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Closest I've been to a pilgrimage is going to Glastonbury, the place, not the festival. Went to the ruins of Glastonbury Abbey. I went alone rather than part of a group. Abbey said to have been founded by Joseph of Arimathea. Area associated with the legend of King Arthur. I certainly felt the power from the place

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

my enhanced maths puzzle based on a question in last night's University Challenge.

Which of these numbers in the sequence 25, 26, 27 and 28 is not perfect?
Very unlikely that there are any other sequences of 4 numbers for which this is the case..
Not a trick question and doesn't require a maths degree.

27 is the only number divisible by 3?


Good afternoon everyone

The weather forecast here is for sunny intervals changing to cloudy by lunchtime. A high of 10 degrees expected

I have just been out to feed Baby Cyril, the birds still have plenty of feed in their feeder. It actually doesn’t feel that cold even with a breeze. The sun is popping in and out

Have a good day everyone


The poem I mentioned the other day:


Yes. I remember Adlestrop—
The name, because one afternoon
Of heat the express-train drew up there
Unwontedly. It was late June.
The steam hissed. Someone cleared his throat.
No one left and no one came
On the bare platform. What I saw
Was Adlestrop—only the name
And willows, willow-herb, and grass,
And meadowsweet, and haycocks dry,
No whit less still and lonely fair
Than the high cloudlets in the sky.
And for that minute a blackbird sang
Close by, and round him, mistier,
Farther and farther, all the birds
Of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

And now the answer to my little puzzle. I'll use faint text so visible when using a pointer to highlight it. The poem should be long enough to stop the answer appearing on the page listing topics.
25 is a perfect square = 5 times 5
27 is a perfect cube = 3 times 3 times 3

28 is what is known as a perfect number. That's a number where its divisors add up to the number. So 1, 4, 7 and 14 are divisors of 28 and 1 plus 4 plus 7 plus 14 equals 28. There are very few perfect numbers known.
So 26 is the answer as not being perfect.
El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@Yogi19 posted:

Evening all

It has been raining today.

El, you know me and numbers, I’m worse than useless

Fingers crossed your computer is sorted soon.

Baby Cyril seems to have adopted your garden as his local takeaway, Moonie

Summer will have had quite a few pancakes...of that we can be certain

I hope everyone has had a good day

Hi Yogi

Its raining here too. Still at least is warmer if wetter

I hope there will be the pitter patter of little paws soon

He is a little terror. He took on a large pigeon and a magpie the other day and still got his way

My day has been good fankoo. I hope yours has too

@Moonie posted:


There have been several squirrels about. Baby Cyril and a smaller one at the same, so that could be a female

I‘m glad you had a good day

Ah, more baby squirrels

@Moonie posted:

Yogi, have your blackbirds been back to see you of late?

They were about a lot during the snowy weather but I haven’t seen them today. The male is just as tame as ever and looks in the kitchen window but the female seems a bit more timid. She’s braver in the summer when she wants raisins for her chicks.

@Yogi19 posted:

Ah, more baby squirrels

They were about a lot during the snowy weather but I haven’t seen them today. The male is just as tame as ever and looks in the kitchen window but the female seems a bit more timid. She’s braver in the summer when she wants raisins for her chicks.


I’m glad you had a lot of visits during the snowy weather

The male probably realises you won’t hurt him that why he comes and has a look in the kitchen window

She is a good mum if she come for raisins to feed here chicks 😀


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