle and wasn't fussed about trying to overtake that we didn't reach the dual carriageway sooner. Simply right time, right place

I'll be back later have a lovely day all

P.S. Bake off tonigh!!!! Yay!!!!!

Hi Sweet
Have a great afternoon with your friend

*possible cake/doggy bag* Whistling Smiley


See you later


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