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Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Off to catch up on some ironing, will be back later.

I have just washed and dried all my bedlinen Yogi. So I am a happy bunny

I won't say enjoy your ironing because I know you won't but I hope you manage to do it speedily

See you later

I've done mine too.

My ironing is done, as well.

How spooky I changed my sheets today too.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Off to catch up on some ironing, will be back later.

I have just washed and dried all my bedlinen Yogi. So I am a happy bunny

I won't say enjoy your ironing because I know you won't but I hope you manage to do it speedily

See you later

I've done mine too.

My ironing is done, as well.

How spooky I changed my sheets today too.

 Very spooky.

 I love the smell of fresh bed linen.

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

One of the questions on Only Connect on Monday was this one.

What connects the following:

The Beatles

Mr Bean

Gordon Tracy

and The Trotters


If and when you get the connection you will understand why I have posted this

Is it something to do with yellow modes of transport?

I'm probably off on the wrong track again.

No, you are absolutely correct

El Loro
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Off to catch up on some ironing, will be back later.

I have just washed and dried all my bedlinen Yogi. So I am a happy bunny

I won't say enjoy your ironing because I know you won't but I hope you manage to do it speedily

See you later

I've done mine too.

My ironing is done, as well.

We are good aren't we Yogi?

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by moonie:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:

Off to catch up on some ironing, will be back later.

I have just washed and dried all my bedlinen Yogi. So I am a happy bunny

I won't say enjoy your ironing because I know you won't but I hope you manage to do it speedily

See you later

I've done mine too.

My ironing is done, as well.

How spooky I changed my sheets today too.

Its catching Squiggle

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

The fish are floating on the pond, I am about to go out and release them from their bag, I bet they all hide

 I bet they do.

They were all very bold, they lurked inside the bell fountain for about 5 minutes and then they were off, playing follow my leader as goldfish always do.

Originally Posted by squiggle:
Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by squiggle:

The fish are floating on the pond, I am about to go out and release them from their bag, I bet they all hide

 I bet they do.

They were all very bold, they lurked inside the bell fountain for about 5 minutes and then they were off, playing follow my leader as goldfish always do.

 They are fun to watch, I like goldfish.

Originally Posted by El Loro:
Originally Posted by moonie:

Its thunderstorm time

See you later, I hope



It's a heavy shower here at this time but no thunder.

Moonie, I hope you survive the thunderstorm


Met Office has changed the layout of their 5 day forecasts on their site this afternoon. They've even released a Youtube clip to explain it:;


Yep, a few crashes of thunder and one huge shower. Then back to sunshine and clouds

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Just a quickie, I'm about to start packing
I finished work, picked up my mum, nipped to the shops, cut hers & mr summers hair, ate tea, made mums bed up and had a shower!

If anyone would like to sneak into my suitcase, now is your chance

*tippy toes towards Sweets suitcase*

You have packed a lot onto a short time Sweet. I dunno where you get the energy from. You will need your holiday to get over all the preparations for it

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Just a quickie, I'm about to start packing
I finished work, picked up my mum, nipped to the shops, cut hers & mr summers hair, ate tea, made mums bed up and had a shower!

If anyone would like to sneak into my suitcase, now is your chance

*makes a dash for Summer's suitcase* 

Summer, you are a human whirlwind, I don't know how you do so much in a single day.

I hope you and your mum have a wonderful holiday. You will be missed, but I look forward to hearing all about your holiday when you come home.


I'm a bit tired tonight, so having an early night.

Leaving hugs for Summer, Moonie and Ros.

To our absent friend, come back soon!

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Just a quickie, I'm about to start packing
I finished work, picked up my mum, nipped to the shops, cut hers & mr summers hair, ate tea, made mums bed up and had a shower!

If anyone would like to sneak into my suitcase, now is your chance

*makes a dash for Summer's suitcase* 

Summer, you are a human whirlwind, I don't know how you do so much in a single day.

I hope you and your mum have a wonderful holiday. You will be missed, but I look forward to hearing all about your holiday when you come home.


I'm a bit tired tonight, so having an early night.

Leaving hugs for Summer, Moonie and Ros.

To our absent friend, come back soon!

She is isn't she?


Goodnight Yogi. Sleep and i hope you feel better tomorrow. Sweet dreams

Originally Posted by ~Sweet Pea~:
Thanks everyone I'll miss you all loads!

Enjoy your early night yogi I hope you've felt better today

Moonie, I can't believe you've had all the thunderstorms, where's mine?!

Squiggle I'm glad your goldfish are settling in nicely I'll look forward to hearing about them when I get back

I'm saving them for when you get home Sweet

Once again, have a lovely holiday


Good morning everyone.  That does sound like a long day EL, hope it all goes smoothly.


I hope Summer has a lovely time, I love Italy and Italian food is my very favourite.


I can't seem to get it over to the fish that the pellets I am putting on the top are food they are busy nibbling the algae on the liner.  Oh well I suppose the penny will drop eventually.


Have a great day everyone

Originally Posted by Yogi19:
Originally Posted by El Loro:

Squiggle, I think your goldfish need to go to the Mock Turtle's school to learn about reeling, writhing, and the different branches of arithmetic - ambition, distraction, uglification and derision



 I hate to think how many years it is since I read that book.

Maybe I'll get to read it to PB one day.

That would be nice

El Loro

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