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The market research company Populus company rang me just now wanting my views on software for accountants. They are a legitimate company and said they weren't trying to sell me anything. That would be true but I didn't feel like answering and ended the call. What I don't know is who were they carrying out the researcg for. If it's one of the accountancy bodies or magazines/websites that would be fine but if they were doing it for a software company, that wouldn't be so good.

El Loro

Had one of those "Microsoft" phone calls. Nothing unusual about that though they have changed their phone systems so that no phone number or withheld sign appears on the caller display. Clearly intended to make it impossible to bar them from repeat calling you and making it harder for the authorities to track them down.

El Loro
~Sweet Summer~ posted:

Good afternoon it's been super busy here but the weather is gorgeous and I'm now having a cuppa outside 

all is going well with my friends staying here, they're having a lovely time  


i hope youre all well and having a good day

I'm glad your visitors have had good weather and enjoying their visit.


This Radio 4 drama on Saturday at 14.30 (1 hour long) looks rather interesting.

It's called Tolkien in Love.


John Ronald Reuel Tolkien and Edith Mary Bratt first met in 1908. They were both orphans living in a boarding house in Birmingham. Despite the difference in their ages and religions - she was 19 and Protestant,he was 16 and Catholic - they fell in love.


When Ronald's guardian, Father Francis Xavier Morgan, found out, he forbade him to see Edith again until he came of age at 21. Ronald reluctantly obeyed and later left the city after winning an exhibition to Oxford. Edith went to live in Cheltenham. At midnight on the night he turned 21, Ronald wrote to Edith declaring his undying feelings. Unfortunately, in the intervening years, she had got engaged to someone else. He raced to her in Cheltenham, they walked through the countryside and Ronald had one chance to win Edith's heart.


Their love was the inspiration for the Beren and Luthien story at the heart of Tolkien's novel The Silmarillion.


Starring Will Merrick (Skins, The Rack Pack) as Ronald and Claudia Jessie (Line Of Duty, Their Finest) as Edith. Tolkien In Love is based on real events and written by Sean Grundy, whose previous work for Radio 4 has been Sony and Tinniswood Award nominated.

El Loro

Good morning everyone


Sunny here, there may be showers later and becoming windy.


The solar eclipse on Monday will hardly be noticeable in the UK (approx 7.35 pm) as the moon will cover just 4% of the sun so no effect on the brightness of the sun - so don't be tempted to look out at the sun.


I hope everyone has a good day

El Loro

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