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One of the pieces of music on University Challenge was the pizzicato piece from LĆ©o Delibes' ballet Sylvia. You have probably heard it many times over the years even if you didn't know what it was.

Here's a clip from the ballet:

Here's a clip from one of the Marx Brothers' films - Monkey Business with Chico playing it on the piano:


El Loro
Yogi19 posted:

Good evening all 

It has been a rainy and dreich day.

Squiggle, I hope it stayed dry for you 

El, that Brocken spectre is beautiful.šŸ˜

Moonie, Iā€™m keeping everything crossed for the new swans

Summer, I hope you enjoyed your walk and yoga

Aww poor puppy, Iā€™m glad she recovered. 

Fankoo Yogi  

I was up the park earlier today and they both looked fine and feeding 


Crikey! Iā€™m glad that pup was alright, that could have been so much worse. They can eat things so fast that you donā€™t even know theyā€™ve done it  


our walk was good, and we took my friends dog. When I returned her home, Bramble decided to climb on the knee of one of their family and firmly refused to come home with me so Iā€™ve left her there for a sleepover! Funny girl. 

I'm turning in, so very sweet and Swany dreams to you all  

~Sparkling Summer~
~Sparkling Summer~ posted:

Crikey! Iā€™m glad that pup was alright, that could have been so much worse. They can eat things so fast that you donā€™t even know theyā€™ve done it  


our walk was good, and we took my friends dog. When I returned her home, Bramble decided to climb on the knee of one of their family and firmly refused to come home with me so Iā€™ve left her there for a sleepover! Funny girl. 

I'm turning in, so very sweet and Swany dreams to you all  

Miss Bramble is quite a darling  


Yogi19 posted:

 @ Bramble - youā€™ve been dumped for the night 

Iā€™m having an early night, goodnight and sweet dreams, Summer, Moonie and Ros 

Night nite, Sleep well, sweet dreams Yogi, Sweet, Rosss and Miss Bramble   

~Sparkling Summer~ posted:

Good morning a dark, cloudy start here. I hope youā€™re all well and cosy this morning  

lol yes Bramble certainly has character 

I once read somewhere that people with O- blood are most likely to be abducted by aliens! Isnā€™t that a funny thing 

Some people think that those with rhesus negative blood may be descended from aliens - it might be that you read. There's a clip on Youtube about this in an episode of Ancient Aliens but I haven't bothered to watch it as I doubt if that's really credible.

El Loro
~Sparkling Summer~ posted:

Good morning a dark, cloudy start here. I hope youā€™re all well and cosy this morning  

lol yes Bramble certainly has character 

I once read somewhere that people with O- blood are most likely to be abducted by aliens! Isnā€™t that a funny thing 

 Phew, Iā€™m glad my blood group is not O 

Moonie posted:

Well, I have solved the mystery as to how the swan and cygnet got to our pool, they flew there 

I was up the park earlier and saw them both fly from the bottom of the pool to the top, probably 350 to 400 yards in length, at a guess  

So obviously the cygnet can fly after all 

Yay, that all sounds very positive. Iā€™ll update the tiddlers tomorrow 

Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Well, I have solved the mystery as to how the swan and cygnet got to our pool, they flew there 

I was up the park earlier and saw them both fly from the bottom of the pool to the top, probably 350 to 400 yards in length, at a guess  

So obviously the cygnet can fly after all 

Yay, that all sounds very positive. Iā€™ll update the tiddlers tomorrow 


Moonie posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Moonie posted:

Well, I have solved the mystery as to how the swan and cygnet got to our pool, they flew there 

I was up the park earlier and saw them both fly from the bottom of the pool to the top, probably 350 to 400 yards in length, at a guess  

So obviously the cygnet can fly after all 

Yay, that all sounds very positive. Iā€™ll update the tiddlers tomorrow 


Yogi19 posted:
~Sparkling Summer~ posted:

Good morning a dark, cloudy start here. I hope youā€™re all well and cosy this morning  

lol yes Bramble certainly has character 

I once read somewhere that people with O- blood are most likely to be abducted by aliens! Isnā€™t that a funny thing 

 Phew, Iā€™m glad my blood group is not O 

mine is

Rocking Ros Rose

Good morning everyone 

Very wet and windy weather.

I went to a very nice physio this morning. She says it is sciatica and the pain is quite severe/deep. My hips and lower back are also tight.
I've got to take the maximum dose of paracetamol (my digestive system canā€™t tolerate strong painkillers) and keep using the Ibuleve gel and hot water bottle and she has given me a series of exercises to do three times a day.
If it doesn't ease off in a couple of weeks or it gets worse, I've to go back.

Tiddlers coming after school and nursery - MrY will pick them up.

Have a good day, all


Good morning everyone  

Cold, wet and very windy here 


Hi squiggle 
Fankoo Sweet 

El, I havenā€™t enjoyed Death in Paradise since the first series with Ben Miller.

Yogi, I trust the physio will help make your sciatica much better very soon 

It will be nice for you to see the little ones 


Have a nice day everyone 


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