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Saint posted:
Eugene's Lair posted:
Saint posted:

Another American school shooting


EIGHTEEN this year - what is wrong in America?


Not all the people are crazy, lone shooters AND it is reported the student knew the person who carried out the shooting would do so sooner or later.


So why wasn't anything done to stop him?

Apparently there have been 30 "mass shootings" (4 or more fatalities) in total so far in the States this year. 

Total firearm deaths so far this year: 1806 

Of those, children & teenagers: 400 


There do indeed appear to be some valid questions about why no one picked up on him: I was just watching one of the pupils on C4 news ask why a person who wasn't registered at the school was able to just walk onto the campus...

A wider question is ... why shouldn't someone be able to walk around the campus? Without needing to be vetted and checked.

Perhaps yes to entering a building - but walking around campus?

It's a sad reflection that trust has gone

Yes: that was my takeaway too... 

Eugene's Lair


Here we go again with sensationalist scare mongering that's not going to happen

However ...  in the interests of some kind of impartiality ...



Due to the interstellar flair causing a 'storm' that's ready to hit Earth any time soon expect an outage on Gaga and the world tomorrow ... or maybe the next day. I'm not sure - they're not sure

Anyhoo - we're all doomed but don't panic.

Saint posted:


Here we go again with sensationalist scare mongering that's not going to happen

However ...  in the interests of some kind of impartiality ...



Due to the interstellar flair causing a 'storm' that's ready to hit Earth any time soon expect an outage on Gaga and the world tomorrow ... or maybe the next day. I'm not sure - they're not sure

Anyhoo - we're all doomed but don't panic.

"Huge solar storm that will slam Earth TODAY could knockout satellites, disrupt power supplies and spark stunning auroras"

So: the world's going to end, but at least it will be pretty! 


Note that the article is dated Thursday afternoon - so if it's correct then the "storm" has already hit us. 


Oh and BTW: they mean "knock out satellites", not "knockout satellites". "Knockout" (or "knock-out") is a noun or adjective, not a verb. 

But hey: it's the Mail Online, so no proper editors - only unpaid interns...

Eugene's Lair
Saint posted:

I'm still here

Gaga's still here

And if you're reading this ... you're still here 


TV's still on thank God . . . . and relax (til the next storm)


Oh and did you know the Earth's about to swop polarity

Don't panic ... but you will be standing on your head soon

Phew ..pinches self ...ouch...yeah , I’m still here ...I can breathe again 

Last edited by Baz
Eugene's Lair posted:
Saint posted:

MUTANT RAT ALERT (again)  !!!!!


Here we go again with the latest fear inducing lie

This time - rats

Yesterday - foxes

We're all under threat according to Reading University ... who must be receiving state funding and it's liable to be cut 

You really, really need to stop reading the Daily Fail, Saint. 

Think of your blood pressure...

Eugene's Lair posted:
Saint posted:

MUTANT RAT ALERT (again)  !!!!!


Here we go again with the latest fear inducing lie

This time - rats

Yesterday - foxes

We're all under threat according to Reading University ... who must be receiving state funding and it's liable to be cut 

You really, really need to stop reading the Daily Fail, Saint. 

Think of your blood pressure...

Oddly enough my dad gets the Mail on Sunday

Even me with my naivety (which is huge) recognised how nasty and gossip hungry that paper is.

Interestingly I follow some student vlogs of Oxford University. The Mail said the students were going crazy and creating mayhem on the river on last day of term.

The student I follow vlogged that day proving the claim simply was not true

Saint posted:

Another American school shooting


EIGHTEEN this year - what is wrong in America?

Up till now, I've tried to avoid my usual kneejerk reaction on these occasions, which is to immediately quote the late, great, Bill Hicks. 

However after listening to Wayne LaPierre, the head of the NRA, finally react to the Florida shooting, I can no longer contain myself...

"But there's no connection, and you'd be a fool and a Communist to make one. There's no connection between having a gun and shooting someone with it, and not having a gun and not shooting someone."


NRA’s Wayne LaPierre instructs CPAC to “be frightened” of “socialist wave” following Parkland

"Fool and a Communist": or as LaPierre puts it, "European Socialist"... 

Eugene's Lair
Last edited by Eugene's Lair
Saint posted:

Who in the UK cares about The Super bowl ?

But it was live on BBC2 last night and all over the press today - even in the BBC news this morning.


Did you watch it? Do you care?

If the reporting is anything to go by you must, surely.



Well, you asked for feedback, there are four people in my office who are very interested in it and the whole sport in general to the point they can name the teams, players and events that occur each season. Two of them book the day off to watch !!!


Personally, I could not give a flying-**** about it. Each to their own I guess.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities


The presenter of Gems TV who suddenly become dumbfounded and confused as to what is happening as they are probably being told over their earpieces that they should announce a big price drop.


They then start telling the viewing public how they cannot believe the price, that the viewers, being well researched know the offer is beyond belief and that they can add the pieces to their collections as a valuable heirloom. 




Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

Who in the UK cares about The Super bowl ?

But it was live on BBC2 last night and all over the press today - even in the BBC news this morning.


Did you watch it? Do you care?

If the reporting is anything to go by you must, surely.



Well, you asked for feedback, there are four people in my office who are very interested in it and the whole sport in general to the point they can name the teams, players and events that occur each season. Two of them book the day off to watch !!!


Personally, I could not give a flying-**** about it. Each to their own I guess.


We found FOUR so far . . . . anyone else?

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


THIS !!!!


Some lazy twonk has not only left a perishable item on the shelf, but the store would now have to throw it away when it could have been given away to say a homeless person.


I took a photo as I was madder than a mad thing from mad city, mad world !!





Looking (with spluttered laughter) at the clearance section

The shame   

Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


THIS !!!!


Some lazy twonk has not only left a perishable item on the shelf, but the store would now have to throw it away when it could have been given away to say a homeless person.


I took a photo as I was madder than a mad thing from mad city, mad world !!





That drives me mad too EC  I mean fgs walk back and replace items where you found them , lazy mares !

Baz posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


THIS !!!!


Some lazy twonk has not only left a perishable item on the shelf, but the store would now have to throw it away when it could have been given away to say a homeless person.


I took a photo as I was madder than a mad thing from mad city, mad world !!





That drives me mad too EC  I mean fgs walk back and replace items where you found them , lazy mares !


The irony is that if you walk left from our current view by 2 meters, then right for two meters, you are in front of the milk.


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Saint posted:
Carnelian posted:

A bit of an oxymoron perhaps when talking of 'modern day annoyances' but that vile hypocrite weasel, Jaccob Rees-Mogg

He's a bit like an embarrassing 80's throwback MP that was out of touch back then.

There's embarrassing/interesting (aka Alan Clark) and then there's Rees-Mogg

I agree, I quite liked Alan Clark, a bit of a rake but he had a frank and fair minded understanding of the failings of the government he was part of.



the 13th Duke of Wybourne/Alan Clark?

Last edited by Carnelian

So what happened?

A guy who lives at the end of our street thought it would be a good idea to bring his car into the street, along to the end where he could turn around so tomorrow morning he would be pointing in the right direction to drive away.

Only he got stuck right outside our house.

He came back three times to try and free it - but nothing would work


Now he's stuck and 100m from his house and he's not going to work tomorrow.

The odd thing is they also have a huge 4x4 that they chose not to use to tow their own car. Hmmmm



Watching the news

Interviewing a doctor who bragged,

"I cycled 5 miles to work this morning"


YOU IDIOT setting a dangerous precedent for others to follow!!!

I've had that said to myself,

"Can you make it into work?"

Me, "No"

"Well all the other staff have walked three miles through the snow to get here and if they can do it . . . "


Smarty pants attitudes like the above cost lives and places ridiculous demands on people.

Be ashamed Mr. Doctor, very ashamed




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