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DAILY MAIL ( I know) reported on a ride in Chessington stopping, it was all going so wel . . .

"Thousands of parents and children had to leave the Chessington World of Adventures resort today after a power cut brought rides and displays to a grinding halt."

Yes, yes that sounds Queen's English enough, carry on . . .


"The outage, which affected a wide area ... "




Have I mentioned the "Millennial Whoop"?  I must have.  


Love Island - that's a modern day annoyance


Then the double standards where women and gay men can witter on about Poldark's Aiden Turner his torso, his biceps, abs and his animal magnetism blah blah but as soon as a straight man says, "She's hot and has nice tits" the world beats him down as sexist throw-back to the days of Benny Hill and On the Buses.


I'm not all 'Mans Lib' or 'fathers for justice', that's just so sad -  but there is a double standard at work.


Last edited by Carnelian
Saint posted:

DAILY MAIL ( I know) reported on a ride in Chessington stopping, it was all going so wel . . .

"Thousands of parents and children had to leave the Chessington World of Adventures resort today after a power cut brought rides and displays to a grinding halt."

Yes, yes that sounds Queen's English enough, carry on . . .


"The outage, which affected a wide area ... "



The Daily Mail is a modern day annoyance and an olden day's annoyance as well.

Carnelian posted:

Have I mentioned the "Millennial Whoop"?  I must have.  


Love Island - that's a modern day annoyance


Then the double standards where women and gay men can witter on about Poldark's Aiden Turner his torso, his biceps, abs and his animal magnetism blah blah but as soon as a straight man says, "She's hot and has nice tits" the world beats him down as sexist throw-back to the days of Benny Hill and On the Buses.


I'm not all 'Mans Lib' or 'fathers for justice', that's just so sad -  but there is a double standard at work.


Nice points (and I don't mean ya tits cos that would be a disgrace)


Just to be unhelpful and muddy the waters Germaine "f*ck me boots" Greer has said some rapes are just  'bad sex' ....



Saint posted:

WILL YOUNG - shame on you


Will Young slapped with six-month driving ban after 'almost killing driver' before crashing into car at 'excessive speed'


Young pleaded guilty in March at Selkirk Sheriff Court to driving without due care as well as at excessive speed for the weather conditions and for entering a lay-by, before appearing at the Jedburgh court for sentencing on Monday.

Sheriff J Euan Edment imposed five penalty points for the incident and banned him from driving for six months.

Young already had 11 points on his licence as well as a drink-driving conviction from 1998.

A disqualification comes if 12 or more penalty points are built up within three years.

I always think that there's a tough driving test which gets tougher and tougher almost ever year but once someone's passed they can be so irresponsible and negligent yet just get short term bans.  Cases like this should carry a minimum five year ban and to retake the driving test.

Saint posted: Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

Tour de Yorkshire - yep that's what it's called 


North East news reporter shouting,

"Scarborough showing North Yorkshire  ... and the World what it's made of"


The World? What does he mean, "What it's made of" ???


More fake news

Since Yorkshire first hosted the Tour De France (very successfully) The Tour De Yorkshire has been a regular fixture on the calendar. It's well supported, got more people into cycling and is seen by viewers in the UK, can't say I know if it's taken up internationally. But a great event covering different parts of Yorkshire each year. Nothing fake about it.

That it's 'showing the world' is simply not true - it's sweeping as much as it is impossible

And what does he mean? "What it's made of" - vague and grasping at straws

I think drilling down into the wording the way you are is a very dangerous game and one which can come back and bite at any time.


The world is full of these types of descriptions and claims, if you were to pick them all up you would have a full time job on.


Now matey boy, be careful what you write.  


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted: Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:
Saint posted:

Tour de Yorkshire - yep that's what it's called 


North East news reporter shouting,

"Scarborough showing North Yorkshire  ... and the World what it's made of"


The World? What does he mean, "What it's made of" ???


More fake news

Since Yorkshire first hosted the Tour De France (very successfully) The Tour De Yorkshire has been a regular fixture on the calendar. It's well supported, got more people into cycling and is seen by viewers in the UK, can't say I know if it's taken up internationally. But a great event covering different parts of Yorkshire each year. Nothing fake about it.

That it's 'showing the world' is simply not true - it's sweeping as much as it is impossible

And what does he mean? "What it's made of" - vague and grasping at straws

I think drilling down into the wording the way you are is a very dangerous game and one which can come back and bite at any time.


The world is full of these types of descriptions and claims, if you were to pick them all up you would have a full time job on.


Now matey boy, be careful what you write.  


What do you mean EC? Very dangerous??

They are making ridiculous claims that are not true to 'show off' - yep it's nothing more than spin to show off - and they know it.

It's not pulling apart the wording, it's what they are implying, that they are achieving more than they are - it's misleading.

Why be careful? It's them that should be more truthful - but that won't be showing off enough, so it's more or less ... lies

Last edited by Saint

Letter to the Editor


Dear Sir,

Isn't it about time the naming of animals fell into line with the current trend for LGBT recognition. I find the constant use of the name "Puff Adder" to describe a snake to be offensive and upsetting.

Please see fit to rename this animal to something such as the Queer Adder at your soonest convenience!!


Yours outraged,


Quentin from Brighton

Saint posted:

Letter to the Editor


Dear Sir,

Isn't it about time the naming of animals fell into line with the current trend for LGBT recognition. I find the constant use of the name "Puff Adder" to describe a snake to be offensive and upsetting.

Please see fit to rename this animal to something such as the Queer Adder at your soonest convenience!!


Yours outraged,


Quentin from Brighton



Thanx for asking Baz

My Dad has had some samples taken recently which threw up some odd results so he's off to GP tomorrow for blood test and if they come back similar he's off to hospital to have waterworks treatment.

I fear his cancer may have spread - happily he's symptom free other than tiredness and off his food.

Mum is fine   

Saint posted:

Thanx for asking Baz

My Dad has had some samples taken recently which threw up some odd results so he's off to GP tomorrow for blood test and if they come back similar he's off to hospital to have waterworks treatment.

I fear his cancer may have spread - happily he's symptom free other than tiredness and off his food.

Mum is fine   

 Glad your mum is doing well I hope your dad’s blood test comes back negative Renton   I’m guessing you’ve perhaps gathered I’m going through the same with my husband ....

Saint posted:

Bob Marley - at least 11 children to many different women


Worra slut  

PETER SNOW - Election Night swingometer crackpot


"Snow has been married twice, and has six children from three relationships. His eldest son, French citizen Matthieu, was born before his first marriage, although Snow was not aware of his existence until he was an adult."


Good grief !!

Saint posted:

a man and woman posing for a photo

Exactly who do they think they are??


Do these people need a Royal Family or what??

yes they do, they certainly do.  Still the beautiful people who Americans have as their ersatz royalty are at least not inbred and talent-less, like our monarchy.  Exception is Megan who clearly is a not bad actress.  The others, would be unemployed if they were born by working class families.


Aah but y'see Carny Americans don't see them like that

They see them as we used to - cultured, something to aim for (not with a rifle - for once), desperately British with breeding and class - something Americans can never have â€Ķ and that would keep them in their place and stop the nonsense we see in the form of BeyoncÃĐ thinking she's a Botticelli painting.

People would stop looking up to Jay Zed as a role model if they had Royalty as a head of state.

Americans swoon for Hugh Grant fgs


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