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Good morning it’s hot already! I’m getting up early to walk Bramble so I can then bring her home and keep her cool  

how are you all? Yogi, I hope you soon feel better, sending you big love  

it’s all systems go here as we’ve been given the thumbs up to return to work on July 4th, most of our preparations have already been made, which is a relief. It’s been incredibly challenging, especially mentally, but I know we’ll all be fine once we get going  

have a good day all  

~Sparkling Summer~

Good morning everyone it's a lovely cool morning which I'm enjoying knowing the heat to come.


I'm glad you are ready to open the doors and get going again Summer. I'm sure you will be faced with some strange sights with people not being able to get to the hairdressers for so long. 


Enjoy your day everyone

Last edited by squiggle

Good morning everyone


It's going to be a sunny hot day here.


for Yogi.


@~Sparkling Summer~, that's good news for you and what you've been waiting for
Actual details don't seem to be published yet by the government but coming soon (possibly today). Link to their webpage which lists the types of businesses etc to open. For each category I think the "further guidance coming soon" will be replaced by a link to that guidance:


I hope everyone has a good day and stay hydrated

El Loro

Good morning it’s hot already! I’m getting up early to walk Bramble so I can then bring her home and keep her cool  

how are you all? Yogi, I hope you soon feel better, sending you big love  

it’s all systems go here as we’ve been given the thumbs up to return to work on July 4th, most of our preparations have already been made, which is a relief. It’s been incredibly challenging, especially mentally, but I know we’ll all be fine once we get going  

have a good day all  

Hi Sweet and Miss Bramble  ðŸūðŸū

I hope you both enjoyed your walk and are on the way to cooling down now 

Great news about you being able started working again 

Have a great day both  ðŸūðŸū 


Moonie, your first load of washing on the line could be dry by the time your second load is washed


There's been a short power cut in my area. Only lasted a few minutes but obviosuly my computer and internet went down and it always takes time for the Virgin Media box to get connected again. As it happens I had just sent an email to a client and hadn't done any unsaved client work on my computer so no loss of data.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Moonie, your first load of washing on the line could be dry by the time your second load is washed


There's been a short power cut in my area. Only lasted a few minutes but obviosuly my computer and internet went down and it always takes time for the Virgin Media box to get connected again. As it happens I had just sent an email to a client and hadn't done any unsaved client work on my computer so no loss of data.

I think that’s a possibility El 


I’m glad you didn’t lose any data during the outage. Your right, my Virgin box takes a while to boot up too 

@Moonie posted:

I think that’s a possibility El 


I’m glad you didn’t lose any data during the outage. Your right, my Virgin box takes a while to boot up too 

Thanks Moonie I think that's standard for all Virgin boxes - seems to be around 6 to 10 minutes. I think the process may also check if there's any internal software update to be made to the superhub. Don't have Virgin television but that would probably have a similar time.

El Loro

First time my monthly Virgin bill has gone over the ÂĢ100 level. That's entirely due to my phone calls in the last month being much higher than normal. All business related because of the lockdown meanng that I'm spending a lot more time talking to clients on the phone as we can't have face to face meetings as such. Yes, I will claim tax relief on that as it's business. Could switch to a plan where I paid more for the phone package but nothing for the calls. Would be cheaper but then I wouldn't be able to claim any tax back on the phone bills due to the strange way tax works.

El Loro

Good afternoon lovely people

We are not having the heatwave that others are having. 
Summer, I can imagine this is a challenging time for you but I know you will rise to the occasion 

El, I’m glad the power cut didn’t cause you any problems 

Moonie, you are the king of washing 

Hope you are all well and staying safe 

@Yogi19 posted:

Good afternoon lovely people

We are not having the heatwave that others are having. 
Summer, I can imagine this is a challenging time for you but I know you will rise to the occasion 

El, I’m glad the power cut didn’t cause you any problems 

Moonie, you are the king of washing 

Hope you are all well and staying safe 


Great to see you back amongst us again 

King of washing?  ðŸĪī 


Unlikey I'll be able to do much work for the rest of the week. Neighbour is having a new bathroom. The workmen are making an extreme noise of drilling and hammering. The room where my computer is is immediately next to that bathroom so just the wall between us. Noise is such that it makes no difference where in the house I am. They are there for the rest of the week.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Unlikey I'll be able to do much work for the rest of the week. Neighbour is having a new bathroom. The workmen are making an extreme noise of drilling and hammering. The room where my computer is is immediately next to that bathroom so just the wall between us. Noise is such that it makes no difference where in the house I am. They are there for the rest of the week.

I don’t envy your situation El 


Put in wax ear plugs and also headphones which have a noise reduction switch (such as for use on airplanes). Uncomfortable, but reduces the noise a bit to less dangerous levels. Workmen presumably ding much the same otherwise they would become permanently deaf. My neighbour is hard of hearing so wouldn't be able to hear the level of noise. Obviously I can't use the phone so put the answerphone on.

El Loro

Talking Pictures are showing a fascinating documentary on Friday at 7.15 in the morning. It's "The Conquest of Everest" (1953). The definitive documentary made during the most famous moutaineering expedition of all time. And it's in colour. (Edmund Hillary was a bee-keeper when he wasn't climbing mountains). The narration would have been added after the expedition as it's by Meredith Edwards who was an actor and not involved with the expedition.

El Loro
@El Loro posted:

Unlikey I'll be able to do much work for the rest of the week. Neighbour is having a new bathroom. The workmen are making an extreme noise of drilling and hammering. The room where my computer is is immediately next to that bathroom so just the wall between us. Noise is such that it makes no difference where in the house I am. They are there for the rest of the week.

@El Loro posted:

Put in wax ear plugs and also headphones which have a noise reduction switch (such as for use on airplanes). Uncomfortable, but reduces the noise a bit to less dangerous levels. Workmen presumably ding much the same otherwise they would become permanently deaf. My neighbour is hard of hearing so wouldn't be able to hear the level of noise. Obviously I can't use the phone so put the answerphone on.

That sounds like a nightmare, El. I hope the drilling and hammering don’t go on all week.


Good morning everyone   
 It’s hot here already. Set to reach 31° today before plummeting to 26°tomorrow 


Squiggle, I had a trip down the road to shop earlier while it was cooler , masked and gloved of course 

El, such a pity Olympus are quitting their camera business. Another well know brand is going 


Have a great day and stay safe  



Good morning everyone 

A warm start to the day - temperatures around 28° are expected.

Housework is done so I think I might potter about in the garden - with sun hat and Factor 50 applied, of course.
Such a shame about Olympus cameras.
Fingers crossed things aren’t too noisy today, El.

I’m sure you’ll get both loads of washing dried, Moonie 

Have a good day and stay safe 


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