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Sprout posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Sprout, have you been watching the gorilla programme on BBC two now?


Nope, I dunno what I've got on at the minute. Should I have been? 

It's a wildlife film maker spending a lot of time living and filming gorillas. He's following one group and charting their story over two episodes. I have seen this chap before doing the same with brown bears in the US. The brown bears scare me much more than the gorillas, which seem to only show aggression toward the film crew when it just wants to say keep your distance.

No one seems to have been harmed in the making of the programme. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

A whole tranche of new series next week  

Endeavour ( Sunday 8pm ITV) ; War & Peace ( Sunday 9pm BBC1); Father Brown (starts Monday  2pm BBC1)  ; Silent Witness ( Monday  9pm BBC1); Midsomer Murders (Wednesday 8pm ITV ) ; Death in Paradise ( Thursday 9pm BBC 1) ; Mr Selfridge ( Friday 9pm ITV ) .

Last edited by Baz
Baz posted:

A whole tranche of new series next week  

Endeavour ( Sunday 8pm ITV) ; War & Peace ( Sunday 9pm BBC1); Father Brown (starts Monday  2pm BBC1)  ; Silent Witness ( Monday  9pm BBC1); Midsomer Murders (Wednesday 8pm ITV ) ; Death in Paradise ( Thursday 9pm BBC 1) .  

Sounds like you are going to be glued to the Screen Baz! Include BB into the mix and we might not be seeing much of you. 

Do you know, I have never seen any of the above - I do however have a massive amount of box sets to watch. 

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Baz posted:

A whole tranche of new series next week  

Endeavour ( Sunday 8pm ITV) ; War & Peace ( Sunday 9pm BBC1); Father Brown (starts Monday  2pm BBC1)  ; Silent Witness ( Monday  9pm BBC1); Midsomer Murders (Wednesday 8pm ITV ) ; Death in Paradise ( Thursday 9pm BBC 1) ; Mr Selfridge ( Friday 9pm ITV ) .

Endeavour and War & Peace get a thumbs up from me, Baz

Madame Arcati
Eugene's Lair posted:

"Charlie Brooker's 2015 Wipe" on "Fifty Shades of Grey":

"It's basically a film adaptation of Punch and Judy, 'cause it's about this weird wooden man who enjoys beating a woman, but without the bit where a crocodile steals some sausages - which might have redeemed it."

I loved the running jokes through it Eugene  He's such a good writer.


Meant to post this yesterday but couldn't:


Particularly good 'Only Connect' last night: both first semi-final and 200th show. Appropriately ended in a tie-break, with Victoria munching her way through a celebratory cake throughout!

(And before you ask, it was an iced fruit cake: not a more appropriate Victoria Sponge... )

Eugene's Lair
Eugene's Lair posted:

Meant to post this yesterday but couldn't:


Particularly good 'Only Connect' last night: both first semi-final and 200th show. Appropriately ended in a tie-break, with Victoria munching her way through a celebratory cake throughout!

(And before you ask, it was an iced fruit cake: not a more appropriate Victoria Sponge... )


I missed it. Always seem to forget it's on.

*goes to watch it on iPlayer*

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities

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