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They're led by Piers Corbyn (Bother of Jeremy), who's not quite in the same league as David Icke, but isn't far off..

Piers was one of 19 arrested.


What was interesting is that if you looked at the placards on display, they showed - as is common in the US protests - a wide range of conspiracy-theory talking points, and many of them were clearly aimed at a US audience, e.g. I saw one attacking Dr Fauci and Bill Gates.

I saw another one which - amongst other things - demanded "No" to "forced vaccines" and "being tracked and chipped": for those not already aware of it, this references a debunked anti-vaxer/deep-state conspiracy theory that claims Bill Gates is pushing to force everyone to be injected with his own vaccine, which will contain a tracking micro-chip in order to build a "Global Surveillance State"... 

I think a bit of context is due here, Piers Corbyn is as mad as a box of frogs and I'm sure Tommy is right, I have a mad aunt 


Can I just say; Piers Corbyn speaks for Piers Corbyn and only Piers Corbyn. ...Every family has a Piers I'm sure πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

Last edited by Dame_Ann_Average

That was the worst briefing I've seen yesterday(now). There's beyond belief and there was that. Talk about tax avoidance and evasion. Williamson - human mogadon. And Jenny Harries needs Keith Harris - she's a sold out ventriloquists' dummy.

it's crazy Velvet, billionaires have lost 54 billion in two months, get the plebs back to work and a little bit of herd immunity will rid us of a few.  I hope to see Jenny Harris in the Hague in the not too distant future, she is a liar and an embarrassment to her profession IMO Velvet.



Hope you are well 

@machel posted:

Reception, year 1 and year 6 are to return to school,   Guinea pigs just guinea pigs 🀬🀬🀬

Machel it's madness, now two Councils have said they won't adhere to it and another two have said they are still saying stay at home. 

Gavin Williams said 'we owe it to children'


Let's go through the tories attitude to schools...


Sure Start gone....tick


stagnant wages...tick

free school dinners gone..... tick

Student debt tripled ....tick

Private schools classed as a charity pay no tax ...tick

State schools pay the tax...tick 

State schools opening 1st of June,, the plebs can go back to work...tick

Private schools, not opening....tick






I think a bit of context is due here, Piers Corbyn is as mad as a box of frogs and I'm sure Tommy is right, I have a mad aunt 


Can I just say; Piers Corbyn speaks for Piers Corbyn and only Piers Corbyn. ...Every family has a Piers I'm sure πŸ™„πŸ˜‚

Just to be clear here, I totally agree with you (and Tommy). 


I only mentioned the relationship in passing partly FYI, but also because I'm sort-of glad that Jeremy is no longer leader of the Labour Party. I guarantee that if he was still leader, Piers' actions would be held against him, and - by extension - the Labour Party... 

Eugene's Lair
@Baz posted:

I haven’t watched even one of them Machel 

It was the bbc news, a former Supreme Court judge, he doesn’t agree with any of the lockdown, people should be responsible for there own actions and if he wants to go to the theatre he should, those that have died from the virus would have died soon anyway!  πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬

@machel posted:

It was the bbc news, a former Supreme Court judge, he doesn’t agree with any of the lockdown, people should be responsible for there own actions and if he wants to go to the theatre he should, those that have died from the virus would have died soon anyway!  πŸ€¬πŸ€¬πŸ€¬

Turned him off. Shouldn't have been given a voice   


Not proffering this as an excuse for some of the crowded beach scenes in Scotland on Wednesday, but wondering if the reason behind it was the same as the scenes on beaches in England, IE Boris saying you could travel further and go out more?

As far as I can gather, a lot of people, on both sides of the border were not aware that Boris' decree only applied to England.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing

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