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Good morning sorry I’ve been awol, I didn’t realise that 4 days have gone by! It’s been a whirlwind of reading guidelines, taking action, staff meetings & training, booking appointments etc. I decided the install a washing machine at work because it’s simply just the best option re the new laundry guidelines. 
anyway, I’m ok, far less stressed now that we have clarity! I had done a lot of prep work beforehand and that paid off. 

meanwhile, wow what a heatwave! Are you all ok? We had heavy rain showers on and off all day yesterday, and it was lovely. I put all my houseplants outside to get a good drink  

El, thank you for the guidance link. How’s your noise situation? I hope the work is done swiftly and you can resume peacefulness ASAP. Can you escape for a while? A walk or a drive somewhere? 

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone


Fairly sunny here, may get the odd shower.


Summer, I'm not surprised you've been very busy with all the preparation
Thanks - the workmen finished next door around lunchtime on Friday so it's quiet.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 

Weather is breezy with heavy rain showers.

Summer, I’m sure you will be organised for opening on the 4th.

El, I’m glad things are all quiet next door.

Have a good day and stay safe, all. 



Oh that’s great El, peace is resumed! I read all your posts and felt your stress, I feared it was going to take weeks 


Thanks  the first afternoon of the first day (Wednesday) was stressful - it was also a hot day so going for a walk or a drive would have made me even hotter. I did go outside for a few minutes at one stage which is when I saw one of the workmen who said they were there two to three days. So at least I knew it wasn't going to take weeks

El Loro

Found this on the BBC site:
It's Susie Dent talking about why we say zigz-ag rather than zag-zig, dilly-dally rather than dally-dilly and lots of similar words or pairs of words.
It's all to do with what is called ablaut reduplication and is a lot more entertaining than that sounds. 

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Found this on the BBC site:
It's Susie Dent talking about why we say zigz-ag rather than zag-zig, dilly-dally rather than dally-dilly and lots of similar words or pairs of words.
It's all to do with what is called ablaut reduplication and is a lot more entertaining than that sounds. 


@Yogi19 posted:

El, I like the walking pictures and I’ll check out the Susie Dent link 
Moonie, did you get any washing dried today? It has poured up here so mine had to go in the dryer. 


Hi Yogi 

I did get my washing dry, fankoo 

In the end we just had one shower which didn’t last long but then my washing was dry 

@El Loro posted:

BBC collection of photos sent in by readers on the theme of walking:

love walking  - walk every day  even if its just where I live after work -pre virus!!!  but cant go far atm and have still walked at least twice ever day within the current Wales restrictions  -

Love the sheep like the others but this one stands out to me

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone it's a cloudy morning after a very wet day yesterday. I'm glad the workmen have finished and you can have peace and quiet again EL.


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Good morinng everyone


Rather cloudy and breezy here bot no rain expected.


Thanks Squiggle


Dental hygienist appointment this morning. Had been postponed from a couple of weeks ago. My dentist would have been more prepared than others to get back to providing more routine work. Although some miles away from me, it's a couple of miles from the town centre and doesn't have NHS patients so doesn't get as busy as some dentists.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

Good morning everyone 
It’s rainy and windy up here - doesn’t feel like June weather.

Squiggle, I hope the rain stays off for you.

El, I hope all goes well at the hygienist today 

Ros, it’s good that you have been able to get out and about for walks.

Have a good day and stay safe, all 


Back from my dental hygienist. Seemed to go OK.


Going there I wore a face mask. (Got some a few weeks ago when I found out that the cotton handkerchief I'd been using had less protection than face masks).


Receptionist came to me as I walked in and took my temperature (just pointed the reader near my forehead) then I did some hand sanitiser. Sat down - I was the only person waiting and only 2 seats available well apart from each other. Still wearing my face mask. Receptionist wearing facemask whenever on reception.


Then hygienist came for me and I followed her to the normal room. She wearing surgical gown and gloves and a visor covering her face. Assistant similar other than wearing a face mask. Hygienist asked if I'd had any Covid 19 symptoms in last 48 hours and also updated my medical history in terms of prescriptions. I took off my face mask and hung it on a coat peg.


She then did the scaling part of the work. They are not allowed to use anything which would cause a spray (aerosol is the word being used) as that's where there's the risk of covid-19 virus getting into tiny water droplets getting onto people. So they are now using surgical scraping instruments as in the past.


They are not permitted to to any polishing at this time re the spray issue, And at the end, no mouthwash to rinse one's mouth.


Said good bye in the room and put my face mask back on, hygienist and assistant stayed in room. They would then be replacing their gloves etc and cleaning instruments and surfaces I touched (not that I had touched much).


Back in reception, paid by credit card and booked next appointment. Cost £5 more than the previous time, not surprising as they have to allow time for cleaning between seeing each person.


Gone into some detail as this would be of interest to many.

El Loro
Last edited by El Loro
@El Loro posted:

I wonder which of them Summer will like most, could be quite a lot of them as she's the keenest walker of us

Haha! You’re right, I love all of them lol especially the countryside ones xxx 

~Sparkling Summer~

BBC collection of black and white photos of Paris taken by Paul Almasy in the 1950s/60s.

Clearly a good photographer as there's something about each photo which has something about it.

Only the last one has named people. Romy Schneider and Alain Delon were film actors, mainly in France, and, at the time, were a couple. At the time, regarded as an exeptionally attractive couple in the media.

El Loro

Happened to see the closing credits of a 1958 British film called "Six-Five Special". Film itself is essentially just a compendium of late 1950s British pop stars with minimal storyline so only of little interest to many people now. Credits were a list of the various songs. Here's one of the songs "I'll Close my Eyes" sung by Joan Regan by Billy Reid. (Dinah Washington had sung it before)

It's rather pleasant.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

BBC collection of black and white photos of Paris taken by Paul Almasy in the 1950s/60s.

Clearly a good photographer as there's something about each photo which has something about it.

Only the last one has named people. Romy Schneider and Alain Delon were film actors, mainly in France, and, at the time, were a couple. At the time, regarded as an exeptionally attractive couple in the media.

loved those photos ELso atmospheric clever and a story in every one

Rocking Ros Rose

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