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Moonie. it was a disappointing day for Cheltenham Town. On Friday the Gloucester rugby team lost again, at the bottom of the table, and the poorest season in years. Also last week, it was decided that in football, the National League North and South seasons would be declared null and void. The Gloucester City side are very unhappy with that decision and are considering legal action. They are top of the table with 5 points more than the team in second place though have played 3 more games.
So the last few days haven't been good for local teams.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Moonie. it was a disappointing day for Cheltenham Town. On Friday the Gloucester rugby team lost again, at the bottom of the table, and the poorest season in years. Also last week, it was decided that in football, the National League North and South seasons would be declared null and void. The Gloucester City side are very unhappy with that decision and are considering legal action. They are top of the table with 5 points more than the team in second place though have played 3 more games.
So the last few days haven't been good for local teams.

I don’t like it when decide to to β€˜cancel’ seasons so making them null and void. Especially when a team is 5 points ahead. It make a mockery of the season notwithstanding we are in a pandemic, it has to be said.

As you say, not a good day for your local teams.

@Moonie posted:

Very majestic El

El, I have noticed videos post on the forum now open in the forum window. They use to open in a separate window, didn’t they?

At present I've been using Edge as the browser being the Windows 10 default. It looks as if links posted with that browser are different to Firefox in two ways. First is that with BBC links, the text which appears is the title of the article rather than the link address.

The other difference is that the default in the Add Reply box is with a link is None rather than New Window hence not opening in a separate window.

That is what is happening when I just paste the link in Add Reply. Let's see what happens if I use the Insert/Edit link  option in the row of icons and paste the address in the url line and leave the other lines as what they default to.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@El Loro posted:

At present I've been using Edge as the browser being the Windows 10 default. It looks as if links posted with that browser are different to Firefox in two ways. First is that with BBC links, the text which appears is the title of the article rather than the link address.

The other difference is that the default in the Add Reply box is with a link is None rather than New Window hence not opening in a separate window.

That is what is happening when I just paste the link in Add Reply. Let's see what happens if I use the Insert/Edit link  option in the row of icons and paste the address in the url line and leave the other lines as what they default to.

Thanks El


Good morning everyone

Some rain here at present though expected to stop this morning and settled weather for quite some time. Hopefully the saturated ground will get a chance to dry.

Moonie, I hope your weather improves soon There was a question in yesterday's Millionaire about pubs in literature, one of the 4 options was "The Moon Under Water"

I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Good morning everyone

Some rain here at present though expected to stop this morning and settled weather for quite some time. Hopefully the saturated ground will get a chance to dry.

Moonie, I hope your weather improves soon There was a question in yesterday's Millionaire about pubs in literature, one of the 4 options was "The Moon Under Water"

I hope everyone has a good day

Thanks El

I love that name β€œThe Moon Under Water”


Tried to sort out the payroll software issue and got nowhere. Payroll company support hasn't bothered to contact me and it doesn't look as if it intends to.

So I've rang the client to tell him that I'm unable to do the payroll. I had already told him about the computer problems. About a year ago I had suggested that he do his own payroll as it would be cheaper for him. It's the only payroll I do and so the fee income I can charge for doing that payroll isn't much more than the cost of the payroll.

He does have a background of providing computer support for the software his company used to supply so he says that he'll do his own payroll. I'm now providing him with the information that I have for the payroll.

I'll keep on doing the company accounts and tax.

El Loro

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